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Hi, New Prospective Owner Here

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Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. I'm in the beginning process of adopting an adult female from Arizona Border Collie Rescue and will have a ton of questions. I've been reading the boards for several days now, but it's still a very big learning curve for me. The only dog I ever had was a Great Dane and we had to adopt him out when I was only four years old due to moving to a house with a small yard. I've only had cats since then, so I'm a newbie. I sure would appreciate any and all advice you can give me. I'm sure I'll ask stupid questions, but I want to do right, so please be patient with me. The dog won't just be a companion, I'm also very interested in participating in agility training and possibly search and rescue. Thanks!

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Do you Laurie take this dog blah blah blah blah blah sickness, health blah blah insanity...


Tell us about your puppy. Pictures


Seriously you're in for an incredible experience. Your life will never be the sane. Did I say sane, I meant same. :rolleyes:

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Do you Laurie take this dog blah blah blah blah blah sickness, health blah blah insanity...


Tell us about your puppy. Pictures


Seriously you're in for an incredible experience. Your life will never be the sane. Did I say sane, I meant same. :D



I could use a little insanity, things have been way too quiet lately. :rolleyes: I just started the process about 10 days ago and will have the home visit check this Saturday. On Sunday, I head off on a 1,500-mile trip to the Mustang 45th Anniversary show in Birmingham. I'm hoping by the time I get back that they will have some prospective dogs to check out. I'd like a female, about a year old or so. It's going to be fun meeting all the dogs they match me up with, but it will be so hard picking only one. Once I have her, I'll post pictures.

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Welcome! Congratulations! Thanks for helping an adult dog find a forever home!



Thanks! I thought about a puppy, but I don't think I could handle one due to my inexperience and lack of time. And, I really liked the idea of adopting an adult dog.

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Welcome to the group. You will love it here as the people are very helpful. Have you thought about joining the Border Collie club in Phoenix? Also the Az Herding club? There is a ASCA (Aussie) club also that has stock dog events. There are AHBA and USBCHA events in Phoenix area. Lots of trainers too. Let me know if you need any other info. My former trainer was one of the founding members of the rescue group before she resigned due to a very busy schedule. We live in Willcox. Hope to meet up sometime. We currently have 4 Aussies and live in the boonies with some sheep and chickens; also barn and house cats. Narita

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Welcome to the group. You will love it here as the people are very helpful. Have you thought about joining the Border Collie club in Phoenix? Also the Az Herding club? There is a ASCA (Aussie) club also that has stock dog events. There are AHBA and USBCHA events in Phoenix area. Lots of trainers too. Let me know if you need any other info. My former trainer was one of the founding members of the rescue group before she resigned due to a very busy schedule. We live in Willcox. Hope to meet up sometime. We currently have 4 Aussies and live in the boonies with some sheep and chickens; also barn and house cats. Narita



I'll definitely join clubs as time goes on. I'm hoping there are some in the Tucson area. I'm guessing the first thing I need to is take an obedience class with my new dog so we both can learn. I have a pretty busy schedule, but since I have my own business (I'm an archaeologist), I'll be able to take my dog to work with me. We have a large fenced yard and there's also a subdivision right across the street that will be good for lunchtime walks until it gets too hot here.

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Everyone wants a female about a year old. Keep an open mind and let the good folks at the rescue recommend the right dog for your situation. You might be surprised when the dog you fall in love with totally isn't what you thought you wanted to begin with. Trust me, I know -- I wanted the same small, black and white, year old bitch that everyone else wants. Instead I ended up with a big red male who is the canine love of my life.


Do you do contract archaeology? I'm a physical anthropologist and sometime Paleolithic archaeologist, and I'll be spending a month in Jordan this summer, in the Azraq Basin, on a Paleolithic site. Yay rocks.

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Everyone wants a female about a year old. Keep an open mind and let the good folks at the rescue recommend the right dog for your situation. You might be surprised when the dog you fall in love with totally isn't what you thought you wanted to begin with. Trust me, I know -- I wanted the same small, black and white, year old bitch that everyone else wants. Instead I ended up with a big red male who is the canine love of my life.


