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Airline travel with an 8 week old BC

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I lost my dear 13 year old Conner August 3 of this year. A week ago the man that gave her to me emailed me with news that he was going to have puppies any day and wanted me to have first pick! The puppies were born last week and now I am hopeful and in planning mode. He is in Denver and I am in Nashville so an airplane flight is involved. When I got Conner she was 2 1/2 and had to travel as cargo. This puppy I plan to carry inside the plane.


Has anyone traveled with a BC puppy this age?


What kind of carrier did you use? (I am thinking that this bag would be appropriate) Sherpa Delta Medium 16 lbs (7.25 kg), 16" (41cm) L x 10" (25cm) H 18" L x 10.5" H x 11" W


There are no direct flights that accept pets so would you plan a long layover and hopefully be able to take the puppy outside or a short one (45 minutes between flights) and just get home.


Any other insight would be greatly appreciated, I've never done this before!








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When Taz was ten weeks old, I brought him with me on a flight from Colorado to New York (and back again, when he was twelve weeks old). I was nervous about it, because he was an active, squirmy pup who wasn't afraid to scream when he felt he was confined for too long in his crate, but he did really well. He also traveled in a travel sherpa bag--unfortunately, I don't remember the dimensions. I'd recommend getting the biggest one they have that is a shoulder bag, in case the pup is tall. The big one just about fit Taz at 10 weeks and was definitely a little too small for him at 12 weeks, but he wasn't sealed up in it for very long (just long enough to get through the gates, really). Once we were on the plane, and I saw that people were enamored with the super-cute puppy in the bag, I unzipped the top so he could poke his head out and even let him out for a while. He slept for most of both journeys.


I did line the bottom of the sherpa bag with pee pads, which I would replace once he used them, but he never had to use them (good boy, Tazzy!). My priority was to get him outside and pottied as late as possible before boarding and early as possible after landing, of course (before picking up baggage, going to the bathroom myself, etc.) I think one reason Taz was so good on the flight was that he was pretty much crate trained by then, so it wasn't too weird for him to be confined in a dark area. If your breeder can work on acclimating your pup to a crate by herself, that might go a long way toward easing stress on the flight.

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

I adopted out a puppy to someone that had to fly down to pick him up and fly back with him. She used a backpack with wheels sort of bag specifically for dogs. If she sees this thread, she may even offer to donate it to you on the stipulation that you pass it on once someone else needs it. It worked perfectly and her pup was around 16 weeks old and just under 20lbs.

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Once again, I am so sorry about Conner. How wonderful to be able to get a puppy form the same man that gaver her to you..


When I went to get Texi from Debbie I used a carrier that looked alot like this one:


just no where near as expensive. I think it was about $40 at the local pet store. It was a size large. It worked out great. Tex had a good amount of room and it was very easy to handle. I feel bad. I just donated it to the local PAWS group last week or would have defintiely given it to you. The only thing I was using it for here was to bring a cat back to its house that keepss following us home.


We have a pretty uneventful trip home. We flew from Dalls to Atlanta, then Atlanta to New Bern. Total flying time was about 2 1/2 hours with about an hour in between flights. Which was just about enough time to get through the airport in Atlanta. I think it would be best to just plan your flights go get home as soons as possible. You'd have to go through security agian and (take it from me) that can take forever. Tex was fabulous on the plane. When I placed him under the seat on the first flight he whined once. I told him 'that's enough' and that was it. Keep an eye out that the AC vents aren't blowing on your pup's carrier. It can get quite chilly on the floor. I had to throw a sweater over the carrier on our second flight. As well as put on more clothes myself.


I did let Texi out of the carrier on the way to our second flight. Just to stretch his legs a little. He was a little confused (expectedly) & didn't even consider messing anywhere. But I did carry a few paper towels and a little pkg of baby wipes...just in case.


Bring your pup something to chew on like a Nylabone but unless your flights are long I wouldn't worry too much about getting him too much to drink or eat. The less the better. You don't want him needing to go while on the plane. We also flew early, less likely of delayed flights.


A we got off the second plane several people remarked that they didn't even realize I had brought a puppy on board. :rolleyes: Texi's such a good boy.

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You guys are soooo lucky being able to take pups in the cabin. Even small pups have to go in the cargo holds here.


My 2 each flew from Melbourne to Hobart when they were 8 weeks old. Flight time is about 1 hour - but all up, about 1.75 hours I'd say. No problems (except for me, looking out the window while the plane was being loaded, to try to see if the cat cage was on board.)

