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Quirky things your border collies do....?

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Every morning after he comes in from his morning pee he runs upstairs goes to his toy box takes out each toy takes it to his bed plays with it for bit then goes to get the next toy. He then takes them more or less back to his toybox . It's like he needs to be reassured they are all still there and making them his again. weird????



When he's playing with his toys he will bring them to me literally toss them at me to put them on my feet, walk backwards a few steps sit then look at me... as if saying well throw the toy.. com'on mom throw the toy....... PUHLEEEEEASE throw the toy!!! I don't throw the toy in the house as he's a very obsessive dog and the game would never end.. tossing toys is for outdoor play only...


Any stuffed toys.. they have to lose thier eyes... it seems to be a must!, then anything such as noses, ears, tails, tags and ulitmately any stuffing must go.... I have rather sad looking pile of eyeles, earless, noseless and disemboweled stuffed toys...


He is very vocal when playing with his toys like he is talking to them.


He is also fairly generous with them as he often brings them over to the cats ( usually dumping them on top of them) inviting them to play hehehe needless to say the cats decline... and I am guessing it's in less than polite terms given the somewhat less than pleased sounds coming out of them hehehe..



Anyone else out there have a pup with weird habits?

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When we are playing ball outside, if Dean notices another ball on the ground as he is running by, he MUST stop and switch them. He never goes and seeks a different ball, this only happens when he happens to notice one lying in the grass. It's very much a Dean Dog quirk.

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When we are playing ball outside, if Dean notices another ball on the ground as he is running by, he MUST stop and switch them. He never goes and seeks a different ball, this only happens when he happens to notice one lying in the grass. It's very much a Dean Dog quirk.


Lok will do the same thing with a frisbee, though he usually stops, drops what's in his mouth, picks up the one on the ground, goes back and forth between them indecisively for a minute, then picks up the one he had originally and finishes bringing it to me. Pretty funny!

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Lok will do the same thing with a frisbee, though he usually stops, drops what's in his mouth, picks up the one on the ground, goes back and forth between them indecisively for a minute, then picks up the one he had originally and finishes bringing it to me. Pretty funny!


Speedy will do that sometimes - the back and forth thing and usually end up returning with the original toy, but Dean always does a lightning fast swap and goes on with the different ball as if that was the correct one all along!!

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He is very vocal when playing with his toys like he is talking to them.


He is also fairly generous with them as he often brings them over to the cats ( usually dumping them on top of them) inviting them to play hehehe needless to say the cats decline... and I am guessing it's in less than polite terms given the somewhat less than pleased sounds coming out of them hehehe..

Anyone else out there have a pup with weird habits?


Odin does both of these. He throws toys at other dogs too, it kills me.


Our cats won't do much with a ball but they will go for string or a tug. Odin modulates his tugging to not pull them too hard. He dangles a string for them, but has to be careful there and he knows it. When I first started dating DH, I learned I couldn't wear "danglies" meaning drawstrings for hoods or pants, shoelaces that were too long, long earings or necklaces, no swingy ponytails etc. He's 8 now and much better than he was at 2 and had just been adopted, but Odin still only plays that game with Lobo now.


I keep toys up from him unless we're playing and therefore he has started making toys out of natural materials when I don't have a ball. His favorite "balls" are oak galls. He also likes to flip long acorns around, or step on two with his front feet and use his back feet to slide forward over a smooth surface like concrete. Odin loves valley oak (Quercus lobata) based materials the best. VO is the big acorn in the middle.





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Of all of our dogs, only Dean will jump into a bathtub (that's kind of an anti-quirk!).


Our smaller bathroom is directly across from the computer room, so when we throw balls while on the computer, they go into that bathroom. Usually the ball lands on the floor, but if a ball lands in the tub, Speedy will stare at it for a while. Then he will start to paw at the tub. Finally, he starts to give a short, high pitched bark. He will not, under any circumstances, get into the tub to get it.


When Dean came along, we obtained a handy solution to this. I would tell Dean to "getit!" and he would run over, jump in the tub, rescue the ball and return it to the human at the computer and all would be well with Speedy as the game resumed.


The other day my husband was on the computer, and was playing ball with Speedy. Dean was with me in the living room where I was watching TV on the futon. Suddenly I heard Speedy's high pitched "my ball is in the tub - HELP!" bark. Dean, without being told, immediately ran across the house, jumped into the tub, got the ball, gave it to my husband, and then returned to the living room and joined me where he had been on the futon.


I guess this isn't a quirk, but it's definitely something that's unique to him.

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When I get home from work, Senneca gets very excited, so I put her in a down stay while I go up and change clothes. Once I come down, I release her and we greet each other properly. Now the odd thing is that after a moment, she will suddenly run off and grab one of her stuffed toys, move it to some corner and then come back and we continue. It's as if she suddenly remembers that she must put it "safe".

