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First dog as a child: 2 black labs, Zipper and Cajun were their call names.


First dog as an adult: A chihuahua from a friend, named her Sweet Pea.


Why a BC? Friend got a BC / collie mix when I was 10 or so, wanted one ever since.


Did you do research? Yep! 15 or so years worth, did it prepare me for the tornado known as Shadow? Nope! LOL


First BC: Shadow, my heart doggie.


What made you want to get another? Only have the one, not sure I want more than one hehe, not while I'm in school anyhow!

What have you done with your dogs? Shadow is on week 2 of a 4 week puppy behaviour / scoialization class, shes doing really well and has shown major improvements already! In January she starts pre-agility class that will focus on recall, sit, lay and stay. Her trainer thinks she will be an excellent agility dog =)


How many BC's? Again, just the one, but only because RDM won't give me Tweed, and Anda won't give me the handsome Mr. Ouzo! :rolleyes:


How many do you have now? Just my baby girl, and a super cool chow / shepherd / wolf mix!

What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? Shadow has no feeling in her skull: she runs headlong into walls etc and doesn't seem to notice. This earned her the nickname "Bonehead." She also doesn't know how to walk.. just ZOOOOM, fall down, ZOOOOM some more. She does tell me when its time to come upstairs so she can sleep in 'her' bed tho... its pretty cute.


City dog or county dog? Little city? Our house is on 4/5 of an acre, so she does get to run a lot here, but there are MILES of beaches and fields nearby that she can also go play in.. so she's kind of 1/2 and 1/2 I guess.


Would you ever get another breed? Only if it got along with Shadow! I have a soft spot for golden retrievers and rotties and boxers. But I don't have the time right now for any more puppies!

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First dog as a child: Black and white cocker spaniel named Patches


First dog as an adult: Jackson- border collie/collie mix


Why a BC? He came that way lol. In fact border collies were on my very short "Will never own in a million years" list.


Did you do research? I knew enough about border collies that I didn't think they would work with my lifestyle. After Jackson I researched like crazy on border collies, obedience and other issues.


First BC: jackson


What made you want to get another? I don't have one :rolleyes: But my DH and I have agreed on border collie for our next rescue.


What have you done with your dogs? We compete in disc dog events. Other than that he is just my walking/hiking companion. He can go anywhere with me. I would love to try agility and fly ball


How many BC's? One


How many do you have now? One.


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? They are very verbal. My childhood dog used to grumble in his throat to "talk". Jackson yodels and howls like a coyote when he is very excited.


City dog or country dog? Jackson is from farm country but has lived a mainly city/suburban life since he was rescued.


Would you ever get another breed? Probably not.

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First dog as a child: Chow/Lab mix. First dog of my own was a wolf hybrid.


First dog as an adult: I'm not an adult. :rolleyes:


Why a BC? I was first drawn to the breed because of their biddable nature and devotion to their handler.


Did you do research? I did lots of research before getting Eve. Not a ton before getting Dakota.


First BC - Dakota, got him in September '04.


What made you want to get another? It didn't really occur to me to get another breed. I wanted a dog that would be a competent worker despite my silly novice mistakes as a handler, and I feel that Border Collies have the most natural ability as a breed. Plus, I was already quite fond of the breed after having lived with Dakota.


What have you done with your dogs? With just the BCs? Agility, therapy, obedience, freestyle, goose eradication, a little stockwork (soon to be a lot more), and Eve is my service dog.


How many BC's? 4.


How many do you have now? I have one of my own (Eve) live with two (Dash, Dakota) and share one in Washington (Buddy)


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? Oh, too long a list to name. Eve isn't really quirky but Dash and Dakota sure are.


City dog or county dog? Suburbanite. More of a city dog than a country dog, at the moment.


Would you ever get another breed? Yep, I plan to get a larger dog at some point.

