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Well me and Kari just got home from out first ever agility competition. We were there all weekend, fri-sun and ran twice each day in Novice A, Standard and Jumpers.

The first day we got a 100 in standard and first place. In jumpers we had a great run but Kari knocked down a bar from the second to last jump so we didnt qualify.

The second day we a 90 in Standard and first place. In jumpers we got a 100 and second place.

Today we got a 100 in Standard, first place and the third leg for out title. In jumpers we got a 91 and first place.

So we need one more leg for our jumpers title, but I cant beleive how well Kari did. I was SOOO nervous, I was shaking every time I came out of the ring.

I'm very proud of my girl :rolleyes:

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How exciting! I know how nerve racking it is I still get nervous when running my older girl. I have another 8 months and my puppy will be running, I'm nervous now just thinking about it! But congrats on keeping her on course let alone getting places, that is fantastic for your first comp. :rolleyes:

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Congrats - thats quite a start!!

Sorry to be dumb - its obviously different over here but what do the numbers mean?? Over here 1st place is the fastest dog with the least faults

Well the score is out of 100, and in Novice you have to get a 85 to qualify and get a leg (not sure about Open and Excellent). You get points knocked off for refusals and wrong courses, and over time in jumpers.

On the second day we got a 90 out of 100 in Standard because she got a refusal on the tunnel for going slightly past it and then coming back to it, so that was 5 points off. Then on the tire jump she went around it and then came back through it the wrong way, so that was 5 points for a wrong course.

The placement is the best score with the fastest time, I beleive score comes before time, but if two people have 100 the person with the fastest time wins (thats how we got our second place in jumpers).

You probably already know some of this, but I wasnt sure which part your not sure about.

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Well the score is out of 100, and in Novice you have to get a 85 to qualify and get a leg (not sure about Open and Excellent). You get points knocked off for refusals and wrong courses, and over time in jumpers.

On the second day we got a 90 out of 100 in Standard because she got a refusal on the tunnel for going slightly past it and then coming back to it, so that was 5 points off. Then on the tire jump she went around it and then came back through it the wrong way, so that was 5 points for a wrong course.

The placement is the best score with the fastest time, I beleive score comes before time, but if two people have 100 the person with the fastest time wins (thats how we got our second place in jumpers).

You probably already know some of this, but I wasnt sure which part your not sure about.

Thankyou - nope I didnt know any of that

so totaly different from ours - I think ours is based more on horse jumping

To get your points to go up grades you have to have a totaly clear round within the course time

Pole down or refusal, missed contacts or a poped weave is 5 faults

wrong way is an elimination

fastest time with no faults wins (course is expected to have about 10% clear rounds so times are very important too)


anyway, you did fantastic

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Wow that sounds alot harder. Here in AKC novice you get as many tries at the weave poles as you can fit in the time, lol. But I beleive they are changing that to a max of 3 tries soon, plus you only have 6 weaves in novice anyway.

According to your rules we would have gotten two legs in standard and one in jumpers I guess, but in my height division I was the only one that actually qualified a couple of times.

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Just different !

Here is an idea of some of our courses

(its 6 courses rolled into 1 video) and I think ours look a little easier than some of yours

- I dont have many vids of Ben running as I dont have anyone to film. That was our first show of the year and Ben was a strange mixture of really hyper (hence the rubbish weaves) but also really slow with no confidence (hence spinning out the tunnel - which is also a fault)

On the seasaw one where he flys it the sun was low just at the end of it - I should have realised - all the dogs flew off it!!

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Wow, Pammy -- The spacing on those courses is TIGHT! Do big dogs run the same course? I can't imagine trying to put my 27" dog through that spacing. It actually reminds me of the distances we see in TDAA -- an organization just for small dogs 17" and under. That must be tricky even with a dog Ben's size. :rolleyes:


In NADAC, the distance between obstacles averages about 20', so it's all about speed and flow. AKC and USDAA allow for a bit shorter -- 15' or so -- but there is usually a good mixture of technical handling and speed.


Always so interesting to see agility in other countries -- thanks for sharing your video!

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At that show the large dogs were doing different course but sometimes they all run the same or with small alterations

AFAIK the minimum spacing between jumps is 4 paces - the large dogs should be able to do just a bounce between some of the jumps

Courses really depend on the judges - in the lower grades I am in they tend to be a little less handling and are pretty fast for the fast dogs - although Ben is usually a bit faster than that he tends to do a lot better on the more handly courses where you need tight turns


If I can even get Mias dog reactivity sorted out to get her to a show she is the opposite - much more like the collies- faster and able to work away from me a lot more so she is gonna love the sweeping courses.

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