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Cancer really really sucks

Guest pax

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I lost someone precious to me this spring to complications from melanomas. I spent years managing it and the the last year in particular getting what felt like a college education in cancer treatments because he was involved in a study. Losing him has been terrible.


Lily had her two lumps removed this morning and the vet is even less encouraging this morning than he was yesterday, although we still don't know anything for sure. I have been sitting here reading up and I feel like I have been hit with a truck, all of a sudden.


Please don't think I'm asking for a "aw poor you" thread. I'm really not. I just needed to be pissed for a few minutes. Lily's early life really sucked and she's only had a few good years. Life is so fucking unfair.

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I agree wholeheartedly. Cancer is something that nothing quite compares to. THe only thing that keeps me in good stead, is to do some research, once I know what the type of cancer it is, and see if I can have any effect on that being's recovery, or positive outcome. Lily has a great life with you, - she has long since forgotten her early days, and all that matters now, as for all dogs, is that she has a home where she is well cared for and loved. It isn't anything more than enjoying each day, and sometimes, we get wakeup calls to that effect. Here for you if you need to chat.



I lost someone precious to me this spring to complications from melanomas. I spent years managing it and the the last year in particular getting what felt like a college education in cancer treatments because he was involved in a study. Losing him has been terrible.


Lily had her two lumps removed this morning and the vet is even less encouraging this morning than he was yesterday, although we still don't know anything for sure. I have been sitting here reading up and I feel like I have been hit with a truck, all of a sudden.


Please don't think I'm asking for a "aw poor you" thread. I'm really not. I just needed to be pissed for a few minutes. Lily's early life really sucked and she's only had a few good years. Life is so fucking unfair.

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I have no qualms with distributing "aw poor you" vibes freely. If anyone is bored, there's that lovely little "Back" button.


I'm with ya. I had a friend die of CLL. Though I didn't go through any feelings that his death was inappropriate - he had a really long battle and spent the last several years in constant mental and physical pain. And he died exactly how he wanted to. So I definitely know that it could have been a lot harder to accept.


Definitely join a cancer group for dogs if the news is bad. Cancer is very different for dogs, and sometimes it helps us to know when the experiences aren't parallel, especially as you say, if you've had a close encounter recently with human cancer. Some things ARE worse, but some are better, and it's surprising to most people to know that.


God's blessings and peace on you and your family.

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Oh, Pax - Bo and I are sending good thoughts to both you and Lily. Cancers do truly SUCK!! We have had a few bad years in DH's family, and we are not done.....I feel for you. It does seem terribly unfair. You know you have given Lily a great home, and will continue to do so. Like Julie said - Lily has probably forgotten here early days. She lives in the now, with you. Whatever the news, make the most of your time. I think the waiting is the hardest, once you get information you will be better able to move forward. For now you know a lot of people are pulling for you both.

I would be glad to chat, if you want.

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My wife lost her younger brother, her father, her favorite aunt, and her favorite uncle to cancer. Her older brother is now battling the disease, and the prognosis is not good. And Missy's cancer has recurred; we do not know how much longer she has, but it appears to be just a matter of weeks. We also lost our English Springer Spaniel, Tiffany (before I came to this board), to cancer. Like you, I hate this disease, and the havoc it wreaks. It would be nice (but unrealistic) to hope that the government would take the billions of dollars it is spending in Iraq and instead spend it on finding a cure for this scourge...


My thoughts and prayers are with you and Lily. The best you can do is to be Lily's Angel:


I’ll be the angel watching over you,

The one who really cares,

I’ll be the one to guide you through,

The one who’s always there.


I’ll be the angel you can trust,

When you feel you’re the only one,

I’ll be the one to help you see,

That life should involved some fun.


I’ll be the angel to help you see,

That you don’t have to cope all alone,

I’ll be the one, yes only me,

To provide you with a loving home.


I’ll be the angel to tell all your troubles,

I’ll be forever in your heart,

So when you feel you’re in need of a cuddle,

Just remember, I’m never too far.


I’ll be the angel watching over you,

The one who really cares,

I’ll be the one to guide you through,

The one who’s always there.

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Fergie (BC), Maggie (border cat), and I are talking to the Goddess. She does wonders with cancer. Well, doesn't necessarily cure them, but sure helps.


Within 2 years, we lost my cousin (age 50) to a 6-year bout with lower GI cancer, my uncle (~80) to a blessedly short bout with colon cancer, and my sister-in-law (age 55) to a valiant 5-year battle with stage-4 ovarian cancer.


With us, we can know family histories and get ourselves early detection for better chances. But, with our pets, that's usually not possible. No one knows who Ferg and Mag's dads were - and we know almost nothing about their mom's medical backgrounds. You've done a great job to notice the growths and get them removed ASAP. You can't prevent or cure what you can't know.


