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O/T Now this is weird!

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Hey y'all! Well, I don't know the why, but figured out the how! I haven't been able to log onto boards cuz everytime it would come up with msg. that the board was down for maint. an to try back later! I talked to Sheryl an she said she had no prob an everyone else was able to post! So, everyday I am fooling with stupid puter, and puter keeps winning! So, this morning, out of frustration, I click on the the thing up in right side where it said "border collie boards>>FYI", and just clicked on the border collie boards, and, BAM! (as Emiril would say :rolleyes: )here I am! I tried it several times and it worked each time! So, like I said, I know HOW to fix it, but still don't know WHY! I am sure puter is possesed, but no one else believes me! So, I will spend morning catching up! Glad I made it back! I have really missed y'all!


Thanks Sheryl for keeping me up to date! :D

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I had the same problem and realized it was my bookmark that had me accessing the board through the Heatherweb site. When I went through the USBCC website to get to the boards I never had a problem. So I'm guessing the problem is with one of Heather's servers, which is why you and I (and others) were getting that message (and still are--I tried going through the Heatherweb address yesterday and got the "maintenance" message). I just deleted that bookmark and bookmarked the address from the USBCC site and have had no more problems.



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Glad to have you back! I've been wondering how you were managing. Are you drinking lots of milk? :rolleyes: and I'm sure you've had lots of time to teach all those smart pups of yours all the ways they can be helpful around the house :D

I hope your possessed computer behaves itself now!

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Hey y'all! Thanks so much for welcome back! Yesterday was my 3rd day at the torture chamber AKA therapy! According to my torturer, I am doing swell! Mon. I got a bit of revenge! She had me working with a pole to start stretching my arm and while she was bending down at the next table I bonked her in the head! I swear it was an accident! But I do admit a certain satisfaction! :rolleyes: It does feel good to see progress in how much I can move my arm now. Pain ain't so bad during the day, but nights are still a prob. Will be happy when I can sleep straight through the night! I have started taking dogs back down to the woods. Boy howdy are they happy! The first time I returned to scene of the crime, I told Lonny and he wanted to know if I kicked the stump. I said, are you serious? It already knocked me on my a$$, I wasn't gonna let it break my toe too! Most of the swelling has gone down, the wound has healed and the showers are a blessed relief! This weekend when Lonny is home I am gonna soak in tub! I go back to torture chamber tomorrow. She thinks I will be done by end of Dec.. I am gonna throw a party! All is welcome! Thanks agan y'all! Good to be back!

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Mon. I got a bit of revenge! She had me working with a pole to start stretching my arm and while she was bending down at the next table I bonked her in the head! I swear it was an accident!
Of course it was. :rolleyes: We believe you!


Good to hear from you, and that you're making progress.


Gotta love computers - I really hate it when they do stuff that doesn't make sense - although I guess Julie's explanation means that the computer was actually right again, darn it.

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Hey, I'm glad to hear that your back! I missed seeing you on here.


I hope your arm is getting better. Glad to hear you put her in her place! :rolleyes:

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and while she was bending down at the next table I bonked her in the head! I swear it was an accident!
:rolleyes: Good to have you back!!


And I love it when an evil-minded computer is finally defeated. Music to my ears!

Not letting you get to the boards when you're tied down like that! That's much worse than anything mine's ever cooked up...maybe I shouldn't type this, might give its ambitions a wake-up shake this way :D .


Hope the arm gets better quickly!

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I got a bit of revenge! She had me working with a pole to start stretching my arm and while she was bending down at the next table I bonked her in the head! I swear it was an accident! But I do admit a certain satisfaction!
LOL! still laughing from the image that put in my head! how funny... Welcome Back Dixie Girl!
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