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Sick puppy :(

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I did post about this in another topic but I thought this might get a bit more attention and maybe someone has some insight.


We got Annie last Sunday from someone we didn't know (saw an ad) re-homing her. She'd never been to a vet but he has apparently taken her to the dog park. We took her in right away and she got a good bill of health and we started shots. We had seen a flea on her and that was part of the initial appointment. She was given advantage multi. 2 days later she started having issues going to the bathroom. We thought first she was constipated but then figured out it was trouble peeing that she was having. So back to the vet we go. She ended up having roundworms and a UTI. She was given antibiotics and probiotics for that. So the vet called us Friday to see how she was and she had been up all morning itching herself to the point that she was crying for a considerable amount of time so back to the vet we go. This time he says no mites or anything, no signs of fleas or flea bites so he gave us some fish oil for her and a topical ointment for dry skin. He also wanted us to put her on Vanectyl P for the itching. We gave her the first 2 vanecyle P and she turned into the tasmanian devil and she would pee herself while she was laying down and get up soaked with urine. That was the only 2 of those she got.


Now other then that she'd been acting normal. Generally being a puppy. Yesterday that changed. She was very lethargic yesterday and as the day passed, her appetite decreased. Usually she gets a big burst of energy in the evening, but yesterday, nothing. She would get up to move to another spot to lay down. We started carrying her up and down the stairs. Once outside, she'll do her business and then just wants to lay down. I called the ER vet last night who said as long as there's no vomiting or diarrhea then watch her for the night and bring her in if she's the same in the morning.


This morning there was no change. Still no energy or appetite. I can get her to eat little bits at a time if I mix the kibble with wet food and hand feed her. She will drink water with coaxing. She also yelps a lot when you touch her. The vet couldn't pinpoint where her discomfort is coming from though. He manipulated every part of her though it seems to be coming from her neck, chest or head. Somewhere in her front end. He did blood work and basically she's a bit anemic. He's sending it off for further investigation and we should have more info about that this afternoon. Her temp is also up a bit to 39.4C. He sent us home for now for her to rest until we hear more but basically he's at a loss. I'm a mess. I've been crying all day and I can't stop worrying. I asked about parvo and distemper and he doesn't think it's any of those things. We brought in a stool sample and he said the last time the roundworms were 4++ and today they were down to a 1 or 2 so there's lots of improvement there.


She will also randomly yelp when she's laying down with no one touching her. All she's basically been doing is sleeping. Anyone have anything similar to this before?? I'm sooooooo worried.

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I am soo sorry to hear about Annie. Best wishes for her recovery.


You did the right thing to keep bringing her back into the vet since a puppy can go downhill pretty fast and it is better to try and fix things sooner rather than later.


I am not familiar with the Vanectyl P. Have you searched the web for information on side effects or contraindications with other meds? I am not a vet, but her most distressing symptoms seem to coincide with administration of Vanectyl P (based on what you have described). That would be my chief suspect. Having said that, her system has been treated with multiple vaccinations, antibiotics and wormers within the past 7 days. Maybe it was too much, too fast. OTOH, it could be none of the above.


Please keep us updated.



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Vanectyl P is a steroid for allergies. Our other dog Tiga takes it regularly and has never reacted like this. Not sure if that was it or not. She only got 1 dose of it on Friday. She seems to be in physical pain. The yelping seems to be increasing. Almost with every move. She even seems to let out yelping hiccups. It's so sad. He did manipulate every limb and poked and prodded everything. No specific spots were showing discomfort. She slept with her head up a lot last night. Could she be teething? Would that cause symptoms like this?

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I spoke to an er vet last night. We're in a pretty small place and the vet we use is the best in the area. I trust them. We've been going there with Tiga for 8 years. I've been looking up teething symptoms and that sounds like it's a possibility. We don't really know how old she is. The guy that gave her to us said she was 12 weeks at the time (last Sunday) but she's pretty big compared to what Tiga was at that age. I haven't seen any teeth though and no blood. The vet did have a good look at her gums and teeth and didn't mention that. He suggested we could have x-rays but we decided to hold off until we get the blood results. He said he didn't think it was skeletal as she didn't react to any of his manipulations.

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I don't think so. We watch her like a hawk and she's not really the type to eat things. She'll chew but then spit things out if they come off. X-ray is our next step if blood work has no more answers. She seems to be coming around a little bit the last couple of minutes. She drank some water and tried to chew a few things, walked around, barked at Tiga and then asked to go outside. This is a huge mystery.

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I had a dog act like that once. She was full of shit. No, literally. Once she pooped she was fine. If your pup isn't reacting when her abdomen is palpated I'd probably not suspect that, though.