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I had a Chihuahua puppy fly from NC to Toronto Canada, we were laid over in Toronto for 12 hours (this is where I picked her up) then we flew to Moncton NB, and drove 2 hours home :D She was in Cargo from NC to Toronto, then shipped to a freaking Cargo center and I had to take a taxi all over Toronto in the middle of the night to get her paper work done before I could pick her up! She was allowed in the cabin from Toronto to Moncton but had to be in a soft sided carrier that she was able to stand and move around in. Moral of the story? Each airline has different requirements, make sure you talk to each one before arranging the trip, and $200 taxi rides suck. [The flight from NC to Toronto was an Air America (American Airlines) flight and they said my chihuahua puppy was "too large" for cabin flight, and they put her in Cargo, she was 2 pounds at the time :rolleyes: I had to phone 4 airlines to find one that would allow her in the cabin, even tho they all advertized that small animals were allowed in the cabin, and their sites specifically said dogs.]

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I flew with a 10 week old Border Collie pup (soft sided Sherpa bag) from Sacramento to Tennessee in 2002 via Minneapolis where we had a couple hours layover. There was no place to take her out to exercise at the airport so I used a 'family bathroom' (big private locked rooms with a drain hole in the floor) where I put down newspaper and let her loose to do her business, which she did. It was easy cleaning and she was relieved :rolleyes:


A couple other things to remember: you need a reservation for the pup even as carryon, and it costs about $75 on most of the airlines. Also, I got pulled in Minneapolis for the TSA "extra security" check and I teased them that they just wanted to play with the puppy, as they checked the Sherpa bag quite thoroughly....they almost smiled at that!

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Uh-oh...You've got me thinking about the TSA again. I had a horrible dream the night before I brought Texi home that they wanted to put him through the X-ray machine at the gate to make sure he was 'safe' to bring on board. In the dream I caused a major problem and they took Tex from me and carried me off kicking & screaming. When I checked in for my flight I was still so concerned about it that I had to ask them if they were going to do that. I know inside the guy was laughing at me.


Yes, make a reservation for your pup as soon as you get your own ticket. I had to make a separte call for that. Delta only charged $50.00. A bit cheaper than the others. Then ask them what size carrier you can use because if you are on two different aircrafts there may be differing size requirements. I like the soft side carriers though, because they are more adaptable to a space.


I know alot of people do it but I could never put my pet in cargo. It would freak me out too much. I'd be a complete basket case. If Texi had been to big to fly in cabin I believe I would have driven home to NC from Dallas. But that's just me, I'm an absolute control freak. :rolleyes: And I'm ok with that.

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Quick story on TSA...

A few years back when the Economic summit was held in Savannah?... One of our explosive dogs( Customs and

Border Protection) was assigned to the summit...going through Atlanta INSISTED the handler remove his dog from the crate at the check-in area... OK ,WE ARE THE SAME DEPARTMENT!! And EXACTLY WHAT was TSA looking

for under a bomb dog?????????? HMMMMMMMMMM.


Yep, supervisors were called....


Kinda makes you wonder......

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Quick story on TSA...

A few years back when the Economic summit was held in Savannah?... One of our explosive dogs( Customs and

Border Protection) was assigned to the summit...going through Atlanta INSISTED the handler remove his dog from the crate at the check-in area... OK ,WE ARE THE SAME DEPARTMENT!! And EXACTLY WHAT was TSA looking

for under a bomb dog?????????? HMMMMMMMMMM.


Yep, supervisors were called....


Kinda makes you wonder......



Yes, it does make you wonder. My husband is a Border Patrol Agent who travels frequently and being a Federal Agent, is required to carry his gun at all times. His suitcase was searched by TSA, even knowing what he is. I'm thinking TSA thinks they are their own entity. It's silly.

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So much great info! Thank you all very much! My plan is to fly American Airlines. I called the airline to get carrier dimensions 23" L X 13" W X 9" H. One on wheels would be nice! I am off to the pet store with a tape measure to do a little research. I want to get the carrier and send it so that the puppy can start getting used to it before hand. I will have 3 days at my daughter's home in Denver with the puppy before we return to Nashville.


I love the family bathroom idea!!! I am a labor and delivery nurse and there are always left over chux pads laying around, I may grab a couple of those for the trip!

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I seem to recall hearing about a new airline starting up that will specifically cater to folks who want to travel with their pets (has anyone else heard this, or am I hallucinating?). What a terrific idea! As for me, if I were to take one of their flights I'd be sneezing and wheezing the whole time. I'm allergic to anything with fur or feathers :rolleyes:

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I seem to recall hearing about a new airline starting up that will specifically cater to folks who want to travel with their pets (has anyone else heard this, or am I hallucinating?). What a terrific idea! As for me, if I were to take one of their flights I'd be sneezing and wheezing the whole time. I'm allergic to anything with fur or feathers :rolleyes:


I saw it advertising on craigslist a while back. Here's the link, but so far the routes are very limited (and expensive!)


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I traveled with both our girls on a plane when they were both just 8wks (2 years apart, not at the same time!). I purchased a duffle bag type carrier that had mesh all around it and a zipper top so I could keep my hand inside while flying to pet them. I was lucky because the flights I was on both times weren't full and because they were so cute the flight attendants let me place the carrier in the empty seat next to me as long as I didn't let them out. I had a travel water bowl and a small baggie of food and treats. I also stuffed the bag with t-shirts and towels to help them get used to our smells.


