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Huge agility brag

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Way to go! Now, head on over to the NADAC website and look up the proper form of those titles you're starting to stack up. Best to get the terminology sorted out now, before it all gets away from you.


And an inspirational quote heard this week from Sharon Nelson: "Novice tests the dog, but open starts to test the handler." Forewarned is forearmed :rolleyes:

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Way to go! Now, head on over to the NADAC website and look up the proper form of those titles you're starting to stack up. Best to get the terminology sorted out now, before it all gets away from you.


And an inspirational quote heard this week from Sharon Nelson: "Novice tests the dog, but open starts to test the handler." Forewarned is forearmed :D


I'm very bored with novice and can't wait to get to open. I walk the open and elite courses, just because, and know that Lucia and I can handle them. We train on USDAA and AKC advanced courses and do pretty well. When we run the chances classes I handle from the open line, not the novice, because, IMO, they are not a challenge.


As for terminology, not a strong point. Doesn't really matter becasue Lucia doesn't know what a title is :rolleyes:

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Sounds like you had a really great time


- just to be a bit dumb, I know q's are great - but what are they exactly??

We dont have that over here, you either

Eliminated - for off course and stuff

5 faults for every mistake

Clear round - going clear in the course time

and places for the fastest dogs with the least faults


Where does q's fit in with all tha?? :rolleyes:

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Q's mean Qualifying round. On most NADAC runs, if you Q, you get 10 points towards a title in that class. Accumulate enough points and the dog earns a title, earn enough titles and the dogs earn all around titles like a NATCH.


To get a Q the round must be clean and under time. In Regular/skilled, you can knock one bar and still get a 5 point Q. The other classes must all be clean because each mistake is a 10 or 20 point fault.


Angel: Way to go! It sounds like a great weekend :rolleyes:

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