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NC Border Collie get together

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So as of right now, it sounds as if Julie may or may not be there depending on Twist and puppies.


Becca obviously will be there.


Laura will bring some casserole and a dessert.


Rachel (that's me) will bring pasta salad and how about some chips.


Colby and Margaret (?)...are you coming Margaret...will bring stromboli and dessert and almost forgot potato salad.


Nancy are you coming with Fergie?


Jenn are you coming?


Anyone else?


This sounds like enough food for the people listed here.


Also - Julie...let me know if you need any help (with Twist and getting chores done) that weekend as I plan to stay the night at Becca's in the tent.

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Fergie and I are planning to come. And I might get Chuck to join us if there will be other guys.


I'm trying to think of what to bring. Anyone interested in spinach-ricotta pie? A large garden salad? I'm trying to figure what down't need to be heated. I do have a recipe for veggie-spread sandwiches that I was going to try for the next mid-day funeral (I'm not allowed to make pimento cheese ones because I'm a Yankee).


Hey, look at our cookbook and make a request?

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Spinach ricotta pie sounds wonderful. As far as guys there will be, you know, Patrick and my boys. They are always happy to make any manly guests welcome.

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My Chuck is checking to see when his tourney is, so he may or may not be there. Ooo ooo oo spinach ricotta pie sounds good to me too. Yum.


I have a friend on another board (who has joined here but not posted yet) that thought she might like to come, also. I'll hollar at her!

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Hi everyone! Laura (Carson Crazies) brought me on board and since I'm in NC and am an extremely cool person :cool: , well, she invited me to the BC picnic :rolleyes: . I'm very excited about it and am looking forward to meeting you all . Anyway, I know I haven't posted anything yet, cause I'm rediculously busy with taking two college classes, but I do have a wonderful little BC mix named Riley, who has minimal training, but is enrolled in two classes--but he's very cute (what BC isn't!) Anyway, my fiance and I and of course Riley will most likely be attending.


I was thinking of bringing a couple of sicilian pizzas, since they can be eaten hot, warm or cold and I can have them sliced up into smaller pieces. What do you think??

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Hey guys! I'm just crawling out from under my rock here and checking the boards for the first time in AGES. What time is this shindig on the 22nd? If its still going later in the evening, we might be able to come by. I'll have to water plants in the AM though. And think up something that can be cooked even if I'm living in the station wagon at that point...



Nellie, Ben and Pip Squeak

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Yay Susan! Nice to see you here.


I was thinking of bringing a couple of sicilian pizzas, since they can be eaten hot, warm or cold and I can have them sliced up into smaller pieces. What do you think??
If you ask me, anytime is a good time for a pizza. :rolleyes:


Karen and Lisa, I hope you guys can come! Are we planning to do like last year and just come whenever, and have main meal at dinner time?

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Yes, come whenever! Oooo pizza rocks! Karen, I will draw you a DETAILED map if you decide to come for sure.

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Hey, are northerners still invited? I would love to try to make it. Things have been a bit crazy lately with all the flooding in New York and I didn't realize how fast the summer was going by.


If I can make it I would be bringing both Dublin and my foster dog. I would have to bring something that doesn't need to be kept cold during the trip - are chips good?

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That would be awesome if people from other states could make it too! Last year we had a few from other states - I hope they can make it this year. Chips would be a good hold-over for dinner too.


Love anything spinach! And there's nothing better than homeade ice cream! I'm not sure the potato salad is fitting in with the other entrees, but I'll make some kind of side dish. Pizza and stromboli work together.

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Hey, about those crayfish! As I have told Chuck about lobsters: you bring any live animals near me, don't expect to cook and eat them. They will have names and little collars and leashes. And you will care for them for the rest of their natural lives.


I do not eat anything I have met!


A founding memeber of crayfish/crawfish/crawdad/mudbug rescue!

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Yikes! This is next week.


Am I the only non-North Carolinan going? :eek: What happened to everybody else?


Any other yankees out there want to help balance it out? :rolleyes:


I checked it out on mapquest and it is about a 12 hour drive for me, more with stops. I still have to figure out how to manage the rest stops with the dogs.


What time is this shindig going to be on Saturday? Is anyone staying over on Friday night or just Saturday? My ideal would be to drive straight down on Friday but that would have me arriving Friday evening and setting up the tent in the dark. I also need help setting up my tent if possible. It is a multi-room jobber but it is all I have. If anyone needs to crash and doesn't want to bring a tent, there will be plenty of room(s) in mine!


Hmmm... maybe I'll find a cheap hotel ~9-10 hours into the drive and then arrive Saturday...I dunno, this is getting complicated. :confused:

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We'll be here Friday! LOL. Patrick and I can help you with the tent, no problemo. Or you can just use the VERY comfy couch in the den, which has a door you can shut for privacy. Just close your eyes to the disorder there. :rolleyes:


I think those who have shorter drives are arriving Sat and those who are staying over are staying over Sat.

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I will be arriving on Saturday, maybe with hubby in tow. Not sure yet about the hubby.


Anyway, I plan to crash on Saturday evening in my tent.


I personally think that driving part way staying in a hotel for Kitch is the best solution. That is a long drive and longer with stops. Plus when you get through with the drive...you won't want to set up a tent. Or take Becca up on her offer!!!


See you all on Saturday.

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