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kibble feeders question

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I have a bunch of questions but I will start with this one:


What size bag of kibble do you buy for your dog or dogs ? How long does it last ? And how do you store it ?


I think I need to revise what/how much I buy and would be grateful for any advice. Thanks in advance.


I should let you know what I have done.


I have one dog ( 2 years old ) and from when he was 8 months old until this Spring had bought 18 kilo bags of Canidae. Before that I'd bought 9 kilo bags of a different food. The 18 kilo bags last 60 days. I'm kind of embarrassed to say that it was cheaper, often on "special" and kind of pushed on me - I order over the 'phone. I have kept it in the bag and stored that in a sealed plastic container. Inside the container I keep a large "thing" which acts as a kind of dehumidifier in the warmer months. It contains AGM. This was as a safety precaution to keep the food dry. Japan can be really humid from about June to October. Recently it has been 80-90% humidity :rolleyes: I have changed to the 9 kilo bags which last 30 days. I recently read as if I couldn't figure it out for myself, that you should try to finish a bag of food within 30 days. But I think in a shorter time would probably be better. I have the option of buying another food which he would finish in 22 days, but that is another post !

I should add that Dylan has runny poo as DH says, which has happened at the end of a bag but may have been caused by playing in the rain.....

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We buy kibble for the dogs (both use the same kind) in 30 pound (roughly 13.6 kilogram) bags. The kibble must be purchased from our veterinarian, as it is an IVD formulation (available only through vets). The food comes in larger bags, but storage then becomes a problem; in addition, anything heavier than 30 pounds becomes difficult for DW to lift. Once the bag is opened, it is stored in a large sealed-top storage container until depleted. One bag lasts for roughly one month. Our vet also has a related business that sells supplies for dogs and cats (profits go to Paws Aid), so we make a monthly trip to replenish both the kibble and the canned foods that we mix with the kibble (we use 3 different kinds between the two dogs, one for Annie and two for Missy).


With respect to the loose stools, consider adding a tablespoon of plain or vanilla all-natural yogurt to the dog's food.

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Ok I must be mental... I dont store her food except in the bag. The top rolled down - should I be putting it seperate containers?? We always buy the 20 pound bag of food. It lasts the same amount of time a 2 pound bag (maybe 5..)of food lasts for Rohan. I only feed Riven 2 cups of kibble a day (night)though. So, we only buy a new bag of food about every 5 weeks. If we're out camping or she's doing things requiring more energy, or acts like she's starving I'll give her an extra cup in the morning.

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I buy a 20 lb bag, and with 3 dogs, it only lasts about 2 and a half weeks. If I buy a 36 lb bag, (that's the next size up in CA Natural) it lasts a bit over a month. All dogs get about a cup and a half divided between 2 feedings. I store the opened bag in a covered plastic bin. There's no way I'm leaving it out in a bag. Shoshone once got into the locked bin, ate so much that she looked like she'd swallowed a basketball.


I used to empty the bag into the bin, but found that the plastic bin got a really greasy, rancid smell and feel after a couple months.


Ruth n the BC3

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I'd never really thought about it much before. Though I did buy a big airtight bin... I buy a 35lb bag (I think that's the size at least... somewhere around there) of Chicken Soup, put it directly into the bin. I honestly forget how long it lasts, probably about a month for both our beasts.

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I'm with Smiley, I just roll the top down on the bag. I free feed so no one feels the need to get into the bag. In fact, it sits right next to the feed bowls. I don't even know how long it lasts. I was gonna check, but then, I keep forgetting to mark down when I open new bag! I just replace when it runs low. But I do notice if the dogs are eating or not. They eat some in the morning and then again in the evening.

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For my 30lb BC, I buy the smaller 20lb bag because my airtight container is that small. Lasts 2 months or so. Container is this:




For my 75 lb GSD/Chow, who eats diet kibble, I buy the 35lb bag and it is stored under her food dish, in this container (right bowl twists off to reveal hole):




Both dogs eat out of the dish container, water is in bowl on floor. I mostly keep the food airtight to keep from having mice come into the house and to keep it fresh? - couldn't hurt


River eats 3 cups a day, split in 2 feedings. (Blue Buffalo brand)

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Thanks for your replies everyone. It is really nice to know how other people do stuff. I guess how long you are able to store your food and keep it in good condition depends on temperature and humidity factors. It has been so rainy and humid lately that clothes in the closet are going mouldy..... I take Dylan out twice a day and have to wash the mud of him. I am afraid that he will go mouldy next. I have the chance of switching kibble to one which is sold in slightly smaller bags. I'll post about that seperately. Thanks again. Oh, and I did search the storing of kibble on the Boards a while ago and I remember someone saying that it is best to keep the kibble in the bags and not to transfer it directly into a container. That the bags are designed to keep the kibble fresh. But maybe if you wash the bin like Sheryl says, it should be ok... ?

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