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It's been quite a while since I've posted but I've been lurking. ;) I wanted to introduce my newest girl, a Border Collie mix named Keira (Kee-ra)...Irish name meaning dark hair and brown eyes. She was picked up as a stray in TN and then proceeded to have NINE puppies. She's a tiny thing, so I was amazed she had so many. Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue took her and eight of her pups in. It is believed that one of the pups didn't make it. :(


This wasn't planned. After losing Lacee, I was devastated. She was my heart and I didn't feel I could ever find another. I have Danny and felt that was enough. Until I saw Keira. Something in her face just called to me. It was decided that I would foster her for about four weeks while she dried up and then I could decide if I wanted to adopt. Well, by day two, I knew she was a keeper. Danny absolutely adores her. They are two peas in a pod...always together. And he has really come out of his shell since her arrival. I haven't seen him this happy since I adopted him almost two years ago.


Her adoption was official yesterday. I couldn't ask for a better dog. She loves everyone, loves to play and cuddle. She LOVES my husband, who I feel is very happy to have another Daddy's girl. :P


Her she is:

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I am very happy for you both!


I know what you are saying when a face just reaches out and touches you, and you know that is the right one for you.


Very best wishes!

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CONGRATULATIONS, Diane! and oh so sweet to hear from you, looooved Danny and Keira's viddy!!!! It was sooo cute watching them play together. Also wrote a big fat huge PM back to you so be sure to check! Eluane sends you her pup hugs and thanks so much for your Congrats to us on Photobucket. She was such a good pup and the Good Lord and Beautiful Angel Sharon (how I miss her and it always makes me cry) really helped us in our Memorial Day run!! I am still not over the shock and happiness!


Now your Angel Lacee really gave her blessings with Keira, when I saw the other dog, I was shaking my head, afraid to say too much (very big dog, not sure about the eyes and stance), but with Keira yes, the PERFECT MATCHUP! What a joy to see. Danny is going to be like a new dog all over again with his perfect and sweet playmate! Beautiful and so touching to see them play their heart out. Angel Lacee knew and prompted. Bless on every one of our Angels watching over us :wub: :wub:

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Thanks so much, everyone! I just can't say enough about how wonderful Keira is. The best part is that she loves to cuddle!! I forgot to mention they estimate her to be about two. So sad that she's so young and already had a litter. Like the vet said, "babies having babies".


I have a short video of Keira and Danny playing. It may not seem like much, but for those who know Danny, you'll understand that this is a major thing for him!!


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Congrats on your new addition. A bit of warning regarding black dogs with freckles on their socks. They will steal your heart. Living through it as we speak. Your new girl is beautiful.



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Congrats on your new addition. A bit of warning regarding black dogs with freckles on their socks. They will steal your heart. Living through it as we speak. Your new girl is beautiful.




Wow, the resemblance is uncanny!! Right down the the white under the chin. :P I love the long hair on yours. Keira has short hair right now, except for her head. But it's falling out so maybe it will come in longer (not that it matters). I was told her hair is falling out because of her pregnancy.


Now, I just need to learn how to photograph a black dog. As you can tell from Lacee and Danny, I've fallen for the split-faced ones. But now I love the black ones, too! :D

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