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Toby got hurt

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This morning when we got to work I played a little frisbee with Toby as I always do. Well, on the third throw I spazzed and threw the frisbee wrong and it arched over to the right. Toby chased after it as always and just as he was lifting up his front end off the ground he ran smack into a tree stump. There was such an awful thump and Toby yelped really loud then tried to walk back to me but he didn't make it and he lay down whining. I was sure the way he hit the stump he has smashed his ribs. I put him right in the car and took him to our vet's which luckily is only 1/2 a minute down the road. They had a good look at him and except for a small cut in the corner of his mouth he seemed fine, just very sore. She gave him a shot for the pain and I am starting him on anti-inflammatories later today. I feel so bad, if the frisbee had just gone in the right direction it never would have happened. He has run into things before chasing frisbee or balls because he is just so focused on what he is chasing, but never like this. :rolleyes: I didn't even see it coming either, I was watching the frisbee too. I think I yelped just as loud as Toby did! My poor boy!

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glad he wasn't more hurt!


my friends gsd, you have to be careful where you throw things because he becomes so focused on what he is catching he will run into anything, stairs, picnic tables, fencing!


Frisbees are hard to control I think, but I have the occasional oops with a ball as well. Don't be to hard on yourself!

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Frisbees are a new toy to our foster, Casey. He'll go out with us to play but instead of catching it, he'd rather just run back and forth in the yard with one flopping in his mouth. Yesterday he was so excited with his frisbee and so busy running, he ran into the fence! And no one was even chasing him! Accidents happen. Glad he's going to be ok.

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Annie has run into trees chasing her ball, and last week ran into an iron Shepherd's Hook from which we hang a bird feeder. I think it's a Border Collie thing, trying to test the theory of what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object. (As Annie has learned, the immovable object wins.)


I'm glad that Toby is okay. But don't blame yourself; it happens...

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We have a Ceana head shaped hole in our wall from a ball chasing accident. LOL she must have a head of cement because she wasn't even phased. She will run into things in a new place, but only once- after that she knows where every object is. Don't be to hard on yourself. You did not hurt him intentionally.

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Awww poor Toby. I hope he's ok. Accidents do happen though. I have a lot of oops when I throw his ball on a rope thingy. Once in a while when I throw his frisbee I'll throw it off to one side too. He has run into the wall, door, fence, and the truck tire. :rolleyes:


Don't feel to bad. I'm sure he'll be fine in a few days. Give him a hug for me and Black Jack.

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I couldn't do that. I don't think Black Jack would let me! :rolleyes:

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Glad Toby feels better.

If it makes you feel less guilty, I broke Max's leg when he was 6 months old. He twisted out of his collar and I (stupidly) started chasing him....he doubled back on me and ran between my legs, which tripped me. I fell right on top of him and broke his right front leg.

Now THAT was a guilt trip!

The cast on his leg didn't slow him down a bit, but it was hell on my hardwood floors. :rolleyes:

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