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Almost choked the kid down the street....

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It's been a few months since my last post so I'll bring you up-to-date


I used this boared to reseach and find my dog Saki. She's the perfect 5.5 month old pup, :rolleyes: at least to me she is... Anyway, from the day I got her I've been teaching her sign language when giving commands. now the story.


Everything was going great until about 3 weeks ago when all of a sudden she wouldn't come to me. Matter of fact when I gave the come command she'd bolt to the nearest hiding spot. I was stumped and it was starting to bother me.


Well one of the kids (age 15) down the street stopped by the other day to ask what I was doing digging a trench around my yard. I explained that I was installing an underground fence to keep the dogs in the yard because the cars sometimes go by too fast. After telling him all this he giggled and I asked what's so funny????? He looks me straight in the face with a big smile and says "yeah your dog was in my yard a few weeks ago so I slipped up behind her with my airsoft machine gun (plastic BB gun) and shot her like 15 times before she got far enough away that I couldn't hit her." I was in shock!!!! I stood up and with an emotionless expression said "if I ever find out you hurt any of my animals again, they'll never find your body." The kid turned white as a ghost and backed out of my yard and ran home. His parents haven't been down yet to find out what's going on and I don't think he'll tell them anyway. Both parents would beat his ass for pissing me off because we're they're main account at they're company.


I know I was wrong for saying that to a kid but you don't hurt an animal unless it's trying to hurt you or someone else AND you sure as hell don't shoot a dog that I'm trying to train.


Last night I had to drag her inside because I guess she thought I was going to shoot her or something. Once in I got on the floor and hand fed her then stratched her until she fell asleep. This morning she came right up to me but you could still tell she wanted to run. I'm just hoping that I don't have to completely rebuild her trust and start the training over at the basic level, that would sooooo suck!


ALSO - the invisible fence works great. It's set to beep only and she wont go pass the flags which are 4 foot away from the fence. I think the beeping freaks her out, I'm just glad I don't have to use the shock part of the fence.

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It's been a few months since my last post so I'll bring you up-to-date


I used this boared to reseach and find my dog Saki. She's the perfect 5.5 month old pup, :rolleyes: at least to me she is... Anyway, from the day I got her I've been teaching her sign language when giving commands. now the story.


Everything was going great until about 3 weeks ago when all of a sudden she wouldn't come to me. Matter of fact when I gave the come command she'd bolt to the nearest hiding spot. I was stumped and it was starting to bother me.


Well one of the kids (age 15) down the street stopped by the other day to ask what I was doing digging a trench around my yard. I explained that I was installing an underground fence to keep the dogs in the yard because the cars sometimes go by too fast. After telling him all this he giggled and I asked what's so funny????? He looks me straight in the face with a big smile and says "yeah your dog was in my yard a few weeks ago so I slipped up behind her with my airsoft machine gun (plastic BB gun) and shot her like 15 times before she got far enough away that I couldn't hit her." I was in shock!!!! I stood up and with an emotionless expression said "if I ever find out you hurt any of my animals again, they'll never find your body." The kid turned white as a ghost and backed out of my yard and ran home. His parents haven't been down yet to find out what's going on and I don't think he'll tell them anyway. Both parents would beat his ass for pissing me off because we're they're main account at they're company.


I know I was wrong for saying that to a kid but you don't hurt an animal unless it's trying to hurt you or someone else AND you sure as hell don't shoot a dog that I'm trying to train.


Last night I had to drag her inside because I guess she thought I was going to shoot her or something. Once in I got on the floor and hand fed her then stratched her until she fell asleep. This morning she came right up to me but you could still tell she wanted to run. I'm just hoping that I don't have to completely rebuild her trust and start the training over at the basic level, that would sooooo suck!


ALSO - the invisible fence works great. It's set to beep only and she wont go pass the flags which are 4 foot away from the fence. I think the beeping freaks her out, I'm just glad I don't have to use the shock part of the fence.


Hmm, I don't even know where to begin.


Why was she out roaming and you didn't know about it? Yep, the kid was wrong, however, so were you. Had she gone after someones stock they could have practiced the 3 S's on her and you'd be none the wiser. Shoot, shovel, shut up.


I too am glad you are not going the electronic shock route for the IF. Do you live where there is a HOA saying no fences? While some people swear by them all it does is keeps your dog in, it doesn't necessarily keep others out (or kids). Leaving dogs loose, unattended, in an unfenced unsecure environment is asking for trouble in my opinion.


Good luck with Saki.



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If it would have been me, about the time he told me that, Id have kicked him dead square in the arse, asked him hows it feel!!? And marched him home to speak with mom and dad. The little jerk! Im gonna remember that line, "they'll never find your body". Do ya think it'd work on a 12 yr old? While I got ya here, I gotta ask about your......ensemble? ( picture) It just tickles me everytime I see it. Honestly, Ive tried to zoom it in, but it is just to fuzzy. Any way, yur pups still young, and her experience probably wont leave any lasting scars, but I doubt she'll be showing up in his yard anymore. Some kids can be so mean.

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I would be so extremely livid, I would have wanted to do something too. He thought it was funny that she shot her 15 times? WTH???? I would have asked him how he would have felt if he was shot 15 times. REPORT this to the police. This kid is off his freakin' rocker. If he can shoot, and laugh about it, he has problems. I might be getting a real fence if I were you. WOW.

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Threatening a child with physical harm can have severe legal consequences. In the future, you might be better served to simply go and talk to the child's parents.


That's what my rational mind says. My emotional mind, however, says that I loved the line you used. That does not mean I condone it; but it does sound like something I might say under the same circumstances. :rolleyes:

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I think I would talk to the parents anyway (now that you've calmed down). My biggest concern would be that if the kid had no qualms about pelting Saki (15 times!) with BB gun, then I'd sure as he** be wondering what else he's shooting at, and how far it could escalate. Better to let the parents in on it (in a no-blame way--more along the lines of "Are you aware that XXX is shooting at animals with his BB gun?") so that they are forewarned before the kid does turn it into something ugly.