You mentioned in another thread that she was reluctant to walk on leash at times and there is some pulling going on in those instances. Being that the pain seems to be in her front end, I'd mention that to the vet and see about a chiropractic work up. She may have shown no signs at the time of the injury because back/neck pain so often comes on after we've rested and those muscles involved are cooled down... and then they clamp right up like crazy.

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I'll mention that to him when he calls with the results. The last couple of walks though she's been great except for those 2 blocks she refuses to walk down. She was right at my side, not pulling or anything. The first few days we had her she wouldn't walk too far before sitting or laying down. I don't think she was walked at all before we got her. Thanks for the suggestion, I will ask for sure.

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Not a vet but just curious. I am assuming your vet gave Panacur or something for the roundworm infestation? How long between the first dose and the second stool sample? Was the pup wormed again ten days after the first dose, and then was still shedding eggs more than two days after the treatment? A severe roundworm infestation can cause both itching and hiccoughing. I'm not saying that is the problem, but that has to be exacerbating her poor condition. Poor baby. I hope things get resolved.

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We gave her advantage multi on Tuesday for the roundworms, fleas etc. We have another de-wormer to give her 2 weeks after that so that will be next Tuesday. She was a 4++ on Tuesday and I took another stool sample this morning that was a 1 or 2, so almost a week between samples but not soon enough yet for the second round of de-wormer.


She just got up for a bit and I got her to eat a little. She had a drink of water and is now sleeping again in her crate. She seems the most whiny when she first gets up. What a roller-coaster this has been already.

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I don't mean to add to your worry, but please don't underestimate the amount of pain your puppy might be in. BC's can have a very high pain tolerance and may not "complain" at all until the pain is quite high. I've seen this in Star here at home. IOW, if you and the vet are thinking of possibilities but have ruled something out because her symptoms aren't severe enough, you might want to reconsider those possibilities.


I hope you guys get it figured out in short order. :-)

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Just spoke with the vet. He said the blood work has no further answers. A slight anemia but nothing overly concerning. She did eat a little more and seemed to have a little energy spurt although she's still yelping seemingly randomly. He said since she's eating and drinking on her own to let her rest tonight and see how she is in the morning. If there's no improvement then we can do x-rays or start her on an anti-inflammatory. So the sleepless night shall begin again.


Cindy, he really is at a loss. He thinks potentially soft tissue damage but we don't know how/when that would have happened. I asked about teething but he said there's no evidence of that. She's not pawing at her mouth, no bloody gums or any other symptoms. It seems to be mostly when she stands and lays down but again, it's seemingly random.


Thanks for all of your support and suggestions. Please send out all the healing vibes you have.

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Sending out good mojo healing vibes. Maybe it is caused by all these problems occurring at once along with all the medications at once....and that her body will eventually straighten out. Thank goodness she is with you and still not with whoever it was that had her before. She's in good hands now, so hoping for good news.

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Thanks. I've been thinking about that a lot today. Where would she be now if we hadn't rescued her? I'm hoping it's just the shock to her poor little system. She had another little energy spurt and ate a little more out of the kong. She's resting in her crate now. Also don't think I mentioned that she lost 1/2 a pound since Friday. :( And she has a lot of gook coming out of her eyes. Incidentally, so does Tiga which he doesn't normally. She does seem to be coming around a little this evening now that she has some food into her but still with the yelping.

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Does she have a fever? I would definitely do x-rays.


I went through something similar with my pup two years ago. It was a nightmare. The biggest thing I learned from the experience is to keep going back until you get an answer. I pestered my vet every day for two weeks. I just kept bringing my dog back and saying, "There's something wrong. Keep looking." I'm convinced that if I had not been so persistent, my dog might not still be here today.

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Is it possible that there are a few unrelated issues?

Could the pain moving be pano? Yes I know, usually those are larger dogs and maybe a bit later in life.

Please, please consider x-rays now. That is the next logical step.

Best of luck.


On a sidenote, one of my Germans reacted quite visibly to a shot of vetralog. And her immunesystem is not stressed by puppyvaccs and growing up as to speak.

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Yes she does have a bit of a fever. If she's no better tomorrow we're definitely going with x-rays. She's definitely full of energy right now. Tried to play with Tiga but I broke it up and took her outside. She pooped and wanted to chew everything. I brought her back in and she ate another little bit and now I have her back in the crate again to settle down. The yelping seems to be less then it was but she did yelp a couple of times when she tried to play with Tiga.


Mary, what ended up being wrong with your pup?

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I totally agree with Mary's advice. A puppy in that much pain has something seriously wrong going on. Just because they don't have any answers and nothing shows up on the diagnostics already performed does not mean there is no problem. When Kit ended up having emergency abdominal surgery, all of her blood work/ vitals/temp/gums were normal. None of those diagnostics gave any indication that there was a life threatening issue at hand. I would insist on X rays.

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