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First dog as a child: spitz/cocker spaniel x from the shelter


First dog as an adult: Maniacal chow chow :D


Why a BC? My friends had one they'd been trying to rehome for about a year, and I finally caved. :rolleyes:


Did you do research? I came on this board to ask what to expect before she came for a trial visit.


First BC Violet.


What made you want to get another? I didn't really plan it. Shortly after getting Violet, I became involved in rescue. I went to a kill shelter at Christmas last year to evaluate two BC bitches and found six BC there (among them, MaryP's Skittles :D ). We were running short of foster homes, so I let Faith crash at my place. Er, almost a year ago. :D


What have you done with your dogs? We train on sheep every Saturday, and we hope to get our very own this spring. :D


How many BC's? Two.


How many do you have now? Two BC, a Lhasa, and a feist.


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs?


City dog or county dog? Country dogs.


Would you ever get another breed? Sure. I'll probably always have BC, because I've found I like sheep and I'm interested in trying to raise them. But there's lots of other breeds out there I'd give houseroom. For instance, I'll always have a soft spot for chows, although they're not the easiest dog to integrate into a pack. :D

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First dog as a child:

standard poodle named Bo


First dog as an adult:

TerrierX named Tiger, he was my DH's dog. The best friend he's ever had.


Why a BC?

First exposure was wonderful, my great uncles farm dogs.


Did you do research?

Tried but wasn't internet savvy so not to much.


First BC:

byb Abby who was given to me by my family as an unexpected b-day present, she was hit by the neighbors van and died at 4 months of age. I was so heartbroken that I got sick, ended up with shingles.


What made you want to get another?

Love them!


What have you done with your dogs?

work stock. We tried flyball but couldn't handle the barking craziness, we also tried agility but since we didn't own equipment I never really got going.


How many BC's?

up to 6 of my own and lots of fosters


How many do you have now?

4 always room for more, when the right pup comes along! :rolleyes:


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs?

just working stuff and thunder phobia


City dog or country dog?



Would you ever get another breed?

when I first got started in BC's I thought that one day I'd retire and get a rescue grey hound or 2. now I'm a BC snob and wouldn't have another breed. I once thought about getting a pocket dog but decided bc's are just big pocket dogs.



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First dog as a child:

That I can remember?...a misbehaving mutt


First dog as an adult:

BC (Rhea and Gunnar)


Why a BC?

I didn't really want a BC but my B/F did mainly b/c our friend has a BC Bohdi who was the best behaved dog we had ever met. Plut Bohdi was a trail dog and Steven wanted something that could keep up with him on a mountain bike and not die. I got Rhea when we were looking at Gunnar (for Steven) b/c when I picked her up, she just laid in my arms in the sweetest way...I was hooked.


Did you do research?

We have several books on them and did most of the reading when we got them but since we knew Bohdi, we knew what we were getting.


First BC:

Rhea and Gunnar on the same day.


What made you want to get another?

I've always wanted a blue merle. We wanted to do a good thing and adopt a rescue.


What have you done with your dogs?

Rhea and Gunnar have been in Agility, no competitions yet. They will all compete in frisbee, agility and flyball when I have the time to train them (after I graduate in May)


How many BC's?

Most I've had is 3, I'm always open to more.


How many do you have now?

Still the same 3


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs?

All 3 LOVE chasing the cat.


City dog or country dog?

City for now.


Would you ever get another breed?

Probably not. While I love many other breeds and have considered getting a golden retriever I would rather just get a red and while BC. My b/f will probably have a lab at some point...like everyone else in the planet.

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First dog as a child:

Victor, black standard Poodle


First dog as an adult:

Spencer, black and white mix (but no BC)


Why a BC?

Well, Spencer was one of the 'best dogs in the world' dogs, and when we lost him at almost 17, we were devastated, and unsure if we could ever get another dog. But 3 years passed, and I started checking rescue dogs, and Hoku's pic popped up, and we both said... Oh my doG, our pup is at the pound and we must go get him!!!


Did you do research?



First BC:



What made you want to get another?

Well he is our first, and only BC at this point.