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The kid was wrong, but so are you.


The minute you threatened that kid you were legally in the wrong. You are the adult here btw. *You* have to be in control, and the only thing you taught that kid was that telling what he did will get him in trouble. Next time he just won't tell...yippee. And if he choses to report your threat to authorities you are going to be explaining yourself.


The fact that the dog was in danger from any kid was the responsibility of *you*. Your kids aren't responsible for Saki, you are!! That means if you can't see her, then she needs to be confined where she is safe, or supervised by another *adult*.


Consider, that invisible fence will not keep her safe from stray dogs, people, or neighborhood kids. In fact, it makes her even more vulnerable because she is perceived as "loose" and people may entice or even force her through the fence. Then she can't get back home!


(onee of the most horrifying cases in rescue I've seen was a dog who was forced, daily through an IF by neighborhood kids. The kids just dragged her on through, and she associated the shocking and pain with them - though they had no idea that they were hurting her She became extremely, proactively aggressive and will never be safe to even be in the same room with kids again)


You need to revamp some ideas you have here. I'd stop digging, and start building a real fence or put up a kennel outdoors. I would also suggest that you meet with the kids parents, apologise for your emotional and out of control comment, and involve them in making sure both kids and dogs are safe and supervised.

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I seriously doubt that boy is going to say anything to anyone! IF he did, he would have to explain WHY the "threat" was made, and HE could face charges for harrassing an animal. He will not take that chance. And if I know 15yr. old boys, especially ones who take "fake machoism" to be real "manliness", i.e. hurting or scaring animals, he will not want to admit that he ran off after the threat! I personally don't like the IF for the reasons already stated. But it can be a good thing if you are out with the dog at all times.



FWIW, I would have probly said the same thing.

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I'm wondering about the reason for the invisible fence too, as someone else asked, are you in an HOA that won't allow any kind of real fence? The Invisible "Fence" just isn't adequate protection for a dog.


It would be a very good idea to talk to his parents about why is he out in the yard shooting at anything with a BB gun? He clearly is immature and has poor judgment, someone could get seriously hurt and they would be responsible. I'd be sure to give the brat a significant smile while telling his parents that I'd already spoken to him about the consequences of randomly shooting any kind of gun in what is apparently a residential neighborhood - that itself may be illegal depending on your local laws. I'd also not tell anyone you made a promise to him that his body would never be found.



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I'm wondering about the reason for the invisible fence too, as someone else asked, are you in an HOA that won't allow any kind of real fence? The Invisible "Fence" just isn't adequate protection for a dog.


Especially with a kid like that just down the block. I'd keep an eye on him. Who knows what else he might do to the dog or your kids?

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Boys will be boys. Kids just don't think, I bet your comment will make him think before he bothers your dog again tho. I have a Wireless fence and love it. Other then the holes in the yard from the dogs digging and the chewed tv wire it works great.

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Boys will be boys.


I guess I expect a little more of a 15 year old boy than to shoot 15 pellets at a puppy and find it terribly amusing.


Kids just don't think, I bet your comment will make him think before he bothers your dog again tho.


Maybe. But some kids today, especially an immature teenager who lacks empathy, could just as easily set out to hurt the dog worse as a way to pay the OP back for making him look weak and scared. In that case, the kid has just learned not to admit mistreating an animal or worse, while all the while feeling strong, powerful and superior.

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On our local news tonight, there was a story of someone (a teenager?) using a pellet gun and shattering a window of a school bus while children were aboard; fortunately no one was hurt. A second story of a local school that had shots fired near a school playground while the kids were at recess (and this isn't Detroit!). I'd make sure Saki was in the house if you weren't watching her with full attention.

Also, in regard to urinating in the garage, we use Odo-ban which works really great in stopping repeat problems. You might also want to keep her out of the garage if you're not watching her.

Barb S

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Guest SweetJordan
I guess I expect a little more of a 15 year old boy than to shoot 15 pellets at a puppy and find it terribly amusing.

As would I. That's a bit psycho if you ask me. It's kids like that who grow up to be criminals.

I don't like IF either for numerous reasons. There was a dog in my neighborhood who was killed because he ran through it after a rabbit, and was hit by a car. The street the dog lived on wasn't even a very busy street. I also don't like how it doesn't provide any protection to the dog from intruders. I could go on, but will end there.

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I would talk to the kids parents. Violence towards animals in a kid is a bad BAD BAD sign.. it's one of the first signs of an anti-social personality (.. the likes of...serial killers, criminals, psychopaths..) and in general not a good thing. Makes me so angry just to think about. I definitely would have given him some harsh words as well. :rolleyes:

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Oh, this just runs all over me. We had a situation over the summer where some kids were using BB guns and shooting at the dogs. I found 14 BB pellets on my floor that the dogs had carried inside the house in their coats. Our neighbor's mother had her dog over at their house visiting one day and her dog got hit with one. She yelped and charged the fence in the direction that it came from. The parents were talked to and it did stop. We, as well as our neighbors, have fenced in yards and the kids were still shooting at the dogs. If I found 14 pellets, just how many times had they been shot at?? There are small children that play in this neighborhood, plus we have a toddler. The kids don't realize just how dangerous these things can be. I would be livid if I ever find out that my daughter does something like that. I agree that the comment was a little too harsh. In the situation that happened here, the parents were made aware of the situation and they were warned that if it happened again, legal action would be taken. I wish you luck on this. I would definitely see about investing in a true fence, though. :rolleyes: They definitely aren't cheap, but well worth it. :D

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