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NC Border Collie get together

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We need to start planning this!


I've forgotten the exact date in all the house closing madness. I know it was later this month.


Planned - cookout by the pond, possible bonfire, campers welcome. If anyone stays overnight we can work in the round pen very early in the morning if desired. Or a long hike, ending back at the pond.


All dog lovers and their friends welcome. No fences, bring crates for dogs uncomfortable around other dogs - crating in house available.


I'll sit down and do all the location information tonight. Meanwhile you can Mapquest us at 54 Scott Road Semora NC.


What else?

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If it's going to be pot luck, should we keep a list of who is bringing what? Or trust to luck. That always works at the ones I go to. But it could be odd if we get 10 packs of HD rolls and no HDs. Are there crawfish in the pond that could make lobster rolls?

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Are there crawfish in the pond that could make lobster rolls?
Are you serious? :eek: I've never eaten a crawfish. You know what, I don't even want to know. If I eat one, just don't tell me. I prefer to live in ignorant bliss. Like the time my Grandpa Wills cooked us up one of his rabbits. Told us it was Chicken. I never could figure out why my parents weren't eating the yummy chicken. Didn't learn the truth until years later. Poor Victor, I thought he just ran away.


Anyway, yes, a who is bringing what list would be good. The question will be cook there or bring covered dish? And then, do we have any leanings towards what we want to bring?


I'm getting hungry now. Then again, I'm always hungry.

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We called 'em crawdads. They are delish, kind of like gamey shrimp. Don't try it though, Laura, wouldn't be worth the pain the next day.


I nominate Laura list person! :rolleyes:


Let's do cover dish so we don't have to drag a grill and whatnot down to the pond. Focus on stuff that is good lukewarm.


We can hear VIR from our place! It's about three miles from here. It's so odd to me that it's actually in NC . . .


I had an idea Laura - I wonder if you would mind bringing your tent and we could set it up and use the screen porch to set out the food and keep it fairly bug free. And use the inside to stash coolers?

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Oh, what always works at the things I do is bring one brand of soft drink you absolutely must have and one other thing you think might be generally acceptable for the "pot". Six packs. That way if someone drinks only caffeine free vanilla cherry Dr. Pepper or something they won't be left in the cold. And there will be plenty of beverages for hubbys and kids and tag along friends.

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Hey, I was kidding! When I was young and dinosaurs ruled the earth (well, Ike was president), we girls went down to the cellar hole (long story there) and caught crawfish and tadpoles so the boys couldn't. They were threatening to cook and eat them.


OK, guys, did any of you ever eat a roasted tadpole? Crawfish I can believe, but little New England tadpoles?


We took the crawfish to the neighborhood swamp. We kept the tadpoles in buckets. Oops. Mine were in the tent in the backyard (it was summer) and eventually hopped out into the yard. Susan's were in the basement and just hopped all over. Her Mom was not amused.

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I will bring pasta salad as that is good cold!!!


I have a screened in shelter that I can bring rather than Laura's tent as to not damage the bottom of it. Now, if I can find said screen porch is another thing...I hate thinking you are moving so you pack and can't find anything when you haven't moved.


Anyway...count me in for pasta salad. I'm up for round pen work or whatever and plan to stash away in my tent for the night. Laura - you are welcome to stay in my tent as you know how huge it was!!!


As for "crawfish" we also called them crawdads and I was always afraid to catch them in the creek beside our house. However, snakes and salamanders were a different story...I would catch those and put them in a bottle, not knowing any better as a kid. I would release them at the end of the day.

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I plan to come at least for a little while, but a lot depends on what's going on with Twist/pups. What I bring will also have to stay up in the air for now as all depends on how busy I might otherwise be. If I have the time, I will make deviled eggs, but they will likely be store bought instead of homegrown as some of my hens are still feeling broody and the others say it's too darn hot to lay....


If someone wanted to grill I could supply lamb for kabobs. Hmmm...or if I can find the recipe, perhaps I could make broccoli salad. Well, I'll just wait and see what everyone else is doing and then maybe fill in a hole or two.


How's that for completely noncommital? :rolleyes:


As for crawdads, I just consider them something like tiny lobsters (and that means tasty!).



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You all are making me hungry talking about crawdads. We caught them camping at Clear Lake. The people I went with would have a "boil" and we'd eat them hours after catching. I liked them better than SFO bay crabs and I love SFO bay crabs.


Time would be whenever. If there will be people here around lunch time we'll think of something light to lay out, depending on how many are here. Crawdad salad maybe. :rolleyes:

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Now if you all are conjuring up a good ol mudbug boil,,,well I might just have to toss my camping gear and furbys in the mountaineer and roadtrip!


Man ya just ain't eating right if you've never chowed down a good crawfish pie!!




Thats the next big event we have here right after morel season,,,is to score a 60lb sack of cajun mudbugs,load the coolers with plenty of adult beverages,launch the boats and find a good sand bar on the river for a weekend of crazyness.

Thunderbolt loves a good missouri boat ride as much as any of the boys(but i did get him his own tent this last mudbugfest after spending the previous 2 years sharing my tent with a wet sand encrusted beer stealing Border Collie who can rip one foul greenfog crawfish pie fart that will rust your zippers)


You all have a great time and remember fresh batteries for the cameras.

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All I can say is Ewwwww. :D That's just a blanket statement for eating anything with an exoskeleton or slimy skin. Just don't tell me.


Yes, I will be list person. Rachel, if you can't find your screen house, let me know and I'll bring my tent (with a tarp to put under it). I will bring my canopy thingie to provide some additional shade. Rachel, if I stay I may just take you up on the tent offer!


I can bring a Tex-Mex Chicken & Rice casserole that will feed quite a few peeps, or something along those lines. Drinks, of course, and a desert. I have one of those carrier doohickeys that you can keep food hot or cold in, so I'll make good use of that.


Come on Ironhorse! Even if we don't boil "that which shall not be mentioned" you'd still have a ball. :rolleyes:


I certainly can pack some sammy stuff to aid in lunch if needed. I think if everyone brings a couple of dishes and a drink we should fare just fine.


Two lists needed: bringin food and supplies, and then who's coming (basic head count).

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Karen's probably watching this though maybe too busy to respond. I'll whether she's thinking about it. It's a long time to schedule off the farm though. She's doing great, by the way.

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Colby will be there as long as the biz is under control. I think I brought a peperoni pasta salad last year, so this year I think a stromboli maybe (easy to eat outside), some potato salad, and of course a dessert.


Edit: lamb kabobs sound awfully good!

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Hey everyone,

Sort of off topic, but I will be needing newspapers, so if any of you are saving them up at home for recycling or whatever and want to (and have room to) bring them, I will be happy to pick them up and cart them home with me....


Okay, back to food planning....



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