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Hi! I'm Paige and I'm new. I'm from sunny southern California but originally from Texas. :rolleyes: I just adopted my BC, Soda, about 2 weeks ago. She'll be 3 years old in January. She's ABCA registered but from a pet store.


I work at an animal shelter and she came in as an owner-surrender and I just couldn't resist. At my shelter we don't get a whole lot of BC's, in fact in the last two years we've had three! Luke, a one eyed 6 y/o BCx and then two in the last two months. I felt like I was being nudged a bit, so I leaped. I was really looking for a dog to do some herding with and agility, though even if that doesn't work out with her, I am glad I adopted her. She's quite a funny little dog.


I herded a bit with my other dog, LT but she's a mutt and flunked out, but I caught the bug. I also do agility with LT, but it's agility lite and I'm a super noob at that too. She'll probably never compete as she shuts down super easy but I think she has fun in class, as long as I don't pressure her. At all. I also have a malamute mix, Cash--he doesn't do much of anything except be a cuddle butt mcflufferson. I'm hoping that Soda will be a good intro dog into the wide world of herding and agility. I also have a fat cat that I love more than anything.


Soda and I have already had a lesson and I couldn't have been more pleased. (Not that I know a whole lot) but it went well and I'm soooo excited to be on this journey and I just really want to learn e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.


It's nice to meet you all!




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Yay, welcome to another non-native from SoCal--I'm originally from upstate NY!! :rolleyes: Soda is so adorable, and what a cute name, too!! I'm in L.A., and Mojo and I are new to agility, too!! I don't know if you are anywhere close to me, but if you are, feel free to PM where you take lessons--we go to Flying Dog Agility up in Northridge.




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Welcome to the boards. She is so cute. How could someone surrender her? I'm glad you rescued her, unlike some people *cough* her other owners *cough* that went to a pet store. It seems like you really like BC's and are willing to learn to live with all their funny quirks :rolleyes:

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Yay, welcome to another non-native from SoCal--I'm originally from upstate NY!! :D Soda is so adorable, and what a cute name, too!! I'm in L.A., and Mojo and I are new to agility, too!! I don't know if you are anywhere close to me, but if you are, feel free to PM where you take lessons--we go to Flying Dog Agility up in Northridge.





I'm down in orange county. I go to wags and wiggles. I really like it b/c it's kind of low-key and it's okay that we suck something fierce. :rolleyes:

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Hi Paige! We're also here in SoCal, down in San Diego. Feel free to PM me if you are looking for activities down this way. We do sheepdog lessons at Anna Guthrie's in Valley Center, and we horse around on the beach a lot.


Welcome aboard! We look forward to hearing more about your adventures with your little pack!

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I'm down in orange county. I go to wags and wiggles. I really like it b/c it's kind of low-key and it's okay that we suck something fierce. :D


:rolleyes: Mojo is just fantastic at agility...I'm the one who really needs the help. :D


Anyway, I've never actually been to Wags and Wiggles, but I've talked to some of their staff on the phone, since they are apparently the only facility in all of SoCal that offers Feisty Fido classes. I really, really wanted to be able to sign up Mojo, but commuting that far every week would have been impossible. It's really too bad--as you say, I found them to be very low-key, as well; the website was very welcoming, and the people I spoke with were super nice, sympathetic, and helpful. I'm sure you'll do great there once you really get into it--agility is addicting, and now you've got another dog to do it with!!! Welcome again--this board is pretty addicting, too! :D

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Hey Paige! Didn't see this before! Welcome, and you simply must tell your Jack Knox clinic tale.

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