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Dazzle brag - first titles! + video

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We went to another trial (her second trial) on the 13th and 14th. Dazzle was a bit crazy because she hasn't been outside much lately (too icy outside for dog paws). But she still got 6 Qs, and 10 first places (lots of dogs were NQing that weekend). She also got her first titles! Novice Tunnelers and Novice Regular! (NADAC) Yay!


I was very happy and just had to brag about my baby's first titles! :rolleyes:


Here are a few videos, just so this post has a little more to it:

Her titling Tunnelers run

Her titling Regular run

First Weavers Q


So, I guess that's all. :D

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Congratulations ! While I am not suprised I am very impressed :rolleyes: We have so much work to do ! Kat, are you retraining her on the A-frame ? I know this was discussed before and again recently. (I have to decide how to train Dylan on it - last week we went over it at full height but it was just for "fun". I'll start a seperate thread about that - just curious to know if you are retraining her.)

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Thank you!


Zoe, I decided not to retrain her A-frame, at least not yet. She is very reliable right now so I am afraid to mess that up. It is still on my mind though, and I might do it eventually - but for now, just the same ol' same ol'.

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Yes, she is doing "Skilled -4" right now so she is jumping 16" instead of 20. As it doesn't effect the titles she earns until we get to elite I decided I would jump her low for as long as I could because she jumps really clean at that height.

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GREAT job Kat and Dazz !!! Is fun to watch NADAC as we have not trialed in that venue yet - - - cold weekend tho huh?? We were in Puyallup for an AKC agility trial that weekend and mannnnn we were bundled up! I swear it was 10 degrees colder in the arena than it was outside!!


Again congrats on all those Firsts!!And your titles! :rolleyes:

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