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Jin hospitalized.

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Like everyone I have been checking in to hear the latest news.

I am so happy that Jin is on the road to recovery.

The picture is so touching, she is barely keeping her eyes open.

The good vibes will continue to cross the Atlantic and Meg sends get well Woofs to Jin.

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What a beautiful face Jin has! He looks strong though and he'll be home soon and you'll have a foot warmer in bed again.

Speedy recovery wishes from us to all of you,

Ailsa & Skye

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Oh my, I don't know what to say. I didn't expect such an outpouring of love and caring from what is tantamount to a group of people who are total strangers. But you're not (strangers), are you? I feel very fortunate that something special happened to my life when Jin came to live with us. It wasn't just Jin coming here it was my finding this forum and the people on it. I was floored last night to find several of you had been checking throughout the day for about news of Jin and how worried you all were. I'm sorry, had I known I would have taken the effort to make an earlier post to keep you informed. That is something I shall not do again.


On the other hand all of you have presented me with a problem. Who am I going to be rude and curmudgeon like to now? I mean professionally I'm supposed to be "DeRanger" Steve outdoorsman, adventure guide and all around tough guy (not my words) so now what?


Hopefully Jin will be hopfully before noon. I shall post as soon as I can on that subject.



Ja~ne (it means I'll see/talk to you later)

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Of course we have all been checking this tread for news of Jin. This isn't just a forum; it's a community. Heck, even my kids (adults) are all sending prayers and positive energy. And wanting to know how things are going.


And don't worry, you can be rude and curmudgeonly to us when it's necessary. That's what friends are for.

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I was a little embarrassed to admit it, but I was one of the crowd checking every couple of minutes. And no, we're not strangers, if we all have that common bond, and you know what it is. I painted Jin's picture the day he got sick. I really feel a special bond with him. I feel like I know every little part of his face.




P.S. If you need to have curmudgeon for someone, you can use me. I love to give stuff like that back, but only if it's given first.


And for Pete's sake, don't forget to open the door when he growls at you. Does he have to spell it out?



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This is such great news! I am so happy for you and Jin. Tell the doc we're calling off the whupping party since she has made sure Jin is getting better and with the best care. :rolleyes::D And don't worry about being rude or a curmudgeon. With menoposal spinsters, anything could be seen as rude! :D


All the best to you and Jin. :D

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But no. I spoke this morning without having an early report. Only what I had from last night. He's not doing as well this morning. Dr. Teri said he threw up his dinner, only a tablespoon, and had a loose bowel, not diarrhea but not a lump either. Judi said he was kind of mopy but was happy to see her. Dr Teri said that's a good sign. I'll be able to see him around noon so I'm going to head over that way shortly.

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Hi Steve,

Glad to hear Jin is recouping nicely. I had two pups last year come down with parvo. Sadly one didnt make it, but Hank did, and he hasnt looked back and is strong and doing well. He is almost 11 months now and starting to work. Being so sick and at deaths door seems to have given him a wonderful out look on life and he treats every day as if it the greatest day ever and is quite the character. I hope Jin bounces back with the same zest and zeal for life that being so sick and being blessed with the opportunity for another chance has given Hank.



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Sorry Steve,we were posting at the same time. Still we wiill keep you and your family and Jin in our thoughts and prayers. Mind you, it took 5 days and home once and back to the vets for another 24 hour stay until Hank was finally in the clear. Be patient, they say they get worse before they get better.

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I'm hoping that as Darci says, Jin is just going through a down stage before perking back up again and setting out on the road to recovery. I'm keeping you, Judi, and Jin in my throughts and prayers. I know how scary this is for you, and I'm hoping the the famous BC Boards mojo once again helps pull a sick dog through. Hang in there, Jin.



P.S. We may all get cranky with one another at times, but in the end we all say the things we say here because we love the dogs, so of course we'd pull together for the special dog that's Jin.

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Continuing the prayers and good thoughts for Jin. Our Lab got a bit worse before he headed back in the right direction also. I'm sure Dr. Teri already told you, but everything he came into contact with has to be disinfected.


You can be rude and curmudgeonly anytime you need to be. That's the great thing about friends. You can be rude and they will still be there for you.


Esox & Alex

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Don't worry - I'll still think of you as tough and forceful - that is what makes you interesting. Along with that you have an intense love for your dog - that is what makes you lovable. Believe - Jin will get better . Sometimes we don't get our wishes - but until cold facts make them undeniable - believe. Believe that Jin will be hiking through the desert with you. Believe that he will demand your attention to the point it will annoy you. You believe, we all will believe - and send only good mojo your way. BELIEVE THAT JIN WILL GET BETTER.

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On the other hand all of you have presented me with a problem. Who am I going to be rude and curmudgeon like to now? I mean professionally I'm supposed to be "DeRanger" Steve outdoorsman, adventure guide and all around tough guy (not my words) so now what?


Your secret is safe with us Steve! :rolleyes:


Hang in there!


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But no. I spoke this morning without having an early report. Only what I had from last night. He's not doing as well this morning. Dr. Teri said he threw up his dinner, only a tablespoon, and had a loose bowel, not diarrhea but not a lump either. Judi said he was kind of mopy but was happy to see her. Dr Teri said that's a good sign. I'll be able to see him around noon so I'm going to head over that way shortly.

Hey tough guy, whenever any dog here gets sick, its a family affair :rolleyes:

Sounds like you're all playing the waiting game now. As others have said, this appears to be a bit of a drawn-out process, but don't lose heart. We're all doing our best to pull for little Jin.

Ailsa & Skye

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Hey tough guy, whenever any dog here gets sick, its a family affair :rolleyes:


I agree. You're just a Frosted Mini-Wheats kinda guy. Tough and grainy on one side, but sugar-coated on the other!


Continued prayers and healing energy for Jin. I, for some odd reason, had to get out of bed around midnight to check the boards to see if there was an update. May both you and Jin be buoyed by all the love and prayers.

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I Just lost a post. WTF??????????????


I saw Jin at noon and he is still a sick puppy. His blood tests were fine and his temp was normal. Dr Teri thinks he had a small relaps and is going to need a couple of more days. He is alert when people walk into the isolation room and apparently he has more than a few visitors among the staff. He's a too too sexy dog among the female staff. I'm going to have to change his name to Paparazzi or Rock Stud: Superstar or something like that. I printed the thread out this morning and it's hanging on his cage as a get well. A couple of people looked at it and said they had never seen a dog with this kind of a following so I think he may get some extra care. I'll see him again this evening about 6:30 when I go out. Maybe another post later tonight or in the morning.

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I printed the thread out this morning and it's hanging on his cage as a get well. A couple of people looked at it and said they had never seen a dog with this kind of a following so I think he may get some extra care.


It's the cold-hearted nature of the forum. :rolleyes:


Hope he's home sooner rather than later.



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