What have you done with your dogs?

He is a pet and companion first and foremost. We do agility for fun, lots of hiking, lots of playing and tricks and such.


How many BC's?

Just one.


How many do you have now?

Just one.


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs?

He has an odd combo of balls out bravado and fear. He is terrified of bridges and ramp type things (agility has been a huge help). He has space issues with other dogs.


City dog or country dog?

Country bumpkin all the way.


Would you ever get another breed?

I am open to it, yes. But I do love his intensity.

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First dog as a child: A Cocker Spaniel named Lucky.


First dog as an adult: A Cairn Terrier named Jordan.


Why a BC? We feel in love with a BC mix at the local humane society. The longer we owned her, the more we fell in love with the breed. We realized there was something that sets them aside from all other dogs.


Did you do research? Yes, when we got our 2nd from a breeder.


First BC: Morgan


What made you want to get another? Her intelligence and loyalty.


What have you done with your dogs? Spoiled them!


How many BC's? 3


How many do you have now? 2


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? It's too early to tell with Mannnie, he is 12 weeks old. Morgan wants everybody in their places. If I don't sit in my normal spot on the couch, she sits across from me and stares at me until I move! If I move....some nights I just like to see how long we can hold out, who gives in first :D


City dog or country dog? City.


Would you ever get another breed? Absolutely Not.



Mayaelena :rolleyes:

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First dog as a child: BC mix named Sneaky


First dog as an adult: if you count 19 as an adult - Lucy my English setter/Labrador,Reuben the ACD mix, and Zeke the Labrador


Why a BC? I don't actually have a BC


Did you do research? I've researched tons of breeds, I still don't have a favorite - I like dogs in general.


First BC: I don't think she was pure, but the BC mix we got when I was 1yo.


What made you want to get another? I don't have any BCs.


What have you done with your dogs? Rally, agility, basic obedience, some tracking just for fun (although we're WAY out of practice).


How many BC's? 0


How many do you have now? 0


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? Lucy chews fence posts for fun, Zeke picks up on my nervousness (in competitions and such) way too easily and freaks out, and Reuben gets jealous and barks and nips at Lucy if you pet her too much.


City dog or country dog? Dogs are in the country, I am at school in the city.


Would you ever get another breed? Most likely.

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First dog as a child: I wasn't allowed a dog 'in case you get upset when it dies.' So I had an imaginary one instead.


First dog as an adult: Meg, my black, whiskery terrier type mutt dog.


Why a BC: When hubby came along, Jess, his elderly, beautiful girl, of course, came too. When she died, he wouldn't countenance any other breed of dog. Now I understand why.

Did you do research? No - but DH knows his way round the breed very well

First BC: Rhiw (pictured)



What have you done with your dogs?: They've both done a bit of flyball. And lots of obedience work. And hiking!


How many BC's?. One


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? Rhiw sings ( well he is Welsh, after all) and yawns very musically too. A complete love bug too. Meg, being my first , is very close to me. When I come back from a dfew days away, she will stand stock still for about four seconds before going wild with joy.


City dog or country dog? Country dogs, definitely. We live on high moorland with walks direct form our door. No need even to set paw to tarmac.


Would you ever get another breed?: Possibly. I still have a thing about terriers.

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First dog as a child: a Toy Poodle


First dog as an adult: mutt


Why a BC?: they are so smart and beautiful and just the right size


Did you do research?: no, dummy me, at the time i like em cuz i liked black and white dogs, know so much now!!


First BC: Casey tri colored male 9 years old


What made you want to get another? just look at him!! just look at the breed!!!


What have you done with your dogs?: Casey likes to fish down by the river. They love to go to Grandmas house. We play outside a lot.


How many BC's?: 4


How many do you have now?: 4


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs?: When Casey or Bella get an owie, they come running to me. When i get an owie, Casey comes running to me to lick my face. Wolfie is an idiot. He licks his Dad Casey and Casey nips at him, which makes Wolfie pee on the floor, but Wolfie keeps doing it over and over and over. :rolleyes:

Ash is like me, she likes it quiet in the house. If there is roughhousing, she will nip at usually, Casey.

