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Thanks and praise for the Board-ers!

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So, as you all know I have a lot of appreciation for this Board and its members and all that I've learned and benefitted from being here. I know that there are some who work very hard to provide good solid info, and who sometimes despair of reaching the general public about the "What everyone should know about owning BCs" and "Why you should not randomly breed your BC" and "You really should consider rescue" sorts of subjects. So this is for you even more than it is for the rest of us.


My brother, known to you as Tranquilis, is now a BC rescue volunteer with Mid-Atlantic BCR. This is quite a deal for the BC, IMO... Tranq is extremely intelligent, kind and caring, and has a generous heart. He isn't currently set up to have a dog of his own, and has decided to get his "fix" by volunteering with rescue - bless him. He's often pretty busy with his life, but evidently he's found a place in it to help this breed. And the reason he's helping THIS breed is thanks primarily to these Boards, IMO. I mean, yeah, he knows I've had BCs for years, and yeah, he knows I'm more than a bit nuts about them (although he kindly refers to this as "enthusiasm" and "passion" and "committment" rather than as "obsession" and "insanity" and "freakish over-attatchment".) :rolleyes: But I think he really got to know BC's here, through this Board. And I have a sneaking suspicion that one day Tranq will find one of those rescues sleeping on his couch and playing with his kids on a permanent basis.


So, thanks, all, for all that you do that makes this Board what it is. What you do has earned the BC a new champion, for whom we can all be grateful. And thanks for never never giving up in your efforts to keep on educating the world about this marvelous breed. See? It's working. One person at a time.

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Well, I think you're equal to it, but no pressure. Every little bit helps, so if you just keep chipping away at it, that'll be enough. And if you do more, then we will all sing your praises. After all, you didn't HAVE to do this; that you are is, in itself, praise-worthy. But it's our good fortune ("us" being the BC community) that it's BCs to whom you've chosen to donate your considerable resources. So, thanks! :rolleyes:

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Thank y'all.

I'm just one, and only the most new and green, of the army of people whom love the breed. On the other hand... Well, in Beatitudes, it is said that by the fruit, the tree is known. I'll paraphrase that to say that by the dedicated fans, the dog breed is known. So if I'm enthusiastic about BCs, it's in large part due to the quailty and dedication of the people whom support, defend, and love the breed.


My sister is dead-on correct in that it's the people I've come to know on this board whom have shown me the excellence of the Border Collie breed. Y'all are good people. Any dog that attracts the dedication and passion of such people must be pretty damned special, too.




Oh, and I suppose I can slip a few Gus-n-Coleen stories in, though by-and-large they're primarily cat people - But damnd good ones!

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Just don't work rescue so hard you can't make time for your Iditerod commentary this winter. I got hooked on the Iditerod because of you! and am really looking forward to your commentary this year.


Also, this year, the border collie community has an entrant to cheer for personally. Molly Yazwinski, daughter of Emily Yaz, has been working for the Susan Butcher kennel, and is running one of their teams as a rookie this year. She has extensive experience with herding border collies since she grew up working them on the family dairy. I met her when she worked the pens at Bloomfield with her dog. (Good luck Molly)

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Never! Miss my beloved Iditarod? Perish the thought!


Michigan mushers have a long and storied history in the Iditarod, and Susan's (God rest her soul) kennel is as good as it's possible to get, so Molly will be running with some very good dogs, with some very good training behind her. Mind you, as a rookie, she still stands a better than even chance of getting eatten by the trail, but she'll have a better chance than many of her peers, and better even than some veteran's chances.

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Hmmm. Can't name any Massachusetts-resident mushers off the top of my head. Maybe she'll be the one to break out..? Absolutely I'll make sure to link y'all in. This board is my home now, too.

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That's great!! (you know I found my Black Jack by volunteering :rolleyes: ) Every minute helps. These guys are so loving. It's great to help find them homes. What kind of volunteer work are you doing? Have fun and enjoy it.


I am so glad these boards are here too. I wouldn't have a clue what to do with Black Jack if I hadn't joined :D There's so many nice people on here. My big thanks to everyone that has helped me!

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Hey Tranquilis welcome to Mid Atlantic! Sarah is a wonderful person isnt she. I've been a foster home for her for about four years now...my goodness cant believe its that long already. Hope to meet you at some point, are you helping at the King of Prussia Mall thing by any chance?

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Right now, I'm set to do miscellanious work at the farm. I'm thinking Sarah wants to watch me for a bit, see where my strengths lie - I'm only just starting. Dunno about KoP, but it's not out of reach for me - depends on timing.



@Carson Crazies:

Sanitarium..? Yeah, that sounds about right, from observation...



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Heroes are not born as such. They are, instead, simply ordinary people placed in extraordinary circumstances, and who capitalize on the opportunity to become the person that they always wished they could be.


Given that definition, I believe that Tranquilis would qualify as a hero...

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Not at all sure I feel heroic right now... Heh!


So, today's agenda was maintenance issues. Dig up, find, and stop a leak in the water line that supplies the barn; some sheep paddock fencing repairs; fix the lights in the barn and food shed; clean out and de-mouse the supply room; some kennel fence patching, and that sort of thing. Four of us, plus the Boss. We got a lot done, but there's always more - MABCR is based on a (small) working farm, and work on a farm never quits.


Also got some pettin's on some really sweet dogs... A LOT of sweet dogs. :D Even the rescued dogs were mostly really sweet, save for one poor girl who has issues with other dogs. There's a really handsome blue merle boy there that's supposedly aggressive. I sure didn't see it, though - All he wanted to do was suck up to me and play ball, whilst I was trying to patch kennel fencing... Another, more conventionally marked, whom is theoretically moderately feral, but became quite fond of me when I booted some balls about the play yard.


Still, not much dog play - Too much work to be done, but I definately got my 'dog fix.' :rolleyes: I'm a large, tall, hairy (bearded) guy, things that I'm reliably told will freak out many timid dogs. Not one of the dogs so much as flinched at my face or presence. The ones that insisted on sucking up to me accepted being ignored whilst I worked with good grace, and even those with identified timidity issues didn't seem to object to my presence.


I did get to see one lady working her dogs on the sheep, and one of them has *really* classy moves - Even to my inexperienced eyes, it was plain to see that the dog was firmly in control of the sheep, and the lady was firmly in charge of the whole operation. This tiny little collie was moving about a dozen large, strange sheep as if they were reading her mind.


At the end of the day, though, I'm beat. My back really isn't used to that much stoop labor, and I smell of farm. Not a bad smell, but definately noticeable! A long, hot shower, I think... :D

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Heh! No, I think I'll avoid that look for a while... At least until I've got a bit of proper experience. :rolleyes:


Yeah, it was a good day. I don't even mind the early wake up.

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