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Hello all... my name is Randy and along with my wife Joni we have enjoyed having three Border Collies in our lives over the years. Joni's first one was a male BC named Skipper which she had as a child in the 60's. Next came Sabrina that we adopted from a rancher in our area in 1977 and we had her till 1992. After Sabrina we had two very good dogs (not BCs) that were both rescues named Rusty and Riley. After our last dog Riley passed away in 2010 we decided since we had two for us very special Border Collies in the past we would like to look for another one. We looked at and met several Border Collies at our local Border Collie Rescue but could not find that one fit us well. One night while checking the local Humane Society web-page I saw a picture of Aidan as part of an "unwanted litter" of eight puppies. That was 18 months ago and we have been extremely pleased with Aidan since. He has been a very quick learner and he adjusts well to new and different situations.

I am looking forward to posting questions and learning more here at the BC Boards about these wonderful dogs that we have.



Aidan at 14 months


Sabrina in 1979


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Again, it never ceases to amaze me how many really nice dogs end up in shelters. Thank you for rescuing her. She is lovely!

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Thank you terrecar for your kind words. It is amazing and very saddening these days at the dog shelters here in California. So many really nice dogs dropped off by their owners because of the tough economic times.

On the good side we have met walking, at dog parks and beaches a lot of people who have adopted many wonderful dogs recently from shelters.

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Thank you WildFlower and Gideon's girl. Aidan has been a lot of fun. He is pretty mellow most of the time. But once we stir him up to play, he is more than ready to play.

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Oh, he's stunning. I'm going to move to the west coast, if this is the kind of dog you find in the shelters out there.

Thank you.... Joni and I feel so lucky to have found Aidan in our search.


Aidan at 19 months old now.


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