Bella is deathly afraid of balloons. Casey loves balloons. Wolfie is ticklish big time in his front feet, so funny :D


City dog or counrty dog?: country


Would you ever get another breed?: no way! but i do have a toy poodle

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  • 4 weeks later...

First dog as a child: a Mutt named Pebbles. My mom said she was my guardian angel, following me everywhere I went. We got her when I was 5, and she lived to 14.


First dog as an adult: The first dog I got when I moved out was a bc/shepherd mix named Jake.


Why a BC?: smart, active like me. Such aazing personalities!


Did you do research?: no :rolleyes:, But better late than never. I have learned so much.


First BC: Bosco. We have been going through some tough times as of late with puppies, but things are getting better.


What made you want to get another?


What have you done with your dogs?: wow, they go everywhere. Bosco loves the treadmill. He does 15 minutes a day, and can't wait for me to hit that start button. Camping, hiking, biking. Bosco goes for it all. My beagle just chills on the couch, unless the cookie jar rattles.


How many BC's?: 1, had to recently rehome a puppy due to Bosco being aggresive. But the puppy is in a new home, and it all worked out!


How many do you have now?: 1


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs?: Bosco loves the laser pointer. He also stares up at the ceiling if you say "Where's Jesus". I have this recorded, and a going to put it on youtube, it's so funny.


City dog or counrty dog?: suburb


Would you ever get another breed?: yes, I love dogs, all dogs!

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Would you ever get another breed?

Probably not. While I love many other breeds and have considered getting a golden retriever I would rather just get a red and while BC. My b/f will probably have a lab at some point...like everyone else in the planet.


lol!! so true!! :rolleyes:


Holy crap, BEST dog trick ever. I must teach my dogs this one.


Well, at Christmas time, i will tell Casey "you better be good"

and he looks up at his stocking!!!

cuz, Santa Claus is coming........to Caseys house!! :D

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First dog as a child: all american, then a mini schnauzer


First dog as an adult BC/Alsation or Belg Shep mix


Why a BC? Fell in love while living in the UK


Did you do research? Some, as much as I could w/o the existance of the internet


First BC Ashe July 1993 a petstore purchase because I didnt know better, would I do it again? Knowing what I know now NO, but I'd sadly miss out on a great dog


What made you want to get another? I was involved in agility, hubby wanted to get involved too we got Meg from MABCR, we just love the personality, drive, silliness, and intelligence


What have you done with your dogs? Agility for the most part, Ashe was a Therapy Dog now retired, Meg has done frisbee competitions as well as currently agility, love to get Whim on sheep, but destined for agility too


How many BC's? Over all we've had 4


How many do you have now? Three right now, next addition will either be an aussie or a bc in a few years


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? Ashe must carry something (anything) in his mouth when running with the kids, Meg is sound sensitive but getting better


City dog or county dog? Semi Rural I guess we are but sadly becoming quickly suburban


Would you ever get another breed? Only with in the herding group, I have an aussie who I love dearly and I will most likely get another, my other option is a Pembroke Corgi. I definately would get another bc no problem

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First dog as a child: Collie/Samoyed mix - Juneau - smart & independent, protective, excellent all around dog.


First dog as an adult pb giant Golden, Boone: big block headed boy


Why a BC? Boonie was lonely - and needed a companion. In my search in the shelters, Hailey found me / us and was the first shelter dog that didn't push / growl Boonie away. I was aware of bc's by then, but wasn't looking specifically for one at that time. But was obviously open to one.


Did you do research? Very informal. An acquaintance had a beautiful and very nice black bc. I had also just recently been exposed to the dogs via the "Herding of the Sheep" festival in Sun Valley. The organizers had just purchased a very independent bc puppy and I played with her and observed her during one of the events....I was intrigued.


