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Abandoned puppy

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I just got off the phone with my SIL. She heard a puppy whimpering and crying all morning but could not locate it. Finally she found it. It looks like a BC pup, but could be a mix. Someone just dumped him out there. They live in the country. So, since I do BCs, she called me. When my brother gets off work at 4 she is going to bring him out to me. I hope I will be able to tell if it's a mix or pure. I will take some pics and post them to see what y'all think. I said I could probly find a home pretty easy. She said oh yeah, with Christmas coming up. I said, no, I wouldn't dare let the pup go till AFTER Christmas. Plus he will have to be neutered. And I would like to wait as long as possible on that.

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In Dante's "Inferno", animal abusers are amongst those banished to the 3rd ring of the 7th level of Hell, guarded by the Minotaur, who snarls in fury, and encircled within the river Phlegethon, filled with boiling blood. This third circle is reserved for those who committed violence against God and nature (including animals), where they are stranded forever on the Plain of Burning Sand where it constantly rains great burning flakes of fire which vanish when they hit the ground, but not when they hit the flesh of sinners. This region is also known as The Abominable Sands.


I don't know about the others, but as far as animal abusers go, it sounds good to me...

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Doesn't it just make you furious :rolleyes:


Last week a friend of mine called me. She lives in a small town about 2 hours away from me. She was just at the town limits when the car in front of her suddenly stopped at the side and dumped three puppies out of the window and took off. It's about -25C here right now. She managed to catch all three. She fiqures the are about 5 - 6 weeks old. I don't know what they are. I just know they aren't border collies, otherwise she would have arrived at my doorstep with them! They are safe and sound with a lady that rescues on her own.

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That's how I got Sophie! Some &%(#*@% abandoned her in a city park bathroom in Oregon. I like to believe the abandoner was hiding behind a tree or something, watching to see if anyone found her and took her home...or to the shelter, or whatever. More than likely, that loser dumped her and ran quickly in the other direction. Of course, I am fortunate he left her for me to find, but she was only a baby puppy, left to fend for herself!

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Well, this is a first! A funny thing happened on the way to the rescue..........

My SIL stopped by my nephew's (the one with the brain cancer, y'all remember him?) on her way over, and they were smitten with puppy love. I called my nephew after getting off the phone with SIL and you should have heard the oohs and aahs from less than an hour in their house! My nephews son was terribly afraid of dogs for a long time, until he met Jackson. Then he decided, dogs, but especially Border Collies, were cool. And Bubba just was wild about the pup. Even his wife, who is not a "pet person", was taken in with the little guy. I told my nephew I was just checking to make sure they really wanted it. He said, there was no way he could let that little puppy drive off! He is already planning on getting the pup in for a check up and shots. I told him I was here if he needed help or had questions. I will be able to keep an eye on the little guy! Hope to stop in tomorrow so maybe I can get some pics!

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People think that people in the country has tons of space for their unwanted dogs. I live at the end of a long (private) driveway and I see people pull up, stop and then drive off....so I do *THE WALK*


*THE WALK* to get whatever dog or cat they have dumped. So far, the neighbors and I have managed to place all of them. All of the cats I put in my barn and they live here. My vet gives me cheap rates on fixing them. The only stipulation I tell the cats are: catch mice and be nice to the other animals...so far, the cats have kept that part of the bargain. They get a barn, food, water and pets.


The eyes of the abandoned animals are so sad.....confused eyes, eyes in fear, scared eyes and eyes wanting love.


Some of the dogs are n great health and we can't figure out why they want to dump them...perhaps, hoping the farmer will need another dog? Lucky for the animals, the neighbors here are good people and we either keep the castoffs or re-home them



One yr, a fancy car dropped off their fancy dog but they forgot to take the fancy collar off with the ID. AC was more than happy to get the dog and I think they were going to charge them.



Your pup got a great home and it was a great ending to a sad beginning



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He has been to the vet and been given the once over and shots. All is okay! They have named him Hank!


Thanks for all the nice comments!


Awww. Hank was my father-in-law's name. :rolleyes: Ummmm, Linda? Since you wound up not having to take the puppy, any chance you could fit another one in at your place? See Prancer :D

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I live in the country away from our major city. After xmas when I drive back home after visiting family in the city if you pull up in rest areas you will often find dumped puppies. Left to die in the searing Australian summer heat or killed by passing road trains.


It is very disturbing to think what goes on in the minds of such people.


I am glad yours was a happy ending.

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