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Register your pets with the city/county?


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Same here. I'm outside of town so it's not required here either.


We do give out city tags at the shelter I work at and a fair amount of people do register them.

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Guest WoobiesMom

With my other pet (deceased), I did the first year, then the place where I did it closed and I never pursued it for the remaining 9 years of his life.


With Woobie I did (4 months after I got him) and will try to remember to in coming years. My county is pretty stupid though, they have all my info, I never moved and they couldn't even send me a renewal in the mail. They don't even remind me when it's expiring. I have to drive 30 minutes to the county gov't center and stand in line with all other county business to renew. There are pet stores where you can do it, but none close by.


See why I didn't before?

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Guest Freckles LaLa Mom

In Riverside county, animal control goes Door to Door and issues citations to those who dont license their dogs. For twelve bucks a year, I'll save the headache of a ticket and a court date.

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nope. I have no desire to tell the city how many dogs I have and their breeds, if restrctions ever came into play, the last thing I would want is the city knowing exactly what I have and being able to just walk up to my house and walk away with my babies. Electra is registered with the city, but only because it was required to go for her CGN. $15 a year times 6 dogs, plus $40 a year for Electra(intact/showdog), thats $130 a year that is better spent on my pets actual CARE. nobody checks here anyway, I was actually pulled over my animal control recently(I was walking my dogs, they pulled over to talk to me as they had a report of a missing BC, and they saw me walking 2 BCs) they could have asked to see proof of their licences at any time, but they didnt. the only conciquence here for not haveing a licence, is that if your dog is picked up by the HS, and they dont have a licence, then you pay a fine. however if you find a dog the HS encourages you to hold onto it while they find the owners, and if you are conected with your pet that way, then their is no consiquence whatsoever lol

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We live in Los Angeles proper, where both my dogs have licenses with the city, and are microchipped with AVID. I had the microchips implanted at our local shelter (about 1/3 the cost of having it done at a private vet). As far as I understand it, all of the licensing money goes to support the severely overburdened Los Angeles shelter system, so I view the yearly cost of the licenses (only $30 for two dogs) as my small donation to a great cause (helping homeless shelter animals). They send annual renewal notices in the mail well in advance of the expiration dates, so it is pretty easy to keep the tags current. Plus, I feel more assured that if either dog ever gets lost (and then found), they will be returned much more quickly if they have official tags, and thus are traceable via the citywide shelter computer database, which records the microchip numbers with the license tag numbers, my name, and home address/phone. I also never have to worry about getting citations! :rolleyes:

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Yes, all 3 of mine have City of Vancouver licenses (which I assume is what you mean by 'register with the city'). I think it's $35 per dog per year (mine are neutered), and the money goes towards helping Animal Control house lost and abandoned dogs (I don't think they do cats). Aside from being the law, I know that when I lost Wick, the Animal Control people were very helpful and provided a lot of support and ideas.


Mine also have their names and my cell phone # embroidered on their collars, they are microchipped (the dogs, not the collars!), they wear their current rabies tags, two have tattoos, and I have Lost Dog posters for all 3 in my van at all times. Yes, I am paranoid!

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All three of my dogs are registered. Mostly because I frequent the dog park and could be fined if a county official chooses to inquire about their registration. I did pay the $40 for River the first year because she was not yet spayed, but got to do the $15 this year because she now is.


If nothing else, I hope my fees go to funds causes like helping take wandering pets off the streets by 'the dog catcher'. :rolleyes:

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Inu, why do you ask ?

When I got Dylan I had to register him with the city and I got a tag for him which lasts until he dies. And when he does die I have to tell them. I don't know if that is the same as "registering". I just thought of it as a dog license, which is what we have in the UK too.( Or we did all that long time ago when I was there. ) I can't remember how much it cost - not a lot. And I would never think of not doing it.

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We license our dogs yearly. It's the law in Pa. Nobody has ever checked, but since we travel with our dogs a few times a year and I take some of them to competitions and such, I like to be covered just in case any questions ever arose and someone decided to check.

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I work at the Humane Society, so I license Maggie - would be no good to set a bad example lol. Spayed/Neutered animals are $6 and intacts are $12, so it's inexpensive enough.

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The discussion came up among dog owners yesterday. I was downloading registration info off city site for Cooper since he just had his shots. While searching, I saw a few other sites to register (not the city but county as well as community) which I never noticed before. With the city, it cost $10 annually for desexed pets,$50 for intact ones. I know many who have multiple (5-15dogs! and some intact) and wondered if they ever regiester. I don't think a lot of people around here bother to since they have rabies tags.

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I went down to the county once to get licenses and they asked me to prove someone was spayed.


The problem was she was an adult and had been spayed ten years back and I didn't have a reciept for it. The difference in cost between registering a spayed dog and an unspayed dog was inconsequential but she was so obnoxious and I was so irritated I never went back to finish it up.


I do not deal well with administrivia.


If they ever get picked up I'll pay the damned fine.

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I have never done so. The biggest problem in our county is that if you don't register them within 30 days of getting them, you are assessed a huge fine. I only realized last year that it is required in our county. If I was to go and register them now, they will charge me the fine. I figure all they'll do if they catch me is charge me the same fine. Plus, I really don't like them knowing how many and what kind of dogs I have and our animal control office is very poorly run and I have know interest in funding it in any way. Until very recently, they were selling dogs to research after only a few days.

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I do....it's required and the cost for a spayed dog is only $5. Good thing I do, as about two years ago, Lacee was attacked and wounded by a neighbor dog that got out of their yard. The police wanted to see both of our dog licenses. I had one, my neighbor did not. She got fined and was required to pay my vet bill since her dog was not on a leash.

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I license my pack...it's only 4 bucks a dog. Our vet doesn't give rabies tags...you have to sendthe certificate to the county to get the tag/licence. I have a table on my porch that I glue the old tags on. I can't get a kennel license here because I don't have a "kennel" or breed the dogs...I'm just happy not to have to hide the fact that I like to have multiple pets!!! I was outside the limit in my old county.

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I don't license mine. I am philosophically opposed to the licensing process, as I don't like giving the government money every year just so they know how many dogs I have. Plus, I have more than I am allowed to have, and they would know that if they knew who I was and where I lived.


Having said that, though ... those who work at Animal Control know exactly how many dogs I have and studiously ignore it, because of the rescue work I do and the relationship I have with them. So while AC may require licensing, the AC workers do not, when it comes to me. But my biggest pet peeve is that years ago I was forced to license RD when I took in my first foster from AC, who also had to be licensed when removed from the shelter. For two years thereafter, they insisted I license RD but kept applying it to the foster dog, who lives in Washington. So his information never got recorded and I was paying them money for their incompetence. I moved, did not renew my license and have never done so since.


My dogs are all chipped, all tattooed, never outside without me and will likely never end up in Animal Control. I am not a burden to the system, so I choose to live outside of it. I'm an outlaw!!


ETA: Patty Abel - I just noticed your signature: Max, Birthday Bob, Red Dog, Bert, Donald, Gael and Seann.


Did you steal my dog??? :rolleyes:



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So much depends on where you live , if there is liscensing, the consequences etc.


The SD in my county would not respond to a neighborhood dog attacking another... The county has

problems enough with any 'organized' fighting, livestock on the road etc. Since the county has no

animal control and law enforcement has a lot of ground to cover...even if there were requirements (registration) ,

there is no way to enforce them.


The alternative in cases of animal neglect and abuse is to request Houston SPCA. Y'all remember a while

back the seizure of around 200 pitties? Yep, Liberty county...

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