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It's a puppy.

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Yep. Two puppies arrived today. The two survivors from a litter of three. One of the puppies is now with my friend, Teresa, who adopted an older (approx 12 years old) dog about a month ago.


Annnnnd, the other little sucker is here. She's tiny, but I guess about as big as Recon was when I got her, and Recon was 7 weeks old. However, she didn't appear to know how to eat the kibble I put in front of her. Sooo, I made a puppy mash and she liked that. Washed, de-flee'd, cuddled, fed...am I missing anything?


I'm taking her to the vet on Monday to get checked over, get shots, get poked, etc. She looks healthy enough, but her right eye is concerning me. The people who brought the puppies to me thought they'd be helpful and bathe her - I'm hoping they just got soap in her eye and or it's something else minor. It doesn't seem to be bothering her, so for now I'll just use a saline wash on it and watch her.


Any.way. Here:






Yay for puppies.


No, I am not keeping her. She's cute, though. That whole one blue eye one brown eye thing is just...cute.

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Which other dog? I have so much dog drama in the past few weeks that my mind is frazzled. Here's a brief update on everyone:


The friend who was searching for a BC adopted one from a humane society in Mobile, Alabama. 12-ish year old older girl, 'cause she didn't want a puppy. That same friend took one of the two puppies I just took in from this wonderful BYB who was threatening to drown them.


Combat, my dog, is still with my ex-husband. I have discovered, since that post, that the ex has in fact taken Combat to the vet and he was negative for Heartworm. He was trying to be a donkey about things and make me freak out. He succeeded. I do have a faxed copy from the veterinarian of the test results. I demanded that he do that for me.


Things are calming down. Slowly but surely.

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I'm glad they're ok. She so cute, I love puppies. Her right eye looks kind of red and runny. Maybe they did just get soap in it. They can't be to careful if they were going to kill them anyway. Her nose is cool. I wish I could take her. She looks like a great dog. Keep me updated.

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Any idea of an age on these pups? Your pic makes the one you ahve look very young. If they are young, vaccines would prob not be a good idea, especially if there are other health issues going on, so that might be somethign to keep in mind. Either way she sure is a cutie!

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OMG....she is going to be stunning. Hmmm how to convince DH that once you have two it is only a small leap to 3????


I hope her eye is okay, it does look uncomfortable to some degree.



Hope she gets a clean bill of health....keep us updated.

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-WHY- does anyone ever want a puppy?!? We now know not to scream in the crate - that was exciting. She has -no- bite inhibition. She's WILD, incredibly wild. Did I mention she has no bite inhibition?


She's into everything. Needle sharp little teeth. She has to go outside every 2 minutes.


Anyway. I washed her eye out several times last night and today it seems much, much better.


As for the shots, she'll only be getting those if the vet thinks she's old enough and ready for it.


Really, I don't know how old she is. I got several different stories from the people involved. She might be 5 weeks old, maybe. I discovered this morning that she can rather easily eat dry kibble. (That's those needle-sharp teeth.)


I think she'll be ok. Now. Whether or not I will survive the week that she's here - oh boy.

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She looks at least 5 weeks to me. I'd say she's a week or two older, though. Their muzzle usually isn't elongated and defined like that at 5 weeks, in my (limited) experience.


She is a BEAUTIFUL puppy! Though I agree, puppies make us appreciate what we take for granted in our adult dogs.

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Someone wanted a side view. So I caught her while she was napping...which is the only time she's -still-:



Wow! Thank you. She's beautiful. I'm glad her eye is getting better.

By the way, she matches the carpet. :rolleyes:

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At 5 weeks Dazzle's muzzle was maybe only like an inch long. I think more like 6 weeks, maybe even 7. but that is only going by muzzle length!


Good luck with those little teeth. :rolleyes:

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