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Saying Goodbye

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I have only posted a few questions on here, but I am an avid reader of the message board. I learned so much about my dog. I sure wish I would have found the message board a lot sooner.


In 1992 we adopted a 6 weeks old puppy from the pound. We were told that she was a black lab mix. She was being housed with a full grown chow and was covered with tics and urine. We took her home, cleaned her up and my daughter named her Sheeta. I have no clue where that came from but it was her second choice for a name because there was no way I was going to name my new puppy Barbie.


It wasn't until my mother-in-law saw her that we knew for sure that we had a border collie mix. Sheeta stayed with them while we were re-locating from Texas to Arizona. My mother-in-law has horses, goats and even a miniature longhorn bull. She said she would say "come on Sheeta, lets go feed" and my dog was off putting the horses in their respective pens and rounding up cattle and goats. That dog loved being there and I was amazed at her instincts. Her only job with us was to be loved, and to play with her rope and ball. Of course she also loved to untie your shoes if you would stand still long enough. An we can't forget stealing the veggies out of the garden. She thought that was her most important job when she was a pup.


So fast forward to Sept. 2005. Sheeta began loosing weight so we took her to the vet. Turns out she had cancer. It had already spread to her liver and lungs so they told us she had a matter of weeks. While the vet told us that she was dying, they apparently forgot to tell her. She continued to loose weight but really never had any of the symtoms that they told us to look out for. She continued to be as playful and active as a 14 year old dog could be.


This week we did begin to notice a change in her, she began snapping at us when we would give her a treat and she just wasn't acting like herself so we knew it was getting to be time. This morning when we went outside to say good morning and to feed her, she was having a hard time standing and her head was tilted to one side. So we did what was best for her and took her back to the vet and said our good byes. In all reality we probably waited just a bit too long.


She was 14 years old and a much better dog than we were owners.


So today I want to say a final thank you to everyone for answering my questions. Your answers made her last years with us, better ones.

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Hugs to you. I've been there and it is so painful. Our 14-year old Cocker Spaniel had kidney disease and he gradually grew weaker and weaker. I cried so hard driving him to the vet for the last time that I couldn't even walk inside...my vet came out to the car and got him. His ashes are still in a pretty tin box on the shelf over my washing machine. Chuck was a valued member of our family; our "baby" before we had babies. It's been 4 years since he has been gone and it doesn't take too much for us to tear up if we start talking about him.


We finally added a new doggy member to our family in November and he has been a wonderful addition. My husband didn't want to fall in love with a dog again.....so we just didn't tell him when we went to the pound! He is such a sucker for puppy eyes and puppy breath!


Wish I could say the pain will go away quickly but for us, it was very keen for a long time. It helped that we got a different breed (BC mix) and not another Cocker. Now that my boys are teenagers, they love having a busy, high-energy dog.


Once again, thoughts, hugs, and prayers to you.

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I lost my best buddy Bob the Border Collie in March. He too had cancer :rolleyes: So I feel your pain, and it sure is hard. I think the hardest part for me was that, I was soooo careful with him. He went in to the vet for check-ups on a regular basis, as he got older we did geriatric work ups, liver values etc...in the end the cancer he had was/is virtually undetectable:( until it's too late. His tumor ruptured, and he had a bleed out. We did surgery and chemo. but...he was diganosed in November died in March, he was just shy of 12 yrs old. I am so sorry for your loss:( I know it's trite, but 14 is a good long life for a dog, and I'm sure she had the best life a dog could have I can tell by your post. It gets better, trust me. I was fortunate enough to have found a great grand nephew of Bob's a couple of years ago, and he has helped to ease the pain a bit. Don't second guess yourself either (about waiting too long) you did what you thought best, and timing on things like this...well it's always difficult. Hugs to you,and I hope in time you find your way to taking in another deserving buddy:).

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I am so sorry for your loss. It is so heartbreaking. Time is the only thing that will ease your pain. But she has gone on to the Rainbow Bridge and she is in very good company! She is romping again with no pain or stiffness. And even tho there may not be shoelaces to untie, she will have lots of other things to do.


Any of us are here if you just need to talk. She sounds like she was a wonderful part of your life.

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Im sorry. 14 years is a long time to have had her in your life, and I know things will seem empty without her. But take comfort in that you will see her again.


(Just a thought on her name)

Have you ever seen Castle in the Sky? Its an animated movie by Hayao Miyazaki. I believe it was released in 1986, and the heroine's name is Sheeta. Its a truly beautiful movie. One of my all time favorites.

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You have my condolences, on the loss of a much cherished member of your family. I'm glad that you had each other for 14 years. Not that it makes it any easier to let go. We are here if you need us to talk, to listen-etc.



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I am so sad for your loss. When we lost our first dog, Margot 3 years ago, the pain of it really surprised me. I knew how much we loved her, but I thought, its a dog! Why am I so sad? We still miss her, but now we can share memories without tearing up, so it does get better. It just takes a while and that hole in your heart never quite fills all the way back up. You wonder how a person lives a whole life with all those holes in your heart from all those losses, but somehow you do.

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So very sorry for your loss. We lost our 14 year old GSD/Rough Collie to cancer last August under similar circumstances.


It sounds like you had a wonderful life together and we found that it helps (although painful at the time) to keep remembrances of our dog around us and recently planted a small flowering tree in our yard in his memory.


May your hearts heal.



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I'm sorry to hear that. I know it's so hard. We have a heeler that we are going to have to put down. It's never easy. Just stay strong, and rememebr that she's in a better place, with no pain. God Bless her, and you.

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We lost our beloved Tiffany, an English Springer Sapniel, to cancer 2 years ago after a 3-year battle with cancer, so I understand how you feel, and my heart breaks for you. I hope the following might be of some comfort:


I stood by your bed last night,

I came to have a peep.

I could see that you were crying,

you found it hard to sleep.


I whined to you softly

as you brushed away a tear.

"It's me. I haven't left you;

I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."


I was close to you a breakfast,

I watched you pour your tea.

You were thinking of the many times

your hands reached down to me.


I was with you at the shops today;

your arms were getting sore.

I longed to take your parcels,

I wish I could do more.


I was with you at my grave today;

you tend to it with such care.

I want to reassure you

that I am not lying there.


I walked with you towards the house

as you fumbled for the key.

I gently put my paw on you,

I smiled and said "It's me".


You looked so very tired,

you sank into a chair.

I tried so hard to let you know

that I was standing there.


Its possible for me

to be so near everyday,

to say to you with certainty

"I never went away".


You sat there very quietly,

then smiled like you knew

in the stillness of the evening

I was very close to you.


The day is over,

I smile and see you yawning,

and say "Goodnight, God bless.

I'll see you in the morning."


And when the time is right for you

to cross the brief divide,

I'll rush across to meet you

and we'll stand side by side


I have so many things to show you,

there is so much for you to see.

Be patient, live your journey out

then come home to be with me.

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That's so cool. Thanks for putting it up. God Bless

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