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NC Get Together - Official Invite!

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This is the official invitation for the picnic and meetup at Irena Farm in Semora, NC!


When: June 21 - come when convenient on Saturday, or if you need to spend the night, just let us know. We'll aim to have lunch together by noon.


Who: Open house! If you have friends who aren't on the Boards, who would also enjoy this event, come on! We are kid friendly here, too. We even can entertain the spouses. :rolleyes:



  • Potluck lunch
  • Pond walk (bring fishing gear if you like to fish)
  • Herding opportunities: mini clinic with Julie Poudrier, and sheep and duck time for experienced handlers ($35 for Julie's help, $10 for sheep/duck time). We have a round pen (thanks to Carson for his help!), two three acre training paddocks, and a field large enough to challenge Open dogs. Our sheep are lightly dog broken, not knee knockers - excellent for all levels of dogs.
  • Lots of space for walks and games. Multiple completely fenced fields available for off leash play.


We are super easy to find. We are centrally located between Durham, NC; Danville, VA; Richmond, VA; and Greensboro, NC.




The little blob at the bottom is North Durham - 501 is Duke Street.




Once you get to Semora, you take 119 about 1/10th of a mile and then Cunningham veers off to the right - the sign is on the left. You go another two miles down Cunningham. On the right side you'll see our neighbor Sydney's cattle pastures, and then finally the fenceline changes and probably that day we'll have sheep in the front pasture. We are on the corner of Cunningham and Scott Road. Come in through the red gate, proceed past all the buildings in front to the blue gate, and we'll set up in the shady pasture in the back. Just be sure to shut the gates behind you as go.


Here's a local map. Cunningham's label is in the wrong place, I don't know why. It's the first road off 119 north of the 57 intersection.




The field where we'll be setting up is in the background of this picture, only it's fenced now:




This is the back field. It's mowed and ready for working sheep or just playing:



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Would this be a good time to bring my clippers for the little one Becca? And maybe a few pups to pass around?

What is everyone bringing?

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Giving this a bump since I think it's been lost. If you are coming, please let us know here, and what you'll be bringing. It would also be helpful to know those who will be working sheep, what you'll need (sheep in field, sheep in round pen, etc).


Puppies are invited, Darci! And it looks like one of the day's entertainment will be seeing Zhi turn from a non-descript terrier looking mutt, to naked glamour girl under the skilled hands of Darci.

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Unless gas goes up another $1.00/gallon this week I am planning on coming to the get together. Will probably go by the Colonel's since I am a lousy cook. I will bring one of my border collies and maybe my rat terrier. He thinks he is a border collie.

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I'll be there. I'm planning to bring my Taco Dip (by special request :rolleyes: ) and a desert - leaning towards banana pudding. I will also be bringing my good friend Sandy w/Brittanies, and possibly CR with his BC (hasn't said either way yet). Will have the entire Crazy Crew with me.


Oh, and will have one outside dog, and probably one inside dog. Maybe two outside doggies - Junie likes your sheep, and she's been looking kind of game lately. I'll work em myself. :D

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so do it and send me pics :D


I don't know about you, but this heat is wearing me down. At least we have some rain each day this week. I hope ya'll have great weather for Saturday.


OMG, that would be too funny! I can just see those little wispy hairs all bright red and flamelike! :rolleyes:



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Yep the heat, lack of rain (not again!), and right now the smoke from the fires in the eastern part of the state are making going outside most unpleasant.


As for the picnic, I can't plan that far ahead on food (that's my way of saying I have no idea what to bring). I'll have six dogs with me, but don't think I'll work anyone but Raven. Twist will be coming for the opportunity to swim.



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Fergie and I will be there - with spinach-ricotta pie and whities. I'm trying to talk Chuck into coming again this year. Any other men - besides the resident ones?

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I am desperately hoping those fires settle down before then or the wind starts blowing the other way or something. Unpleasant isn't even the word for it here, unfortunately. But surely by then it will be better. It's lessened up from yesterday, for sure - that was crazy! I thought our neighbor was burning off pasture until I turned the news on - and even then it was hard to believe that much smoke was coming from so far away. But stuff gets funneled up the river valleys here.

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Hmmmmm, I do have some colored gel from a few years agos competition. Flames ya say??


Cool Becca, I will have 3 pups, Stella, Chris, and Lex. Big feild and round pen work. Bringing??? How bout a crackers and meat and veggie tray.

Hey Julie, I'll swap ya a cold diet coke for a glass of mint tea!

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Is anyone coming from Charlotte or near Rock Hill? I've got someone who is interested in carpooling up.

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