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Mojo request!

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Just got back from 2nd visit to my vet, and this time my reg. vet saw him! He does indeed have kennel cough, but he also has an upper respitory infection and possibly lung worms. He is on antibiotics and some wormer that I guess kills all worms! It's called Panacur. The antibiotics is Cephalexin. The vet says he should show improvement by Fri. If not then he has other problems. Tucker would appreciate all the wonderful board Mojo y'all can muster up! Thanks, Linda

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Kentucky mojo coming your way for Tucker. Hope the meds kick in soon so that he can feel better!


(I thought he'd already been treated with Panacur at BGWCHS, but I didn't keep a copy of his paperwork, so maybe I mis-remembered...or maybe he was re-infected, I suppose.)

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Sending mojo your way from NE. Hope he recovers soon!

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Angie, I checked his paperwork and could find no reference to him being treated with anything.

Linda, I know the shelter clinic's paperwork's format is kind of confusing, but I am almost positive he got a flea treatment already and also wormed at least once. (If he hadn't gotten any flea treatment, I was going to buy something for him myself since my dogs' dosages wouldn't have worked for him.)


I also know he was HW tested because Phyllis specifically asked about that. I'll check for the email I sent Phyllis when I had his vet paperwork in front of me and forward you that summary to see if it helps make sense of things.


ETA: Here's what I emailed Phyllis on Wed., 8/4, when I first told her he was coughing: "Yes, the shelter always does a HW test, and I'm happy to report his was negative! He had the test on 7/27. In addition to his rabies and DA2PPV, it looks like he got an Advantage Multi and a Panacur dose (5-day run)."

Hope he's feeling better today!

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Linda, I know the shelter clinic's paperwork's format is kind of confusing, but I am almost positive he got a flea treatment already and also wormed at least once. (If he hadn't gotten any flea treatment, I was going to buy something for him myself since my dogs' dosages wouldn't have worked for him.)


I also know he was HW tested because Phyllis specifically asked about that. I'll check for the email I sent Phyllis when I had his vet paperwork in front of me and forward you that summary to see if it helps make sense of things.


ETA: Here's what I emailed Phyllis on Wed., 8/4, when I first told her he was coughing: "Yes, the shelter always does a HW test, and I'm happy to report his was negative! He had the test on 7/27. In addition to his rabies and DA2PPV, it looks like he got an Advantage Multi and a Panacur dose (5-day run)."

Hope he's feeling better today!


It's better if he gets some tick treatment as from what I understand advantage multi doesnt do well in high tick populations but, seems good on fleas and is the HW treatment for the month. Advantage multi is also a wormer but, it's a bit poor on round worms.

Which is another reason for the 5 day pancur in addition to killing giardia which all Ky dogs seem to be exposed to.


There are 14 strains of Kennel cough and they do recover pretty well If he was strictly from BG shelter. There area a few places in Ky that have really bad strains with a longer time of recovery. Keflex works well on it. KC can have a longer incubation period so they are fine for up to a week and then they start coughing. If he doesnt seem better switch to Doxycycline.


The biggest thing is make sure he drinks and eats something

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Thanks for the additional info--I've been fortunate not to encounter much KC, but I did want to give Phyllis (at Phoenix Rising BCR) a heads-up as soon as I heard him cough, just in case she needed to plan things on the receiving end.


There are 14 strains of Kennel cough and they do recover pretty well If he was strictly from BG shelter.

He was an owner-surrender to BGWCHS, so I don't have any reason to think he'd been out of the area. He came in with three dogs I call the mini-labs, who look like labs but are basically beagle-sized. All four dogs also seemed decently cared for, at least compared to several other owner-surrenders I've evaluated.

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Hey Angie, Tucker is doing great! His last dose is tomorrow, although I had to start one of my dogs, Skip, on them yesterday. He has really blossomed this last week! He now actually seeks me out for loving, he seldom runs from me now if I come towards him, I have left my bedroom door open all day today and no poop or pee! And tonight he actually started bringing the ball back to me! I just can't believe how much he has changed! I wish I could have got some pics of him the other day when it was raining. He found two puddles and was having a grand time attacking them and running from one to the other! And then came in to shake water and mud everywhere! How could I be mad after watching the great time he had?

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Yippee! It sure does sound like Tucker is settling in great and more and more of his personality is shining through! :rolleyes: I can only imagine how much fun he had playing in puddles...it's been so dry here this summer that he probably forgot what a thrill it was to get wet and make a mess! :D

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