Do you do contract archaeology? I'm a physical anthropologist and sometime Paleolithic archaeologist, and I'll be spending a month in Jordan this summer, in the Azraq Basin, on a Paleolithic site. Yay rocks.


Oh, I'll keep an open mind, that's not a problem. But, I do believe that I'd be better off with a female. However, you never know.


Yes, we do CRM all around the Southwest, but mainly in Arizona.

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Welcome , I am here a couple of months and have , and continue, to learn a lot.


" I wanted the same small, black and white, year old bitch that everyone else wants"


This may be silly question but why do people want the above. I ask because that is exactly what Meg is, well maybe a little older. As I am her third owner in her short life I just accepted her not really aware of age , gender though I did know she was b/w. I had no idea she was so popular!

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Welcome! Thanks for rescuing. :D I think we have a couple of members here who volunteer for AZ BC rescue, don't we?


Anyway, I didn't exactly end up with the dogs I thought I wanted, either, so good that you're keeping an open mind. Besides, male Border Collies are sweeter. :rolleyes: (Now I've started it!)

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" I wanted the same small, black and white, year old bitch that everyone else wants"


This may be silly question but why do people want the above.


Well, not quite everyone wants a small classically marked girl since I'd want a boy about a year old and actually would like one on the larger side. I'm partial to black and white dogs but temperament and health are more important than color to me.

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Welcome , I am here a couple of months and have , and continue, to learn a lot.


" I wanted the same small, black and white, year old bitch that everyone else wants"


This may be silly question but why do people want the above. I ask because that is exactly what Meg is, well maybe a little older. As I am her third owner in her short life I just accepted her not really aware of age , gender though I did know she was b/w. I had no idea she was so popular!


This is from a UK BC rescue site but I think it was probably from your side of the pond originally:-


Myth 6: I want a dog without dominance issues, so I want a female.


In the wacky world of BCs, that’s just not true.


For starters, it’s impossible to make gender-based absolutes. But once you spend time around BCs, you’ll start to notice just how many hyperactive, dominant females there are out there. You’ll also notice lots of mellow, roll-with-the-punches males (especially after they make that all-important trip to Dr. Snip!).


It all depends on the individual dog, but don’t think for a minute that a female is a sure ticket to a passive, submissive collie – in our experience it is almost certainly the reverse.


We always say, A Border Collie Boy wants to be your Mate, and A Border Collie Bitch wants to be your MUM!


And that is certainly my experience from the BCs at our agility club. The dogs are mostly no trouble at all (mine being an exception); it's the bitches that are argumentative and a little harder to train as they are more independent minded.



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Give me a Dr Snip male dog, cat, or horse anyday!! Every female I have had are more aloof, self-determined, and renegotiate over who is the boss on a daily basis. The snipped males, are much more eager to please. PLEASE don't say you want a female because you might breed her someday.

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" I wanted the same small, black and white, year old bitch that everyone else wants"


This may be silly question but why do people want the above.


I wanted a male - about 7 months old. Ended up with a male - 10 months old.


Next time I want a 3 year old! :rolleyes::D:D (Just kidding - sort of!!)

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Besides, male Border Collies are sweeter. :D (Now I've started it!)

Oh, I agree 100%! :rolleyes: I wanted a male and Scooter's everything we expected, and then some. Never even considered a female. (Sorry, just can't use the word "bitch!") :D

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Welcome to the rest of your life! And I would say that this quote from the article "Border Collie Characteristics" in the Border Collie Basics section of the main webpage is the best summary of life with a BC that I've found:


"Dogs are a commitment. Before you acquire a Border Collie...be sure you want to spend two years training and thirteen more enjoying a highly energetic dog that anticipates your every move, shares your every joy, comforts all your sorrows, and beats you in every race."

Thanks for rescuing. Thanks for not demanding a "perfect puppy". Thanks for not buying from a pet store, thus sponsoring puppy mills.


BC's are maddening (because generally they're at least as smart as you, and twice as devious), they shed, they bark; your favourite chair also happens to be THEIR favourite chair; they demand attention; they make you go for walks when you want to be a couch potato; they are constantly on the alert for marauding grizzly bears (see articles); they herd everything in sight; thunderstorms are interesting experiences.