First BC ; Hailey. I went to the HS and this little bc +aussie / acd + lab mutt jumped out from underneath a very tall German Shepherd/[giant breed] cross. This little doggie had white sox, white freckled nose, a thin blaze, a tail dipped in white, a pink nose, a big smile and a bucket full of yaps. I moved on....but she lured me back.


What made you want to get another? Hailey is a gem -- my spice girl --quirky and fun. SHE made me do research and intrigued me with that very unique set of bc behavior. I got the Border Collie magazine (the one that features specific breeds per issue) and was introduced to all the things that bc's are doing. I began exploring. Hailey needed a companion -- Boonie was getting up there and couldn't keep up with her. I had heard that the best companion for a bc is another bc, and wanted to participate in agility or herding, and so there were just so many reasons.


What have you done with your dogs? Some obedience, a bit of Rally, some foundation, and a few instinct tests. Oreo is in training for agility. Hailey....I'm pondering a potential new direction for her but it looks to be a real challenge for me and my feeble training skills. They are my "go everywhere" companions and we do a bit of camping, hiking & road tripping together. Both are real water dogs.


How many BC's? 2


How many do you have now? 2


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? Hmmmm; too many to list. --the stares, the sulkyness, the verbals, the hackles, the "no resting allowed" attitude, Hailey's beautiful automatic tear drop run & gather, her gracious ground hugging run--her all around charm. Oreo is a complete surprise (we are still getting to know each other), but his reactiveness keeps me on my toes. He wants affection, is very location sensitive AND he has a sweet & spicey temperment. Both learn quickly and are very curious. Both will ignore the opening of a can of chicken in the next room, but run at the sound of the tennis canister opening at the far end of the house. Both have a quick left - it comes fast and suddenly. Hailey's a chatterbox. Oreo's soulful. He's more intense, but she's faster and more elegant--for now. Hailey is a master at persuading you to let her walk up your front, whereas Oreo is a stealth hugger--suddenly he's there--all of him. He actually roars when revved up....and has even let out a scream or two when first introduced to Hailey's "mine!" craziness. (All is calm now.) They are a real pair.


City dog or county dog? Semi Rural - -subdivision surrounded by farms / ranches that are quickly becoming subdivisions. Thanks goodness that the "pause" button has been pushed on the housing boom.


Would you ever get another breed? Maybe. I've seen some very special Aussie's (and I like Hailey's aussie /acd-ness). Goldens are very special too. I like a good dog....and love bc's. I'm not entirely closed to other breeds, but have come to prefer a little spice, and am really in love with my two characters at the moment.

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This is GREAT!


First dog as a child: I am sure the first one was a mutt. I have had everything from a Norweigan Elkhound to a Yellow Lab and every combo in between!


First dog as an adult: The Yellow Lab named Dusty would count. She was with me every moment of her life until she passed when I was 21.


Why a BC?: Impulse. BC/Malamute cross didn't seem like much work. :rolleyes:


Did you do research?: No, but I sure started quick!


First BC: Daisy Duke.


What made you want to get another? I only have Daisy, but I would like to get another. I love that all knowing look.


What have you done with your dogs?: She is kind of a couch potato. When we are outside, it's time to check everything out, not time for frisbee. She has some reactivity issues, so we have Bark Busters on board with us and she will be going in to a small class with 5 other reactive dogs to learn that it's ok, in the spring.


How many BC's?: Just Daisy


How many do you have now?: 1


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs?: She has me convinced that we have a ghost. She tries to catch her frisbee with her paws. She doesn't like it when I read books. She will come on my lap and literally lay ontop of the book and lick my face. I say off or enough she will try to eat the book. Only then she doesn't listen to those two commands.


City dog or counrty dog?: City dog.


Would you ever get another breed?: Hmm. I though for the longest time she would be my only BC, but I have since changed my mind and would love another, and another....my BF would like to have a Boxer, so I guess when the time comes, we will see who wears the pants in our house! :D

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First dog as a child: 2 shelties- Heather and Toby. Toby was like having a Disney character living in your house, he was that cool.


