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Finally my baby is home!

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We finally bought our baby home yesterday, and the first 24 hours have been wonderful and he has definitely been worth the wait!


He is happily going in his crate (just a little cry for about 20 seconds) then he is off to sleep...of course I only put him in the crate when he is good an ready to sleep anyway;)


He woke up at 2.30am, took him out to the loo, came inside and played with him for half an hour then put him back to bed, he woke up at 6.00, took him out to the loo, gave him some brekky and a little play then he let me have another 40 minutes sleep (good because I have come down with the flu). I am hand feeding him most meals and he is an absolute gentleman with his food.


He has also scratched the door three times when he has needed to go outside to the toilet, and I have to say that he is the smartest pup I have ever had (even compared to the the older ones). He knows what the clicker is already and will sit on cue after the third lure with food.


He also tries to eat everything...paper, rocks, leaves, grass, sand, honkey-nuts, moss, the concrete bull terrier door stop - even our top step which is tiles! How on earth do those people on farms keep their pups from eating everything?


Heres a pic of him, I will put some more up in the gallery section. We named him Taj (as in Taj Mahal), I noticed there was a thread about names so I will post the reason why in there.





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Aaaw, he looks an absolute sweetie, Michelle - and looks as though he'll have a mind of his own. And I love his name. :rolleyes:


On the eating/chewing thing - just let your house look like a bomb disposal site for a while - and make sure he has safe chewable stuff - chicken wings, roo tails and stuff like plastic bottles (until they get brittle).


Sounds like he's a good little man already. Enjoy!

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He is adorable, obviously he has read the "How to be a Cute Puppy" chapter in the Puppy handbook several times. Just be ready for the "how to make mom crazy" and "101 things to chew, eat or generally get in trouble for" chapters LOL

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Aww he's really cute. Puppies are to cute. They do eat everything though. But hey, they're to cute to get mad at right?

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I might have to get some of that bitter apple stuff for the furniture, although he is constantly supervised so we can usually stop unwanted chewing immediately (as in I watch him like a hawk, rest of the family is about 95% following my instructions;)


But outside - this pup eats everything! Leaves, pebbles, sand, mud, twigs, grass etc...I am constantly pulling stuff out of his mouth but I am sure he swallows some of it:( I'm a bit worried he will end up with an obstruction. Please tell me all BC pups eat outside stuff and still make it to adulthood!


He did have a very runny poo a little while ago (but not sick in any way, in fact he had the zoomies afterwards) and is asleep at the moment, I am keeping a close eye on him though.


And I have to say he is such a little gentleman! Takes food and treats very gently, I can stick my hand in his bowl at dinner time with no growling or anything, and he very reliably sits on cue and we started 'drop' today. We are only doing a few minutes training at a time, but he picks it up so quick. He's getting the idea of 'leave it' as well, probably because he has heard that about a million times already!



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LOL - Honkey-nuts are gumnuts...hard wooden fruit that contains seed pods from Australian eucalypts (Marri) trees they look like the second image on this page http://www.makingtracks.com.au/pages/defau...m?page_id=19176. You may have heard of May Gibbs’ stories about Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, the gumnut babies.



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He is very very cute!!

BTW what is a loo???


I wouldnt worry about too much of what he eats outside, its a puppy thing.

Mine have ate the strangest things. Casey ate his head halter, leather collar,

shock collar and muzzle, seems only things he hated, he had to destroy.

I once had a pup eat my cats leftovers, a dead mouse with maggots! :rolleyes:

Their stomachs can handle much more than ours.


good luck!

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Ewwww! dead mouse with maggots :rolleyes: LOL Sometimes my stomach can't handle just hearing what some of these dogs eat!


I have noticed tiny round pebbles in his poop as well as long human hair (my two girls and I all have long hair) and definitely fluff from our carpet, which is flat loop pile pure wool but it sheds lots of fibre. But at least most of the junk he is eating comes out. Inside the house is pretty well puppy proof, but the natural stuff he can find outside gives me nightmares!


Sorry a 'loo' is (aussie) slang for toilet - it can mean either the actual toilet/bathroom, or the act (as in 'He needs to go to the 'loo').



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He looks so sweet! I have a question. Honkey Nuts? What are these?


:rolleyes: So it must be a Western Australian term, I think - I'm from the other side of the country, and I've never heard the term <grin>.


Gotta love language, and regional differences - even in a country with as small a population as Australia - but then, it's geographically big.


On the pups eating things - until I learned not to leave stuff lying around on the floor, Kirra cost me a fortune in replacing underwear - she would eat big holes in bras and knickers/panties - as in, completely eat.


Michelle, when he's a bit older, he may start rolling in stuff too if he's anything like mine. Beware dead possum and dead lizard or snake - truly disgusting.


Oh, and on a serious note - if he's going to one of those eat anything kids, be very careful not to let him near carcases that might have been poisoned with 1080 - don't know if they use it in the West, but it's a horrible poison which can cause secondary poisoning and kill carcase eaters

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LOL Barb, just assumed thats what everyone calls them, but maybe it is only a WAussie thing. Do you have Marri trees down there in Tassie?


I've already learned to pick up my stuff;) But I have warned everyone else in the house to be warned! We live in the hills surrounded by natural bush, so dead possums/lizzards/birds are a definite possibility (EEEEWWWW!!!!) He is such an outdoorsy type of guy (even in the rain we are having) so I am sure that he is going to love to get into anything stinky that he can find.


The do areial drops of 1080 in the bush over here not around our area but a bit further out, usually it is signposted but its something I am very aware of when we go bushwalking when Taj is old enough.

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Marri trees - nope, not that I know of. I think our south eastern states vegetation is quite different from WA. Like northern NSW and Queensland is different again - guess it comes of being a big country.


I guess if you live in the bush, the other thing you will need to be really aware of since Taj seems to be a pretty gung-ho kid, is snakes. Luckily, my two are scared of snakes, but I still worry.


I was tracking with Kirra last month, and the track went through some sags (tussocky reeds). Her lead brushed against them, and Kirra nearly leapt 3 feet in the air - I'm sure she thought it was a snake coming to get her. Luckily, she was able to settle down and keep tracking, but still jumping a bit when the sags rustled.

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Sorry a 'loo' is (aussie) slang for toilet - it can mean either the actual toilet/bathroom, or the act (as in 'He needs to go to the 'loo').





Yep that's a word that we use here too, funny really on here with the language thing, i remember once (sorry can't remember your name) putting polish cloth meaning a duster and someone from Poland getting understandably confused. I also have found myself thinking *that's awesome* a word i never hear over here and would never use normally. I think that is when my friends may think i spend way to much time on here - when i start saying other countries lingo. lol :rolleyes:

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Oh my goodness - too cute for words! What a fluff! Congratulations. :rolleyes: I, too, look forward to watching him grow up.

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I have noticed tiny round pebbles in his poop as well as long human hair (my two girls and I all have long hair) and definitely fluff from our carpet, which is flat loop pile pure wool but it sheds lots of fibre. But at least most of the junk he is eating comes out. Inside the house is pretty well puppy proof, but the natural stuff he can find outside gives me nightmares!



ooooooooooo and to think i was eating candy corn when i read that!!! :rolleyes::D

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