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Now the odd thing is that after a moment, she will suddenly run off and grab one of her stuffed toys, move it to some corner and then come back and we continue. It's as if she suddenly remembers that she must put it "safe".


Ha! I like that!


That reminds me of another Dean quirk. Whenever someone comes home, he greets everyone, not just the person who just showed up. So if my husband comes home, Dean greets both of us! Or if my friend comes over, Dean greets both of us!


He's such a love!

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Oh and one more thing that Senneca has begun to do recently. Since we got her, I have pounded into her head that she sit at each and every curb -- regardless of whether there is traffic or no. So now she has figured out how to use that back on me. When she wants to cross the road, she stops, turns to face the opposite side and sits -- with a big smirk -- to say "let's cross here".

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When I play ball outside with Annie (I use a lacrosse stick to throw a soft squeaky ball), Annie will drop the ball back into the lacrosse stick basket. But when DW plays with her, she will not drop the ball into the basket; instead, she drops it at DW's feet. (I guess Annie figures that DW is easier to train than I am...)


Also, when we play (soft) frisbee in the house, Annie will bring the frisbee to us. But she will not let go of the frisbee until she gets the "Drop it!" command from DW, while with me she drops it and takes off. Strange...


Finally, there is a grassy median (well, at the moment, snowy) between the sidewalk and the street in front of our house; this is where Annie relieves herself (and I pick it up immediately). If a car goes by, she will not bark or run out into the street; but she will race the car on this strip to the edge of our property line, then come back. (At first, I thought this was funny; but the more I think about it, the more I am starting to discourage her from doing it.)


As far as walking in our suburban neighborhood, Annie has it down pat. We come to a crossing, and she stops while I check for traffic; she will not cross the street until I say "Okay." (One time, I didn't see a car coming and said "Okay"; Annie would not move until the car had gone by.)

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Usher just got a "Jolly Ball" and he's still trying to figure why in the world someone would put a handle on a ball? Balls do not come with handles. Tennis balls have no handles, racket balls have no handles, soccer balls don't either. What is this strange thing? He's getting the hang of it and I have figured out that it is definitely and "outside toy" It's not as big as Ouzo's, one size smaller is all they had.


Usher is only vocal when playing with his Christmas tree. For some reason, this thin plastic has lasted beyond other toys. Plus- most dogs like to roll on "stinky stuff". Mine prefers a clean dyer sheet- bounce is his fav- he will roll on that for about 15 minutes. Yep, he's an odd ball.


These stories are so cute- keep them up!!!

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When we are playing ball outside, if Dean notices another ball on the ground as he is running by, he MUST stop and switch them. He never goes and seeks a different ball, this only happens when he happens to notice one lying in the grass. It's very much a Dean Dog quirk.


Blaze does this, too. Pretty funny to watch. Or if there are two balls and he wants both he will lie down, and stare. . .back and forth, back and forth. :rolleyes:

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OK, here's one. Speedy has his own special ritual when the coffee grinder is being run. He finds a ball and hunkers down with and chaws on it.


Here's a video!


Excuse the barking in the background. Dean hadn't learned to play yet (now he has his own ritual) and didn't quite know what to do with himself.




He also has a ritual that he does with toys in the water. He could go on and on and on and on with this . . .



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Any stuffed toys.. they have to lose thier eyes... it seems to be a must!, then anything such as noses, ears, tails, tags and ulitmately any stuffing must go.... I have rather sad looking pile of eyeles, earless, noseless and disemboweled stuffed toys...


First of all, I didn't know these were weird habits...they all sound like normal BC things to me! :rolleyes:


I was actually gonna start a thread on how I bought so many wonderful stuffed animal dog toys for Christmas and they lasted through Christmas evening. Mine also chews off attachments, and then rips them open and rips out the stuffing. It looks like it snowed in my living room tonight! And finding the squeaker is like finding the prize in the Cracker Jack Box. :D


So my question is (hijacking a little, here)..does everyone's dogs do this? Why buy these toys? I guess if you bought them and they didn't rip them apart, what would they do with them?


I finally got smart and I re-stuff them, so they can enjoy ripping it out again and again without buying new ones.


Rope toys don't seem to last long, either.


The favorite is a giant "tennis ball" on a cloth handle, which mine grabs by the handle and twirls in circles with it, growling and having a wonderful time...until she konks herself with it...then it hurts!

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My new dog Kit has many wierd habits and quirks, although really for a BC she is not all that idiocyncratic, I think. One that I love is that after she eats anything, she has to run into the living room and furiously wipe her face all over the carpet. Sometimes she even flips herself over doing this, she is so intense about it.


D'Elle, Jes, and Kit

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"The favorite is a giant "tennis ball" on a cloth handle, which mine grabs by the handle and twirls in circles with it, growling and having a wonderful time...until she konks herself with it...then it hurts!



