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Sam is missing

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So sorry Kristen to hear Sam is missing, and am sending best wishes and lotsa mojo for his speedy return.

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Nope no news and for some reason the gas well is silent today. No workers at all.


Still hoping to find my little guy but not gonna hold my breath, or I might be blue.


The more I think about it the more I know it was human involvement one way or another. The brother to my landlord lives down on the corner. He is not happy with me at all. He's mentioned in one of his rants that he will make sure I'm miserable here. I took it as uncontroled ranting, which I can't blame him for, I am destroying, in his mind, his palace of junk. I know my husband would be the same way if someone came into his palace and started throwing away his treasures. But I also think he's a good guy and he was just out of control. Plus his cattle will be back here in the fall, I'm sure he doesn't want to make me mad either. Not that I could ever do anything but how does he know that. Plus, plus I think he'd have gotten all my dogs or one or 2 way sooner than Sam disappeared. So I'm praying it's not dirty work from him. Plus plus plus....he's right in the middle of haying, he works full time then hays in the evening and on weekends, so he's not loaded with free time to prowl around looking for dirty work to do.


So...keep sending MOJO and I'll keep you posted. THanks for all the well wishes and board mojo

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Oh I so hope Sam comes home soon. Sending all the good vibes I can across the ocean.

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Oh, no... Here's some more mojo. There's just nothing worse than a missing dog. My coonhound boy Bo went missing for almost a week when he was younger and finally got back to us only because all our dogs wear collars with a "call collect" tag. He was down to bones. He disappeared for about three hours last fall, and we were both terrified that he'd gone off and had a heart attack somewhere out in the woods... but he'd just followed his nose off on a (blessedly short) adventure.


Praying you get your boy back safe and healthy!!

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I'd been hoping for some news by the morning :rolleyes:. Sending mojo. I only ever lost Kessie for half an hour or so, but it was a horrible place to be in mentally. I can't imagine what it must be like to be there for days.

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No news, No Sam. Still praying for a safe return.


Thanks for all your well wishes and mojo. Let's hope it's not to late for miracles. Or at least he's in a new home making someone else smile. Anything else is just to sad to think about.

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So I need some advise or just to bounce things off people less connected than me


DH works with some ex-cops at the college that he works for. He was telling the story of Sam and how we really feel like he was "taken" not lost or killed.

The excop that he was talking to strongly suggested that we call the local police (where this man happened to work before his job now) and make a report.

I'm not sure what we'd be reporting. My dog went missing Sat. between noon and 5pm. There has been no sightings, no dead dog found and nothing else.


Do I tell them that I "think" he was stolen or taken? Do I just tell them the story which to me would be SOL on me, he was an unregistared puppy that I let run free. Which we all know it's what I have to do with training an LGD but if you put it in perspective to anyother form of dog or puppy raising, I'd be considered a bad dog owner.


Plus, I live in a rural area. I know you are supposed to register your dogs if you live in town but I assume (that being the issue) that since I don't live in town I don't have to reg. the dogs. If I'm wrong, I could be in violation of not reg. the dogs, and if that's the case then I'm also probably in voilation of to many dogs.

So do I take the chance on shining the light on me and the remaining dogs or just let it go and pray that Sam has a good home somewhere. I still hold on to the fact, that he might just show up here in the near future. Which I'm not holding up much hope for but trying.


I'm just torn. I really don't think at this point someone "stole" him on purpose but I'm a good hearted person who has a hard time believing there are really people out there that would steal a dog. I'd rather think that someone was doing a supposed good deed and took in a stray.


What to do???

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