All worked out well with the airlines but I did have to make prior arrangements because some airlines only allow so many animals on a plane a the same time.


Good luck and can't wait to see photos.

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That's so good to hear. I hope I have kind hearted, dog loving flight attendents too! I flew this weekend to visit my friend in Savannah and was checking out the under seat area...I looks like the carrier I got will fit without any problem. I'm thinking that an aisle seat will be best...What do you all think? m_8d1ee27b6e1bfeab19530d4ffa59fa7f.jpg

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So much great info! Thank you all very much! My plan is to fly American Airlines. I called the airline to get carrier dimensions 23" L X 13" W X 9" H. One on wheels would be nice! I am off to the pet store with a tape measure to do a little research. I want to get the carrier and send it so that the puppy can start getting used to it before hand. I will have 3 days at my daughter's home in Denver with the puppy before we return to Nashville.


I love the family bathroom idea!!! I am a labor and delivery nurse and there are always left over chux pads laying around, I may grab a couple of those for the trip!


Continental has a special service that caters to shipping animals (pets) - called Petsafe ©. I just had a pup BC shipped to me in NJ from Chicago.


Oops, went back and read your note and saw that you are taking the pup in the cabin. Nevermind. . .


Good luck!!!

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I flew from Dulles Airport to Iowa to get my puppy. I forget what airline. We had a couple hour layover. I also brought Riot's brother back with me and delivered him to NC a week or so later and from there he was taken to FL. Anyways, we used sherpa carriers. The TSA's were loving the puppies and all the love they were giving the pups at each airport almost caused us to miss our connecting flight. They had someone even go outside with us so we could potty the puppies before boarding the connecting flight. Yes these were small airports but I still thought it was sweet they were so concerned about the pups.


No one on the plane even knew we had 2 puppies on board. They were so quiet and calm the whole time.


Good luck

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I flew from Dulles Airport to Iowa to get my puppy. I forget what airline. We had a couple hour layover. I also brought Riot's brother back with me and delivered him to NC a week or so later and from there he was taken to FL. Anyways, we used sherpa carriers. The TSA's were loving the puppies and all the love they were giving the pups at each airport almost caused us to miss our connecting flight. They had someone even go outside with us so we could potty the puppies before boarding the connecting flight. Yes these were small airports but I still thought it was sweet they were so concerned about the pups.


No one on the plane even knew we had 2 puppies on board. They were so quiet and calm the whole time.


Good luck



So nice to hear that. I'm so excited both for the new puppy and the flying with a puppy experience! Thanks so much for the reassurance!

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.... The TSA's were loving the puppies and all the love they were giving the pups at each airport almost caused us to miss our connecting flight. ...


Had to laugh at this - when I flew 8 week old Fergus back (he had to go in the cargo hold - as I've said, no animals in cabin here - apart from Guide Dogs), I rushed off the plane straight to the cargo place to get him. The guy went across to the terminal, and was a looong time coming back. When he did, he said "You nearly didn't get him." :rolleyes: Of course, I was thinking something dreadful had happened, until he explained that the ground crew were loving on him so much they didn't want to give him up. :D


Good luck with the flying, and with the pup. And don't forget we need pictures!

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Had to laugh at this - when I flew 8 week old Fergus back (he had to go in the cargo hold - as I've said, no animals in cabin here - apart from Guide Dogs), I rushed off the plane straight to the cargo place to get him. The guy went across to the terminal, and was a looong time coming back. When he did, he said "You nearly didn't get him." :rolleyes: Of course, I was thinking something dreadful had happened, until he explained that the ground crew were loving on him so much they didn't want to give him up. :D


Good luck with the flying, and with the pup. And don't forget we need pictures!



New pictures tomorrow...here are the last ones I recieved! Just got a note that they opened their eyes today!!!










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  • 2 weeks later...

It's between these two...the little girl...As described by the current owner:"is the sweetest, easiest, and will be a no hassle puppy for the most part...she is also a protector/defender...the most snuggly, very feminine...probably smooth coat "


Potential names?

Kala - "black and white"

Bella - "beautiful"

Luci "Light"









And the little boy...As described by the current owner:""fun, outgoing, VIGOROUS, and noisy...likes to chew on your clothes or hands, loves to lick skin...blue eyes...a real looker probably rough coat"


Potential names?


Beau "beautiful"

Kane "smart"

Cody "Helpful"

Wyatt "Little fighter"









What a tough decision since I can't see them first hand! My daughter is going tomorrow to make the final choice...they are in Denver as is my daughter...I am in Nashville. Can I just get two??? :rolleyes: I trust this man though...he gave me Conner 10+ years ago...I'm so excited!

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