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Welcome, Bob - and let me add my condolences on the loss of your father, and congratulations on your new 'pack' - what a great thing to do.


Yes - guilty - mine are allowed on the bed - but most often now they choose to sleep on their cushion beds on the floor beside my bed. Sometimes they just seem to need a bit more human comfort - and that may be what is happening with your new pack right now.


My take on it is that if the rest of the relationship with the dogs is OK - e.g. they wil get off the bed if and when you ask (if only briefly!) - then dogs on the bed is no problem - except maybe for whoever does the laundry.


There's a saying here for really cold weather - it's going to be a 5 dog night.

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Gracie (my muttly) sleeps between my knees all nite. If I'm on the sofa then Navi sleeps there w/ me..otherwise he goes in his crate. Pache on the otherhand has taken up to sharing my pillow in my bed lately. He makes for a good snuggle partner. If he just wants to lounge during the day he will go get on my bed also. Navi lounges at my feet wherever I am during the day though.


It really depends on what your comfortable w/ and if the dogs don't take sleeping on the bed as a sign of dominance over you I suppose.


But then again, I can't ever recall a dog that I have had that didn't sleep on the bed. It's just always been natural for them to be there next to me.

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Once I established what was important to each dog and what triggered each dogs grumpy moments...we let them on the bed. Tess sleeps with us...probably because she doesn't have a bed to call her own. Keegan sleeps on his own bed but likes to cuddle in the mornings.


I think once you understand the the dynamics of your new pack...you will figure out if letting them on the bed will create a problem or not.

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Welcome, bobII. It's really good to see you sticking around here.


My dogs have always been on the bed - within reason. They frequently get kicked off if they're in my way. (Considering we have two people sleeping in a double-size bed, that's often.) The shepherd is just generally too big to sleep on the bed at night unless one of us is in a ball (usually me, and then I can't move), or unless hubby's at work. Zoe loves to sleep between my hubby's legs. But all my dogs learn that if I say "off", even in the middle of sleep, they get off.

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Hey bob2:D I agree its nice to see you again.


My dog Rivendell sleeps on my bed all the time. Much to my hubbys displeasure. I sleep diagonal more to the middle of the bed, Riven is on one side and DH is on the other side. LOL he keeps waking up between the bed and wall. :rolleyes: He goes "get her off the bed"! lol... So I do, he goes to sleep and she comes back lol and it repeats

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Ouzo comes and "visit" us for short times during the night or very early morning, but mostly he moves his sleeping quarters between his own bed in our bedroom, the livingroom and the two bathrooms Can't seem to be able to stay still even when he's sleeping :rolleyes:

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We have a queen bed with Jackson, Cheyenne and sometimes Sammy! They usually are there to go to sleep but because I am not willing to be a contortionist like DH, they usually find the floor more comfortable after a bit. I have never had a dog exhibit dominance about the bed. Basicaly, it comes down to what you are comfortable with! Oh, and how much pull you have with the dogs if you choose them to not be on the bed! :rolleyes:

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Mine would ALL sleep on the bed if there were room, but it would probably lead to either all-night play wrestling or fights, so I rotate them. I can manage two at a time, max. Otherwise there's no room for ME to sleep, and too much temptation for them.


If yours all sleep nicely together, that's a plus. They've had some disruption, and may need the comfort of the "routine", plus your presence and proximity. If you don't mind and they behave, it doesn't seem like it should be a problem. If one or the other isn't working (they don't behave or you DO mind) then you can transition them to the floor. Usually if I "banish" mine, I wake up to one or more of them on the bed anyway - they just wait 'til I fall asleep and then creep up. :rolleyes:


Glad you're hanging in here with us.

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Mine are not officially allowed on the bed but they more or less alternate waiting for us to fall asleep and then one will end up on the bed somewhere. So, one trick that works wonders, especially in summer, is to snuggle them really close, as close as I can, until they're basically trying to get away from me...because the floor is soooo much cooler! Pretty silly, but i figure if they manipulate me, now and again, turnabout is fair play.