You do know that you've done all the best for Lily and given her a wonderful life so far - she now knows love. Let's pray that you get to continue doing so.

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You are right, cancer does suck. Lost both parents to it, and to many dear friends, don't get me started! But as for Lily, she is in the here and now of your lives together, and the gift we can give them is being as present with them as they are with us. Our thoughts are with you both.

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I lost someone precious to me this spring to complications from melanomas. I spent years managing it and the the last year in particular getting what felt like a college education in cancer treatments because he was involved in a study. Losing him has been terrible.


Lily had her two lumps removed this morning and the vet is even less encouraging this morning than he was yesterday, although we still don't know anything for sure. I have been sitting here reading up and I feel like I have been hit with a truck, all of a sudden.


Please don't think I'm asking for a "aw poor you" thread. I'm really not. I just needed to be pissed for a few minutes. Lily's early life really sucked and she's only had a few good years. Life is so fucking unfair.


im so sorry. though life might be full of winding roads and in the end the journey might not end happily you have given her love and the best life for those happy years. happiness doesn't last but she will feel your abiding love till the very end

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I've been through terminal illness with a dog, kidney disease, not cancer...but I get it. A shelter dog, rescued at age 1, gone by age 3. Frustration, anger...helplessness. Our dogs communicate with us, but they can't always tell us how much they're hurting, (and maybe they wouldn't want to burden us with it), but we're left wondering...and worrying. The pain in losing her was as great as the joy of loving her...and I loved her well, and she knew it.


Your Lily is lucky to have you by her side...and she knows you're by her side. I pray the outcome is good, that she'll fully recover, and you'll have many more days to enjoy your relationship. As you journey through this, loving and hurting...may your life with her be full of beauty and meaning.


Sam, Amber and Ollie

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*comforts* I know how you feel, just found out today that my elderly ferret has cancer, and its probably not operable. Not really sure what to do =/ I hope your miss Lily comes through this alright. You'll both be in my thoughts.

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I'm with ya on that. It does suck. I lost my Grandma, Aunt, and our red heeler to it. It's not fun. But I have found you do find some strenth in dealing with it. A lot of us on here have lost to many friends and family members to it. But we're here to listen and give you some support.


My thoughts and prayers are with you and Lily. Hugs from both of us. Stay strong.

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I am so sorry to hear about Lily. Best wishes on what the results show. Keep us updated. Sounds like poor Lily hasn't had it easy.

Hugs from me, and BC kisses from the kids.

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Instead of focusing on the rotten years Lily has had, try to focus on the good years. At least she has had those good years and whatever the outcome, she is with people who love her and will make sure the rest of her time is as nice as possible. You will do everything you can for her and she will know it and appreciate it, whether her remaining time is 5 days or 5 years.


And I'm with Becca that the poor yous can be given freely. I agree that it is horrible for Lily and horrible for you. I do not envy your situation. I wish I could help, but I can't. I can just hope that it won't be too painful for Lily.


In this world, we aren't supposed to help our human friends and family find peace when the time comes. But at least we have a choice to help our animal loved ones. I wish I could have helped my grandfather so he hadn't had to go through the indignity and pain of his cancer. I am glad that I had the choice and could help my rat when she got a tumor. It is a tough choice and one I hope you don't have to make any time soon, but personally I think peace can be the best gift we can give those we love.


*virtual hugs from me* And Molly is still crossing her paws in the hope that Lily will be okay.

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I'm a cancer survivor (not all endings are sad ones, I'm happy to report), and as care-giver, you have the second hardest job. I want to share one story, told to me by a fellow survivor:


This man I met in a waiting room was a volunteer driver for the American Cancer Society (ACS). He drove patients and their care-givers to appointments that had no other means of transportation. As we all sat in the waiting room, we chatted about the illnesses--cancer patients can ask each other those nosy questions that no one else would ask--we all had. One man had extesnvie lymph node involvement, to the point where we all knew it was just a matter of time for him. That's when the volunteer driver spoke up. He said he had had a cancer behind his eye. He went to one doctor and was told that a certain operation could help, but the likelihood of his surviving the operation were less than 1%. The doctor refused to perform the operation because it would make his (the doctor's) numbers look bad. The volunteer driver said he went for a second opinion and the second doctor told him about the same operation, and the likelihood of surviving the operation was probably less than 5%, but if he (the patient) wanted it, he would do it. The man opted for the surgery. He paused for effect, telling us the story, and then told us that it had been 17 years since that operation. It just goes to show you that doctor's don't know everyting.


Anyway, I hope something as wonderful turns out for your Lily, too! Sending virtual hugs your way, and healing vibes Lily's way!

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