First dog as an adult: Leary, female bl/wh Border Collie.


Why a BC?: I was into horses and a friend of mine had a border collie that she was starting out working ducks and later sheep with. When that dog's mother had another litter, I got Leary specifically to work with.


Did you do research?: no , not really.


First BC: Leary- still here at 13 1/2 years. If I could do it over again, I may have skipped her but at least she got me started with border collies.


What made you want to get another? I was told that Leary was talented but I couldn't make any kind of dog out of her. I had been very excited about starting a sheepdog and Leary was fast, disobedient and "hard" (later figured out she was a HUGE chicken, which is why treating her like a hard dog didn't work). A friend of mine had a 6 month pup, Rhett, who was already working and had a sweet, soft attitude. She didn't have time for her so I bought her for $50. She became a solid cow dog and taught me alot about cattle work especially.



What have you done with your dogs?: I've mostly worked them on sheep and cattle, trialed USBCHA, WCDA and AHBA. I dabbled very briefly with agility and one nightmarish flyball practice in which Leary mangaged to make another dog quit flyball for LIFE. I'm almost proud of her for that.



How many BC's?: Since the first one, I've had a total of 8 border collies plus 3 rescues that stayed awhile.


How many do you have now?: 5


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs?: Leary doesn't like thunder or car rides, Jane would hide under the bed all day if she didn't have to leave to work sheep, Nellie hates you to blow in her ears, Rhett has a weird "roar" when she's about to bite a cow and Jet is the only dog I have that growls at toys like they are being BAD TOYS! BAD BAD BAD!


City dog or counrty dog?: city that wishes for country.


Would you ever get another breed?: not on purpose.

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I just saw this, so please forgive me for being slow. :rolleyes:


First dog as a child: Irish Setter


First dog as an adult: Australian Shepherd


Why a BC? Love the intensity and intelligence of the breed


Did you do research? Yes, I love to read, and I decided that I wanted to learn more about the breed when I first fell in love with watching them


First BC: I had a Border Collie mix when I was younger, but my first purebred was Nykie (kept waiting, because had a bad impression of what it was like to live with one, and I didn't think I could meet the requirements)


What made you want to get another? Don't have another right now, but plan to. I've lived with many breeds over the years, but none have even come close to comparing to the BC.


What have you done with your dogs? Koty has earned his CGC (Canine Good Citizenship); Dreamer has earned his CGC and is a 2nd year Certified Therapy Dog; Nykie has been through an Intro to Agility class; Rain has been through a basic obedience class; hoping to introduce to herding this Spring; have taken multiple obedience classes over the years with many different dogs


How many BC's? Not sure I understand the question, but I only have 1 right now.


How many do you have now? Just one BC right now


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? They're barkers. If they see anything that they don't believe belongs there, then it must be barked at. Nykie's biggest thing is that she is a licker. She thinks that she has to lick you every chance she gets, but she has gotten better. Her latest quirk is her fascination with moving vehicles. We are working to break her of this, since it's a very dangerous habit, but luckily we have a fenced in yard and that's the only place that she does it. Nykie has to be the first in line for loving. If she isn't, then she will push her way through until she is. She must be under my feet no matter where I'm at. Koty's biggest quirk is that he must pick up a toy and shake it if he's "fussing" at you. It's almost like he's saying, "This is what I'm going to do to you!" LOL!!


City dog or county dog? County


Would you ever get another breed? Doubt it. I prefer herding dogs, so if I do, it would be a herding breed.

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First dog as a child: Chow mix


First dog as an adult BC


Why a BC? A friend had owned one and I really fell in love with that dog.


Did you do research? Umm I thought I did, but only after I got him did I really learn what it was all about... well I'm still kinda learning.


First BC Charlie, born April 21 2007, purebread $453 I wanted to get a rescue but didn't want to get turned down.


