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Please pray for Stella

Guest TheRuffMuttGang

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

About an hour ago we got to the lake and all was fine. I let the dogs out of the car and then put Stella down to chase behind them as normal. She was totally fine. My dad pulled up and I turned my back for 10 seconds. When I turned around I saw Stella frozen, mid-stride, her muscles all tensed up. She looked petrified. I thought one of the dogs had run her over but she looked fine physically (no grass or dirt or leaves in her fur as if she was rolled over). She looked the way she did when Mojo attacked her--just terrified stiff. I held her for a few minutes figuring something had scared her and then set her down and she was a bit wobbly but took off after the other dogs. She got back to just about normal and I figured I was right, she'd just been scared. A few minutes later I noticed she kept falling over while running so I picked her up and she was shaking, sort of like she was shivering (she was wet and the wind was blowing). I held her for a few minutes and set her back down at which point she took off running, though her hind end did not want to follow her front end. So, I called it a night, packed up and headed home to the other dogs' dismay since we'd only been at the lake 15 minutes. I decided we ought to head to the vet. I gave them a ring to let them know I was on my way even though they were closed. By the time I got there Stella was in full blown seizures. When the vet saw her she had her teeth clinched, was drooling and her eyes were darting. She never lost control of her bowels or bladder but her muscles were stiff and she was shaking.


The vet is not sure what is causing the seizures at this point but he called a few minutes ago to let me know she is now sedated and sleeping and the seizures have stopped. It will take him a few hours to do a workup to find the problem but, and this is what I love about my vet (no, it's not an ER vet), he WILL call me before he leaves tonight and he will take her home if she is in serious enough condition.


Please pray for my Stella pup.

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

Stella also had a bladder infection last week so when I dropped her off earlier the vet said that this worries him since it could indicate some sort of immune dysfunction. I hate the sound of that. I am still waiting for his call. :rolleyes:

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Oh, no, no!


I don't want to be second guessing the vet and I'm sure they are looking into everything, but be sure they consider liver shunts. She's so little . . .


Our prayers for Stella - means "star" you know. Twinkle, twinkle little Star . . . :rolleyes:

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oh my gosh you must have been so scared...she must have been so scared! i'm sure glad she's able to rest until the vet figures out what it is. she couldn't have accidentally been poisoned could she?


check this link out, btw--i saw it was really dangerous for dogs, you might check to see if any are around the park you were at. http://www.tonyspencer.com/2007/10/03/this...aybe-your-kids/

and this one http://network.bestfriends.org/losangeles/news/1154.html


i'll send out tons of good energy!

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Regular bloodwork wont' usually show a liver shunt. They have to do a bile acids test which involves taking blood on an empty stomach, then feeding the dog and taking blood 2 hours after feeding.

Some vets who are really good at ultrasound can find it that way as well.

I hope its not that though....hopefully she just got into something that caused the seizures and she just gets better from here.

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

Crap. I am looking at the signs of liver shunts and I don't like what I see. She has an empty stomach because she threw up her breakfast this morning and I had not fed her dinner yet. I can suggest the test to my vet when he calls, if he has not already thought of it himself. She has been on antibiotics for her bladder infection (increased water intake and increased urination are also signs of liver shunts, damnit) so I just assumed the meds were tearing up her stomach. Today was the last day of her meds and she was acting totally fine up until this incident so I just brushed the vomiting off thinking it was her meds.

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

I just got a call from the vet and she is still sleeping and doing fine. He did a distemper titer on her which came back "positive" though I don't understand that since he said that really only signifies an immunity to distemper. At this point he said it seems to him that she just hit her head. While it is possible one of my dogs knocked her down, I did not see or hear that happen. I was right there the whole time, though I did turn my back for all of 10 seconds when my dad arrived at the lake so I guess I cannot be 100% sure that she didn't get knocked down or ran into. I never heard a yelp or anything which I think would have happened unless she got knocked out cold very briefly. I mentioned the liver shunts to him but he didn't think the seizure was consisent with that diagnosis. If she just gets over this and returns to normal I will more than likely seek a 2nd opinion from a vet that will test for the liver shunts. From the sound of it, my vet just does not seem to think that's what this is. I can't discount his opinion but I have been known to question it. Thus far he's done pretty darn good by my animals.


So, I guess it's a sleepless night for me.

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