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NC Border Collie get together

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Oh, and um, both kinds of crust? Hee hee. The spinach ricotta sounds so nice and fresh. Maybe I should just make a quiche, myself.

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The western-NC, mountain-momma crew is going to try to attend. What would you like us to bring? We are currently living in a camper (all SEVEN of us!) with an apartment-size stove and refrigerator which limits my options. Usually I like to bake cookies or brownies or the like. Anybody have suggestions for munchies, etc? I could do the ubiquitous chips and salsa but am open to better suggestions!



Pups: Nellie, Ben and Pip Squeak

Cats: Cleo, Diesel and Stella Blue

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I actually don't think anyone has offered to bring chips and salsa yet? That would be terrific. We need input from our Official List Person. :rolleyes:

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It's in our online cookbook under Soups&Stews, which is really one-dish meals. The whole wheat crust is the one for tomato pie.


We put the cookbook online so the kids would stop calling at mealtime needing "that" recipe - right now!

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Chuck just brought up an interesting point. What about drinks? As in, how about if we brought a 6-pack of Guinness? OK, for a true BC drink, it should be RamTam or Rigwelter or Borders or....


Anyhow, would alcohol be OK?

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Rebecca - will there be access to electricity where the tents are? As I was packing my car I came to the realization that the pump for my mattress is the one that needs to be plugged in - and the friend I usually go camping with is the one with the battery operated one...worse comes to worse I can just rough it.


I am leaving tomorrow morning and will be without access after ~10ish tomorrow morning, so if anyone needs to contact me after that or if plans change, call me on my cell: 518-221-0950


I can bring a case of hard cider....do we have means to chill it? The other bevarage I am bringing (well besides water for the dogs ) is diet pepsi...can't live without it.

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I'll bring a giant cooler full of ice down to the barn where we will set up. Electric is no problem! Tent campers have a choice of setting up by the house (access to facilities) or down by the barn where you'll have access to your gear during the day. Or if you are really feeling like roughing it, the pond would be a neat place to camp. I've often thought about it myself!


We are a family of abstainers. However, please feel free to enjoy the BYO of your choice.


We will have a supply of Patrick's awesome iced tea, plus some of the usual suspects in cans.

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Sounds good everyone. Since I will be home for only about 12 hours before I leave again...I will likely forget something...so I'm sending hubby to store today since I will also have an overnight visitor - my mom.


I'm trying to talk my mom into coming to the picinic...but I think the pull to spend the weekend with her grand-daughter (my niece) is too strong.


Julie - will you have company? I'm still debating the tent thing or not. Laura - what were your plans? I will need help setting that stupid thing up...it isn't as easy as my last tent.



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Haha. I'll certainly help you pitch your tent Rachel, if you decide to. At this point I'm *planning* to drive home, since its only about an hour. That could always change, and I'll bring provisions in case it does, but right now that is my plan. That being said, Rachel, you're always certainly welcome to come pitch your air mattress in my living room! Then you'd only be an hour and a half from home.


Rachel, have you found your screen house yet?

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Haven't had time to look...but I know right where it is.


I will call you this evening if I cannot get to it. However, my call will sometime around 9 pm if that isn't too late. But bank on me packing it.


The problem with staying with you is that Brian is staying the night in Durham and riding along with me...so I need to be over that way. Thanks for the offer though.

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Weather report is good so far, though HOT until late afternoon. Possible shower, but we are always the LAST to get anything in the "scattered showers" forecast.


We've had storms blow up every afternoon which rage all around, but never hit here - but we get the benefit of the overcast sky and cool breezes. I sat and grazed sheep yesterday for about two hours around dinner time and the temp probably dropped 15 degrees in that time.


After tomorrow I will commence to whine about the lack of rain, but for your sakes I'm counting on our odd weather!


Jack and Co, you gotta know where to look to find 'em! Although I always say I get plenty giddy enough without any help. Well, other than Coca-cola or Barq's root beer.

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If I have enough time today between running around like a crazy woman I am *planning* to make an oreo cookie cake. If I don't have time, I'll probably make a Hershey Pie, and probably one of those cream cheese/fruit pies I brought to your house that time.


I probably will revise my original tex-mex casserole, though, since we seem to be leaning towards a more italianish theme.

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Peglets, lol. Being preggers in summer sucks. Tell her to be patient! :rolleyes:


I'm making a list for Patrick for when he gets home, poor guy. He's been out of town all week and when he gets home he'll have to start in right away helping me set up. Plus the eternal fencing projects. :D

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You're welcome to spend the night here if the tent doesn't work out. You're well aware of the current chaos, so I'll leave it up to you!


Rachel & Laura,

Do NOT let me forget the pump for Kerry.


As for the food list, I may end up bringing pre-made stuff unless things quiet down around here.


Oh, and I'm with Susan, I think Tex-Mex casserole and spinach ricotta pie are natural together! :rolleyes:



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I third the Tex-Mex!


Julie, let me know later today if you don't make itty-bitty eggs. I've got my heart set on them so I'll make some myself - I've got a ton of eggs I've got to get rid of (no, the ducks aren't laying, a friend with chickens gave me way more than I can even use for the dogs!).

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Sorry for waiting the day before in replying, but I will not be attending the picnic. I'm sure it's going to be alot of fun. I was looking forward in meeting everyone from N.C.

Can't wait hearing about it on the forum.

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