But as long as everyone gets along, there's nothing wrong with a pup or two (or more) on the bed. I grew up with a dog sharing my bed but my husband did not, so I mostly do it for him, even though he's slowly coming around.


Good luck!



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Ours are not allowed on the bed (per husband)but I notice that after Husband goes off to dialysiss at 5 am in the morning, every other day, that when I wake up at 7am Popcorn is lying next to me...lol.


(Pepper is still sleeping in her crate as she is not fully housebroke yet).


Now, my husband found out yesterday about Poppy, but didn't say much.


How could he.... after all when we first got Poppy, isn't he the one that told me, "Popcorn can even sleep on the bed if you want him too..."??

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Welcome bobII!

Mine sleeps on the bed as well, unless it's too warm or too cold there for her. And though many years of amazingly boring school have taught me to sleep in almost ANY position except standing on my head, Kessie still sometimes manages to place herself so that I can absolutely NOT sleep. Therefore we have animated pushing matches sometimes :rolleyes: . Still, I miss her when she sleeps somewhere else.

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Dublin has always been allowedto sleep on my bed. Unfortunately, the cats also sleep on my bed so Dublin gets nervous and only comes up on the bed at bed time and again in the morning for some snuggles. The rest of the time he sleep on the bed in the guest room.


My foster dog, Mick, will sleep on the floor if I tell him to, (as I did the first night) but gets a big dggie grin when I tell him to come up on the bed. He immediately curls up into a tiny ball (I swear he takes up less room than my cats) and goes to sleep. As it was chilly last night I really appreciated his extra warmth.

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Good morning Bob. Our dogs are allowed a few minutes in bed with us each night. Then they have to get down. the puppy goes to her crate & our male BC goes to his blanket beside the bed. Even with a Queen size bed, it can get too crowded some nights. As I do not like anything pinning me down, they have to get down lol




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Hi Bob,

My dogs are allowed on the bed, but in general they don't use that privelege except when the alarm goes off in the morning, when they all seem to want to dive on the bed to say "good morning!" I have learned to be pre-emptive if I plan to hit the snooze, by telling them lie down as soon as the alarm goes off. Sometimes, especially in winter, one or the other (usually Twist or Boy) will get on the bed when I go to bed, but they are never there in the morning. That's probably a good thing, since they have to fight for space with the cats.... In the summer, since I don't use a/c, no one really wants to get on the bed--it's just too hot!



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My crew isn't on the bed. Mostly because DH isn't particularly keen about dogs in bed. However, cats on bed are okay :rolleyes: Actually, Jazz doesn't get along with the cats, so in order to establish peace at night, all the dogs, except for Zachary (he has priveledge) sleep in their dog room. Zachary, is an older guy,..if he needs to go out at night, he can wander down to the bedroom to wake me up.

The dogs don't really mind since they are all allowed on the furniture with us.

Glad to see you here!

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My old Cocker slept in the middle of our king-size bed with us for years. He had his own pillow and slept under the covers. When he died, the old cat moved from the foot of the bed to the dog's place in the middle. I haven't allowed Jack up on the bed because I don't want a cat/dog fight in the middle of the night and because Jack either sleeps on his back with his legs in the air or on his side with one leg kicked up. (Besides, I don't think he could stand Hubby's snoring either). So I usually find him on the floor in the hall or on a chair in the den.

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Good to see you back, Bob!


Your new pack will take some time to sort itself out. You can tell from the posts that there's wide variety.


My 3 - Samantha, the 11 yr old and the one I've had the longest, has never lilked to sleep on the bed with me, even when she was an only dog. Sometimes, on very cold winter nights, I'd find her snuggled up next to me, but only then.


Shoshone doesn't generally like closeness at all. If she asks to be petted 2x/week, that's normal. She was very badly treated for a long time, and had no 'good' human contact for a couple years, so I think that's why.


Buzz is my velcro boy. He sleeps all but the warmest nights on the bed, and spends at least a part of each night snuggled up. If I've been away, or he's feeling stressed for whatever reason, he'll snuggle the whole night, just to be close. He's also the one who follows me from room to room.


Ruth n the BC3

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