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Please send mojo for Tiga

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So I was out running errands today and when I got home Tiga had eaten some (not sure how much) of a fire starter log. It is a waxy bock of wood chips and fuel as near as we can tell. Of course I called the vet right away and she told me to give him a tablespoon of peroxide to induce vomitting and if he didn't vomit to repeat in 10 mins then call back. Well she called back first and told me not to give the 2nd tablespoon. He didn't vomit from the first. She said to bring him in for charcol. So we went in and she gave him the charcol. Now we wait. She said they are the er vet on call tonight which is good. We have to watch for wobbling and seizures. :rolleyes: I'm so worried about him. He's not allowed supper tonight. So far he seems ok and the vet agreed. I feel so bad. I saw those sitting out last week (my roommate/landlord uses them for the woodstove) and I said to myself I should put those up, Tiga might get into them, but I was in the middle of doing something else and I forgot about it. :D I should have listened to myself and put down what I was doing and taken care of it. I just hope he's ok. Please send lots of good mojo for him. I feel liek such an idiot.

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So far he still seems to be ok. He's pretty mopey. He sulking now cause he knows he was bad and he had to drink nasty stuff and he's not allowed to have supper. Our roommates dog Princess knows there's something up. She keeps licking his chin. I'm sure I'll have him awake every hour tonight to walk a bit and make sure he's ok. Thank you all. I'll keep you posted. I'm not going too far from home tonight.

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Oh Tammy - you know you have the very best downunder mojo we can muster coming Tiga's way. If he's still pretty much OK at this stage, then I'd think it's a really good sign - but you're probably in for a wakeful night watching and worrying about him.

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Thank you so much everyone. So far so good. I'm hoping that's a good sign. He's been sleeping but I keep waking him up every now and then and make him walk to make sure he's not wobbling. He's pretty upset that he got no supper and I think a bit exhausted from all the commotion. I know it's going to be a long night.

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Thank you so much everyone. So far so good. I'm hoping that's a good sign. He's been sleeping but I keep waking him up every now and then and make him walk to make sure he's not wobbling. He's pretty upset that he got no supper and I think a bit exhausted from all the commotion. I know it's going to be a long night.


Good luck with Tiga tonight. He'll probably be pissed at you for waking him so much too :rolleyes: You'd think that log would have been anything but tasty! Blech!

Positive vibes coming from snow-bound Ontario!


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Sorry to go OT and hijack this string, but a thought struck me when reading the well-wishes. A fellow BC lover is in distress, and salutations are coming in from just below the Arctic Circle to Tasmania. I guess we truly are a loving global family whose concern for each other transcends political, socio-economic, ethnic, religious, and all the other trivial factors that strive to differentiate us. Maybe the world's political leaders could learn something from us...

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Good morning everyone. We heard all the well wishes and got through the night just fine. I'm a little tired, but he seems to be ok this morning. I was awake a lot last night. Everytime he made any little sound I was wide awake. He was none to happy with me for keeping him up but he seems to be fine. He's now yelling at me with his eyes to tell me it's time for the morning walk. It is amazing to see people from all over the world care about a dog they don't even know. It amazes me everytime someone needs mojo. You are all amazing. Thank you. :rolleyes:

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Sorry to go OT and hijack this string, but a thought struck me when reading the well-wishes. A fellow BC lover is in distress, and salutations are coming in from just below the Arctic Circle to Tasmania. I guess we truly are a loving global family whose concern for each other transcends political, socio-economic, ethnic, religious, and all the other trivial factors that strive to differentiate us. Maybe the world's political leaders could learn something from us...


I agree 100% :rolleyes:

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Sorry to go OT and hijack this string, but a thought struck me when reading the well-wishes. A fellow BC lover is in distress, and salutations are coming in from just below the Arctic Circle to Tasmania. I guess we truly are a loving global family whose concern for each other transcends political, socio-economic, ethnic, religious, and all the other trivial factors that strive to differentiate us. Maybe the world's political leaders could learn something from us...


Too true!


It's good to hear Tiga made it through the night just fine and was looking forward to the morning walk!

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