What made you want to get another? Ummm don't... Char is the perfect dog for me. Maybe when he goes, but that's a long long long way off.


What have you done with your dogs? Nothing all that crazy, he just goes with me almost everywhere.


How many BC's? 1


How many do you have now? 1 unless you count my roommates pug, then 1.25 I don't really like the pug that much, he snots on me, and never comes when he's called. despite that he's almost 2 years old he loves to shit in front of my bedroom door. Actually this dog is the real reason I got Char. I used to run with the pug and had to carry it back all time. plus I wanted a dog that was smarter than a soap dish.


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? Umm well as I type this he's started his shadow attacking routine. This is pretty much a nightly thing. I like to tell people he's herding sprits.


City dog or county dog? City boy here.


Would you ever get another breed? If I knew what I know now, and couldn't have Char, I'd probably get either a golden or an australian. I actually looked at a golden right before I got Char, but they wanted $1k for it. and screw that. I didn't even want to pay what I paid for Char.

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Regarding quirks:


Or is it compared to other BCs...then I don't think she's got any special ones.


I take that back! There weren't any snowmen standing around when this thread came up. There's this little something I might have mentioned otherwise!

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First dog as a child: Cocker spaniel, Jedda.


First dog as an adult: Border collie cross (Jack)


Why a BC? Jack was on petfinder looking irresistable. I emailed the foster home and let her know what we were looking for (I included "mellow" in my wish list and "good with cats and children"!) she recommended him.


Did you do research? No. I figured if the rescue organization knew what we were looking for and recommended the dog everything would be OK. Breed didn't really matter to me. p.s. Jack is fantastic, but not "mellow"!


First BC: Jack


What have you done with your dogs? Agility


How many BC's? Just Jack


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? The best one is rock licking. He loves big rocks that he moves around with his front paws making strange whining noises and he will lie there with them for ages licking them all over. It is bizarre. He picks the fur off his toys. He doesn't like street drains and refuses to step over them. He has a vendetta with the local magpies.


City dog or country dog? City


Would you ever get another breed? I would get another rescue regardless of breed, but I would be hesitant to get a border collie. I like mellow dogs. I love Jack with all my heart and as far as BC's go he is pretty mellow (meaning not that mellow, but not "always on"), but from reading these boards I feel like we dodged a bullet. We still do agility and walk him lots, but he is pretty laid back all things considered.

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First dog as a child: The first dog I remember was a white shepherd/husky type of dog.


First dog as an adult: Golden Retriever who went into cardiac arrest and passed away when he was two.


Why a BC? I couldn't bear to even look at a Golden without crying my eyes out, so no more Goldens. My ex-boyfriend's family had a BC and I thought she was the smartest, coolest dog. I decided that was the type of dog I wanted.


Did you do research? I knew what I was getting into.


First BC: Bailey - He is 5 years old. I've had him since he was about 9 weeks old. He may have been a little older.


What made you want to get another? I had only Bailey for a long time. Then I moved in with my boyfriend, who had a dog. Eventually we broke up and he moved out. Bailey seemed very lonely without another dog around. So along came Ginger!


What have you done with your dogs? obedience, agility, herding, traveling


How many BC's? three now


How many do you have now? the same three


What "quirks" have you noticed with all your dogs? They don't really have any "quirks". They all do weird things, but I wouldn't say they have "quirks". Willow licks her nylabones clean before she will chew on them. She will take the super long way to get from here to there by staying on sidewalks instead of running through the grass. When I take away all the toys Bailey will begin to collect anything he can find that he thinks I might throw for him. Some of the things he has brought me: paperclips, balls of fuzz, Christmas bulb from the tree, rubber band, cat toys, etc. I used to bring him to my classroom on weekends and he would bring me every piece of garbage, every pencil, anything that the students had left on the floor. Ginger is pretty normal.


City dog or county dog? City dogs, but we would love to buy land!


Would you ever get another breed? No, probably not.

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