I don't know why I have them... :rolleyes:


Oh, yeah: they're smart (having had BC's, I'll never be able to stand a stupid dog again, ever), they're beautiful; they're sweet, loving companions; they warn you of danger; they get your lazy fat ... out of the chair to go for walks, therefore getting your heart the exercise it needs, therefore guarding your health; they're funny as hell (impossible to describe unless you've watched one with a sprinkler or a squeaky toy or seen their response to a ferocious grizzly attack); they comfort you when you are sad (I've been sad a lot the last few weeks, and my dogs know it and are doing everything in their power to help); you'll never be lonely with a BC on the place; you'll find yourself talking to them like you would a human---and they are listening! and they agree with you!


It's the closest thing to having another human in the house...without having another human in the house.


A few quickies:


Before she went into the nursing home, Mother was still at home but had had her first two strokes and was in the chair incapacitated. I'd visit, bringing Lucy and Ethel. I'd look over and the dogs had formed a protective circle around her chair. Normally they want to be close to me, but they knew she was old and sick and needed "protection". Of course, they were not protecting her from family members, but there might be grizzlies lurking about...(now I have 8x10's of the pictures below on Mother's wall at the nursing home, so she can see her friends any time she wants).


My sister has a ranch. My little Ethel (um, Ethel is a rather big girl, she likes her food as much as I like mine) had never seen other animals, other than dogs. We got to the ranch and she saw the horses and cows and her entire world changed. She didn't know what those big things were, but she knew darn well they needed to be herded!!!! (Disorder is not something the BC likes in herd animals).


My dogs can climb trees. Not very well and not very far, but they can get to the first notch of the crepe myrtles.


I have a minivan. My first was a Dodge Grand Caravan, the current is a Chrysler, same idea. The girls have been all over the southeast with me in the vans. When their crates (I call them their "house" and they will go "get in your house" on command) go into the van (and just fyi, two Petmate "Large" crates fit exactly into the back of a Chrysler minivan), they are ready to GO. I "sit, stay" them and they are quivering. I then holler, "Get in the van!" and they scoot around the van and hop into their crates (each into her own particular one). They will go anywhere I do.




Once you have a BC, you'll never be the same, because you really won't find another dog that offers everything a BC does.


I love my girls.







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I could use a little insanity, things have been way too quiet lately. :rolleyes: I just started the process about 10 days ago and will have the home visit check this Saturday. On Sunday, I head off on a 1,500-mile trip to the Mustang 45th Anniversary show in Birmingham. I'm hoping by the time I get back that they will have some prospective dogs to check out. I'd like a female, about a year old or so. It's going to be fun meeting all the dogs they match me up with, but it will be so hard picking only one. Once I have her, I'll post pictures.


Then don't pick one. Let her pick you. Dont worry about color, markings or gender look for personality and intelligence. I love Jin, his classic split face markings, one blue and one bn eye but I wold have been just as happy with a grey eyed merle or tri. Just sit with and play with the dogs. One of them will pick you as her new best friend. That's how I've always selected puppies. Believe me it works.

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Then don't pick one. Let her pick you. Dont worry about color, markings or gender look for personality and intelligence. I love Jin, his classic split face markings, one blue and one bn eye but I wold have been just as happy with a grey eyed merle or tri. Just sit with and play with the dogs. One of them will pick you as her new best friend. That's how I've always selected puppies. Believe me it works.


I cannot stress strongly enough how right desertranger is. This is the best advice you've gotten yet. Every dog I've had has picked me, not the other way 'round.

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LOL, for my second border collie I wanted a blk/wht rough coat male, was looking for a male around 5-6 mos old and was shooting for June, well rescue emailed me in Jan about a 12 wk old tri color male...and the rest is history. Everybody has an idea of what they THINK they want. Welcome to the wonderful world of border collies and the list. It can get wild and wooly both places at times, but only because we love the breed. Please feel free to ask opinions and questions, this is the best place in the world for them. Good Luck and we expect to see pictures as soon as humanly possible

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