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Bratty brat brat

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Yesterday I took Ling for a long walk and stop over at the park for a good long game of frisbee. We got home, and understandably she was thirsty. She has this "funny" little quirk, in that she hates to drink out of their water dish if it is even a little slobbery from my Springer's loose lips, so I refill the bowl quite often to please little princess. Otherwise she drinks out of the toilet... much fresher.


So I walked into the house with her and had to do something quick in the kitchen instead of pouring her highness some water that wasn't an hour old. She walked over to the bowl (about five feet from where I was standing), looked at me, looked at the bowl, then put her paw in the edge of the bowl and tipped it right over all over the rug and hardwood, under the table etc. When I gasped "LING LING", I suppose she realized I was displeased, and bealined out the back door. I cleaned up the mess and went and purchase a no spill bowl. Live and learn, and I guess it gave me the opportunity to mop the dining room... but what a brat!!!!!!

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As i read that it made me smile as i was thinking Holly was the only doggie who wanted fresh drinks.

She will look at a her bowl if it is not fresh then look at me as if to say it's dirty. Yes i probably have spolit her and i change her water everytime i catch her having a drink as she gets it all frothy with slobber, yuk!. I don't like seeing it like that myself.


I also carry a bottle and bowl in a rucksack for her when she is out and about if i know she is going to do some running and fetching. Again she knows this and comes and looks at the bag when she is ready for her drink. Oh well spoilt or not i love her.



Naughty Ling though tipping the bowl over. lol :rolleyes: She has not done that yet!!!.

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LOL! Ceana needs her fresh water as well... and yes her water is considered dirty after about an hour as well! Plus, she now prefers her water with ice .... i should have never shown her that. She as well as a pup would indignatly knock over her water when she wanted a new drink. We finally took it away every time she spilled it and then she had to drink out of toilet for a little while. Now she does not spill it, but she will not drink old water.

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she now prefers her water with ice .... i should have never shown her that.



LOL, yes that is the trouble they are too clever, Holly soon learnt from me that i would change it when dirty and say would you like some fresh. Now she expects it. I am glad i am not alone. heehee :rolleyes:


We have not had much summer but i would do the ice cube in the water if we ever get sun this year.

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Guest Freckles LaLa Mom

The cat the dog and the ferrets all get ice water in the summer. Its too hot otherwise :rolleyes: Who wants to drink hot water? Bleh!

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I have a cat who will look me right in the eye, and then put his paw into a glass of water and calmly tip it over, so I do know what you just experienced! And for some reason, Daisy has a strong preference for drinking out of the cat's water fountain, and vice versa.

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Heh. I have bowls all over my house because there are so many doors and different levels I worry about somebody getting accidentally locked in where they might not be discovered right away.


They go in the dishwasher every night and get redistributed out the next morning. At night, everybody has a bowl where they sleep; crate or my room.


If they need better service than that they'd better get a job and hire a caterer.



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We have a Springer as well. I would have to say our dogs are the opposite of yours. My Springer, or I should say my wife's, wants to drink out of the faucet outside. I swear she can drink a gallon of water out of the faucet. It is in the 90's when I get home. During the frisbee sessions with my Border, not my wife's dog, he will barely touch the water out of the faucet. He is more interested in playing than drinking. Basically I have one dog trying to suck up all the water in town and the other running around after frisbees. When we get inside Ruger plops down at the bowl and sucks it up. Springer slobber and all.


If I break out the garden hose it's a different story. The Springer runs for cover and my Border goes berserk chasing the water.

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My dog uses his paw to push down the lever on the water cooler and fills the little spill catcher beneath the nozzles and drinks from there. I had to teach him to only use the white (room temp) handle so he doesn't get the ice water handle dirty :rolleyes: When he drinks out of a dish he gets it all over. He paws at it and digs in it. So its water cooler inside, water dish outside.

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Guest WoobiesMom

That's so funny! There's a dog named Luna at the dog park who is the same way, she won't touch the water at home, no matter how fresh, if the other dog in the house has gotten to it first. She's part hound and the pitiful face she can make would have me refilling the water bowls too!


Glad my Woobs isn't that picky. He'll usually prefer to drink from the bottled water I usually bring along, but once that's gone, he's not above the community water bowl.

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Wow! I'm glad to see that Lindee isn't the only weirdo out there about her water. She won't touch her water if there is ANY of her fur in it. If one strand has fallen off of her and into the water...it MUST be changed! God forbid if she catches the cat drinking out of it (her arch-enemy!). Too funny. :rolleyes:

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We have a 5 gallon self waterer for the dogs and the minions (<~The cats :D ). Its a Bistro, the largest they make, and its emptied by the animals twice a day... its a pain in the butt to fill, but they can't knock it over! HA! Now the only puddles we worry about walking in are the yelow ones Shadow sometimes leaves for us :rolleyes:

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Isn't it odd how picky they are about water, but sheep poop is ok ( maybe wonderful, to eat) ?



YEP that is so right, on our trip to Derbyshire Holly got her first taste of sheep poop, then all she did was try and sniff it out, yuk!! I have to say she even tried some cows, double yuk!!!. Thankfully though she wasn't so keen. She never touches other doggies poop though normally it is rabbit poop she has a taste for.


Anyway i also agree with if there is a hair in it she won't drink either, with her it doesn't take long for one to float in it so i am forever changing it. I am so pleased i am not the only soft one on here. :rolleyes:

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With 6 dogs all sharing the same bowls, buckets etc. mine don't have much choice, they all drink "slobber water" even though it's changed regularly. I do try to make Noah wait to drink until after the others have had a chance though because he's the one that messes it up the worst. They all like to drink out of the their kiddie pool in the backyard too, even after Thunder's been laying in it so I guess they're not too picky. I find that the feet in the water and bowl-tipping seems to be a stage that some of them tend to go through. Our big water bowl in the house is in a stand so it can't be tipped over, but whenever we get any new puppies they can't reach the bowl so we put out a shallow bucket on the floor. Eventually they all seem to decide that it would be fun to dig in or tip over and then it's time for them to drink from the big dog's bowl. The newest trick that one of mine has learned is that bathtubs are fun to play in. Storm now likes to climb into the tub, dig like crazy at the end of it sometimes, lick at the drain and also lick at the faucet for any drips he can get. And Lightning (who loves to swim but hates baths), has just decided in the last 2-3 weeks that the bathtub is the safest place to be during a thunderstorm. He's taken to climbing in with me while I'm in the middle of having a shower :rolleyes: Our power goes out a lot so in the hot, humid weather I'm often trying to get in a shower before we may loose power during a storm and he jumps in. Crazy dog. :D

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feet in the water and bowl-tipping seems to be a stage that some of them tend to go through


Oh yes, been there, done that. She's five now and has been over that stage for quite some time. She still loves to dig and splash around in her kiddie pool and attack the hose, but this wasn't really play, this was pure evil pickiness!

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Clover has taken to try and play in the water dish inside like she does the baby pool outside...so i'll come into the kitchen to see a lovely mess and clover with both her paws in the water dish digging and sloshing and having the time of her life looking at me with a huge grin on her face. *sigh*. She gets scolded and I clean it up but it's SO hard to hide the 'omg how cute is that' thought from my voice.


none of my pets are picky about their drinking water though. They all like it any which way.

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