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I saved a life!

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As some of you may know, a couple of weeks ago my called me about a pup needing rescued. It ultimately turned out to be a scam. The dill hole worked at a puppy mill (Hunte Corp.) and tried to scam me for $300. He was fired over this, thank goodness for Karma! Well my vet called me today, she is to destroy a BC in the morning. The local pound (not really a pound just something the city operates)held her for sometime, and just couldn't any longer.


My vet told me she didn't know if i'd be willing to get involed after the last time. But didn't know who else to call as a last minute pardon for the dog. So off i went to check the pound. The negative voice told me all sorts of negative things. None seem to be true.


So i find out she was dumped in the country. (by farms!) She was targetted by the local farmers as K.O.S. (Kill On Site) Thankfully a county worker found her and brought her to the pound. She has been there for almost 6 months. Noone wanted her. :D Nothing else is known about her. Besides she is a loving dog.


She has a skin rash, not sure if it is from fleas, being dirty, or the concrete flooring. I gave her a bath first thing thru the door. She seemed to lose alot of hair. I'll make a vet appointment tomorrow. I need to know if she needs to be spayed. I have to get her current on shots intercepter, frontline +. I also need to buy another crate!! Yikes i must be mad! I will force the vet to make time for us for Saturday.


So far besides the nervousness, she is getting along just fine. She did get snarky with Zag by the food dish. (I used my mean voice.. Zag and Sydney split! New girl just scarfed away.) She has figured out the doggie door. *WHEW!* And I swear she has been smiling all night!


I will contact Mo-Kan BC rescue once she gets a clean bill of health. I need to know what i should be doing! I remember telling them I won't foster! I'd be tempted to keep everyone! Well not only am i gonna foster, i pulled her! I really hope she finds the perfect forever home. (DON"T EVEN THINK IT!!)


The guy at the pound didnt charge me the adoption fee. He was just happy to see her get a second chance. I also offered to help place some of the dogs using the internet. (pet finders and the different breed rescues)It is basically a no kill shelter, only if they need space or a dog isn't placeable. (The one i get was in the latter)


She is a sweet dog, just sickly looking. Once i get her back in shape! I don't see why she couldn't be a wonderful companion. I'll know more about who she is as things get into a routine.


So here she is! (More pics in the gallery)




I've no name :rolleyes:


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That first foster is always somewhat nerve-racking but both of you will do fine. (and the next foster will be easier!) Thanks for helping this girl - and your vet certainly sounds like she tries to help with the homeless dogs. Bad karma to the jerk who tried you to rip you off :mad:

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Thanks all i can feel my head swelling as i type this! :eek:


Seriously tho, I have felt since Foo's death that i let her down. Maybe if i made the vet do the blood work, i'd still have the ol' girl. I should have listened to the lil voice who told me it was more then a bug. So I am trying to make amends in someway. I figure if i can save as many dogs as i can thru out the rest of my life, maybe she won't bite my rear when we go to cross the rainbow bridge. :rolleyes:


Dang i still well up thinking of her. I have to get up early tomorrow for work. Night all..


Oh yeah a name! I need some suggestions please.

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From your posts, I seriously doubt that you let Foo down in any way. IMO we all look for a reason why something "bad" happened. Regardless of why my dog died (old age, cancer, etc.), I always think there is more I should have done when in fact nothing would have changed the outcome due to circumstances beyond my control. Without being presumptious, I think this is what you're feeling now. And moving on doesn't mean you've stopped loving Foo.

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I am sure your Foo has long since forgiven you for missing the little voice. Who knows if it would have just prolonged her suffering anyway? Was Foo one to hold a grudge when living with you? Can't imagine she has changed THAT much since she crossed over that bridge.


Good deeds go a long way toward soothing guilty feelings. I hope this helps and I am sure that pup will be forever grateful for your assistance in finding a forever home.

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Well the new girl had a accident right out of the crate this morning. Since im late for work anyway, figured i post a few more pics in the gallery. She is getting along fine. only one tiff between her and Zag. (nothing to bad) All is well.



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That's difficult, after seeing the pack pictures . Anyway, good luck with whatever you end up doing for her. And kudos for what you have already done!!

I'm hopeless with names...can't help you there.

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Bless you for giving her a chance. Regardless of where her forever home is, she wouldn't be getting there without you and your kind heart. I do know how you feel about Foo. Sometimes things in life just sneak up on us. She knew how much you loved her. That is what is important to remember.

However, she will probly still bite your butt, then smile at you, wagging her tale!


How about Lacy? She needs a pretty name!

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Way to go, Fooshuman! It's one thing to just think about fostering and another thing all together to actually to do it. You deserve a huge pat on the back!


I am trying to convince my spouse right at this very moment to let me foster one of a litter of 7 puppies that was dumped in a kill shelter. I got an e-mail from the rescue in Wyoming where I adopted Allie from and they are so desperate for fosters. I think if it wasn't a puppy, he would be more willing. He loves dogs, too, and maybe if I show him your post he will be less reluctant.


Kudos to you!


What about "Lucky" for name for this little gal?

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Foos...you are a good person!!!! There needs to be a lot more folks like you around, and there sure seems to be a lot hanging around this wonderful board. May your new rescue quickly realize the safety and security of a loving home.


Ellie, my rescue of five weeks, who is sleeping on my feet just rearranged herself, put a paw on my leg and told me "nice lady!" :rolleyes:

Have a good one!


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Lunchtime yay! thanks all for the kind words. And to be honest im not sure where i stand on keeping her. Right now i just want to get her healthy. The vet squeezed me in @ 4:45 today, so at least i can rest assured the skin thing won't last. A disabled boy I know has named her for me. Her name is Hope! I am a big softy and when he said now her future is filled with it, I got teary eyed. Bah what kind of man am i?


Anyway i need to go out and burn off some BC energy. Again thanks all for such nice comments.

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Hope - that is the perfect name for her! Your young friend has a lot of insight doens't he? As for what kind of man you are...I'd say a pretty good one!

Have fun with Hope and the rest of your crew

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fooshuman... too bad there aren't more men around (or humans in general) like you!!! the world would truly be a kinder more loving and gentler place to live for all us creatures..

Bless you. What a lucky little dog. Do you have any idea how old she is yet?

God that little face just sucks the love from my heart... sweet sweet sweet...

Hope, what a great name from a child who knows...where's there is life... There, is HOPE! and now... where there is HOPE, there is life!! thanks to you

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