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Is Rhys a border collie?

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Rhys looks like a border collie to me but he is taller than my neighbor's border collie.

In my experience, Border Collies come in a wide variety of sizes and colors. Annie is the traditional black-and-white and is on the small end of the weight scale (32 pounds), but I have seen BC's that run over 60 pounds (the latter primarily in the smooth-coated version). Keep in mind that BC's are bred primarily for function rather than confomrance (at least by reputable breeders), so consistency between variants is not important.

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He has the same asymmetric nose as my Oreo. He sure looks like a border Collie. I think I've seen rescue listings for BCs that were as small as 30lbs. because they got poor nutrition at the start or were the runt of the litter.


Enjoy your Rhys!

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Looks like a border collie to me! And a very handsome one too!


I always am amazed by the difference in looks even amongst closely related border collies. In the picture below, the first and third dogs are littermates, and the big guy in the middle has the same father as the other two, and his mother is a full sister to their mother. The one in the middle also is about 7" taller and 25 pounds heavier than the little one on the right!



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He has the same asymmetric nose as my Oreo. He sure looks like a border Collie. I think I've seen rescue listings for BCs that were as small as 30lbs. because they got poor nutrition at the start or were the runt of the litter.


Enjoy your Rhys!



I sure agree that Rhys looks like a border collie! But I don't think it's fair to write off 30lb dogs as simply having been runts or badly fed. There are probably as many factors for size as there are sizes.

Chris O

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I sure agree that Rhys looks like a border collie! But I don't think it's fair to write off 30lb dogs as simply having been runts or badly fed. There are probably as many factors for size as there are sizes.

Chris O


No kidding! This is not an accurate statement at all. KellieinTX, border collies come in a variety of size, colours and coats and a small border collie is just a small border collie, usually. It has nothing to do with "runts" or nutrition. It's just the size of the border collie.


28 lbs of Piper, not a runt, not a mix, RAW FED from puppyhood, feels unhappy with that sort of misinformation.



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I apologize. I am definitely here to learn more about BCs as I am new to the breed. In my scant two days of browsing rescues and SPCAs, the little ones I had seen were listed as being that way due to a bad start.


They need a hangs head in shame smiley.

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If I could get her to do it on command, I could also get her to stop!!! She does it every time she has something cool (a toy, a bone, a ball, me) and Tweed comes near it or Red Dog looks at it. So I set her up so I could get a shot of her pearly whites. Evilwitchfromhell.


RDM :rolleyes:

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In Yorkshire, we've seen working border collies from about the size of a fox to about the size of a small pony.


Heck, my father was about 5'6'' - his brother was about 6'5'' - and they were both Pete & Gert's boys.

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AACK! Rhys is adorable! I also think he looks all BC.


FWIW, the fully-papered ABCA sire of my ABCA BC Finn looks more like a spaniel/setter mix to many people, and he is 60# lean (lately, due to some arthritis from an old shoulder injury, he is heavier.) Big, substantial dog. Fully flopped ears. Lots of freckling/merled in what white he has, but is mainy black. Long silky setter-esque feathers. Not all that classical a look for a BC, but since looks were not the goal in his breeding, no one cares.


OTOH, my fully-papered ABCA puppy, Raven (who as you all know came from Julie P's fully-papered ABCA bitch, Twist), is barely 31# at 8.5 months old. I know it'll come as a big shock (y'all know how I am! :D ), but I did NOT starve her nor give her a lot of caffiene and cigarettes to stunt her growth. :rolleyes::D She just wants to be little. (This is probably a Good Thing, because when she goes into Wolverine Mode, all the other dogs are grateful she's no bigger.)


BTW, RDM, that's maybe my fave pic of Piper! Always cracks me up. Plus she has nice clean teeth!

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HA... Piper is the coolest. My Raven does that evil thing but won't let me take a picture of her. She also smiles on command, people think it's an evil thing but it's not, she's just doing her Raven thing.

She won't let me take a picture of anything she does. I think she thinks the camera will steal her evil.


I picked the runt when I picked Mick, he's my aviator. Nothing runty about him now. I happened to pick one of the bigger girls the last time. Dew is short but stocky, nothing tall or big about her except her attitude.


I've always wanted a smooth coated prick eared dog. But, when I pick for work I don't pick for anything else. But hair is good for carpet...right?? Keeps the dirt from ever actually getting to the carpet.


Rhys looks like a bc to me.



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Rhys looks like a border collie to me.


Speaking of size, Taz's sire is about 55 pounds, his dam is about 40. He was the biggest, fattest pup in his litter:






I thought for sure he'd be at least 50 pounds full grown. But he's about 36 pounds soaking wet:




His littermate is easily 60 pounds. Sometimes ya never know...

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