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I feel like a horrible person. We were all so tired after "the rescue round" up that we forgot to take Ceana's Rimidyl out of our bag. Either Ceana or Poke ate the rest of the pills in the bottle. We cannot tell which one it was. They are both off to the vet. Please keep them in your thoughts

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It sounds like you caught it early, so that's a good thing. Try not to beat yourself up about it. I know just how spent you were after RR. I crashed at 8:15 last night after working the UAF rescue event all day yesterday and I only drove 8 miles. You all are in my thoughts.

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I feel like a horrible person. We were all so tired after "the rescue round" up that we forgot to take Ceana's Rimidyl out of our bag. Either Ceana or Poke ate the rest of the pills in the bottle. We cannot tell which one it was. They are both off to the vet. Please keep them in your thoughts

Oh, I hope the two are OK. I know how tired you must have been, Senncea crashed at my feet in the office yesterday evening and nothing would make her even lift her head, so I ended up carrying her into the bedrrom. Fingers and paws crossed for your two.

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Chris just got back from the vet. They still do not know which dog ingested the Rimadyl so both are going to be treated. My poor babies have puked up everything in their stomachs. We were lucky they were so exhausted when we got home because we fed them much later than normal. All that kibble will help break down the pills. The vet said that whomever ingested the pills will live and that we caught it early enough. They are not going to have a good next few days. They are ingesting charcoal as we speak and both dogs will be on IV fluids and dialasis until Tuesday morning. We need to work over time to protect the liver and kidneys from further damage. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts. They said we are out of the woods, but I am not going to be able to truley feel that until they are home with me.

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I'm trusting that they are indeed ok, and will home soon with you and Chris. My gosh, what a nightmare. Best mojo we can send from Northern CA, and try not to be hard on yourselves. We're human, all of us. I've done things that put my beloved dogs at risk, because I was tired or upset or just not paying attention. It could happen to any one of us.


Let us know how they do, paws and fingers crossed here.


Ruth n the BC3

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Oh, I'm so relieved to hear that they are going to be all right, but I know how worried you still must be! We're sending major mojo for Ceana and Poke to get through the treatment with relative ease and be home with you soon!

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Yeesh! How scary... and how out of sorts you must be, having the dogs on dialysis like that!


It could happen to any one of us; it's so easy to be casual about stuff. Try not to beat yourself up. As for the rest of us, it's nice we can learn a lesson from a story with a happy ending.


Hope they're home quickly!



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Dowunder Downunder mojo on its way across the seas to you and yours. Coming in late on this - busy weekend with dogs - so it was nice to read that the vets think things will be under control. Scary stuff though - and a timely reminder to all of us - it's so easily done. I remember the time I gave my one dog's thyroxine - high dose - to my other dog. Big panic - fortunately it wasn't a problem, but I still remember the feeling.

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We just went and visited the pups. They seemed in a good state. Neither one has any johndus so I will take that as all organs are still functioning as they should. Poke wasn't really eating, but he doesn't like eating his kibble at home so I am sure being in a cage, with a cone (he was attempting to remove his IV) and away from home + possibly ingesting all those pills doesn't help. The vet says they really want to be with each other and when one dog is getting worked on the other gets jealous. In a way it is good they are both there because then they know they are not alone.

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I'm late reading this but my thoughts and prayers are with both of them. That has to be scary! I hate it when you know they did something and can't help it. Don't feel to bad. Accidents do happen. You just have to learn from them. Hang in there! Paws and fingers crossed here.

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