This made me laugh, because Jester has one of those balls with rope attached to it. He will grab the rope and swing his head back and forth so hard and fast that the ball hits him on both sides of his body: whap!whap!whap!whap! It cracks me up every time. It's gotta hurt....I whapped myself with that ball one time to find out, and it did! But he doesn't seem to feel it one bit, he is grinning the whole time.

Strange, huh?

D'Elle, Jes, and Kit

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My new dog Kit has many wierd habits and quirks, although really for a BC she is not all that idiocyncratic, I think. One that I love is that after she eats anything, she has to run into the living room and furiously wipe her face all over the carpet. Sometimes she even flips herself over doing this, she is so intense about it.


Zoey does this too. This is the one time I quickly caught her when she was a puppy.



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This would be a good time to ask what he is doing. My oldest dog now six ever since he was a puppy would play ball or frisbee with us. After he would make a catch especially with ball he walks around sniffing the ground sometimes in circles like he is looking for something. People have asked many times what he is doing but we have no idea. My youngest dog likes to stand on things that are high like the roof of my Jeep for instance.

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What cute stories! I don't have a particulary quirky thing to share, but Dean and Speedy reminded me of a way Jedi is helpful to Cadi. Cadi gets distracted when outside very easily, and when she loses her ball, she sometimes takes a while to relocate it. Jedi watches her and then looks at me like "I can't believe she doesn't know it's right over there!" So I tell him "Ok go get it" and he gets it and drops it in front of her. :rolleyes:

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Mine prefers a clean dyer sheet- bounce is his fav- he will roll on that for about 15 minutes. Yep, he's an odd ball.


Ohhhh... would you please have Usher e-mail my Belle? She much prefers fresh cowpies. And she finds them a taste treat, too. Urgh.




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Where to start? LOL


Well Tia use to have a habbit of picking up her entire Food Bowl and carrying it around the house to more comfortable places. It was kind of funny at first but after stepping on Kibble at 4:00 in the morning that was all up and down the stairs on several occasions we decided enough was enough and fixed that by using one of those bowls that fit in beside the Water Bottle thingy. The weight of the water keeps the food bowl anchored to the floor (for now). lol


She has from the day we got her, always layed down to eat her dinner as well which is rather quirky.


Another quirk is that she is a nest builder and she usually starts around 7:00 pm . Any clothing she finds laying around the house are quietly snuck away up to her bed. She is very careful to snatch them while no one is looking . If there is no clothing around she will resort to the laundry hamper and steal the contents from that. We will be in the other room and hear her making her nightly trips up and down the stairs. Same routine every night, when we do not catch her with her bounty on her way up we remove it when we retire to bed ourselves. The silly girl has a comfy doggy bed with her own blankets and she always ends up in the bed anyway through the night.


I really think its the Quirky stuff that give them their unique personalities. The nest building is harmless and has become a game to her I think and waiting to see what new techniques she will employ to get the cloths past us is rather entertaining. Her favorite technique of late is to slowly walk up to an article of clothing , say a sweat shirt grab it and then run like crazy for the stairs with one of us behind her. Generally f she makes it to the stairs she is home free! (Until we retire anyway) .


It reminds me of Willy E Coyote and the Sheepdog Fred and all the stuff Willy does to steal the sheep. Only she is the Coyote and we are Fred.


Our older Dog Blue (who passed away in November of 08) could open cupboards and had a knack at letting herself into the house. Tia always ended up being left outside while Blue let herself in. We would let them out for a run ( Yard is Fenced) and Blue would just come back in the house on her own and wait for her "Cookie" and leave Tia standing at the door looking in.


Tia has not mastered the Door "trick" yet but on a few occasions since November after letting her outside for her run I have found Tia waiting patiently in the kitchen for her Cookie .

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I watched my folks' dogs awhile back. I noticed that when I fed Margo she would tip over her bowl and then go through the entire bowl of kibble piece by piece! I asked my Dad about it....he had tried giving her some vitamins. She didn't like them so he would break it up into little pieces into her food. He said you couldn't visually tell where it was...but she knew! So she doesn't "trust" him anymore! :rolleyes:


My Zak has always preferred to sleep in my closet. Zahra sleeps on her back and talks to us. It's almost like a yoddel. It's great fun to hear when we get up in the morning or come back home after being gone.

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Mollie blows bubbles in the water bowl. She lays down in front of the bowl, sticks her nose under the water, and blows. Started doing that when she was a few months old....


She also does the shaking-toy-in-mouth thing lol. Her newest obsession is the Wubba - except she gets one of the 'legs' in her mouth and shakes it up, leaving the kong part to smack her in the head. :rolleyes: Every once in a while she'll whap me in the leg with it...that sucker hurts!!

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Ohhhh... would you please have Usher e-mail my Belle? She much prefers fresh cowpies. And she finds them a taste treat, too. Urgh.


I had an all white faced dog that loved her "perfume"- cow pies. She'd roll in that every morning. I know where you're coming from. :D

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