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Whoa, close call...

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My brother has a friend with a mastif/pitbull mix named "Dopey". She's 8 months old. Her owner is a young girl, probably 18-20, who has brought her over to my place a few times when Lance and her were both puppies to help socialize her puppy. I remember distinctly her telling me that Dopey was going in to be spayed "in a couple weeks" and that was like 4 months ago.


Well today, about a half hour ago, she brought Dopey over and her and Lance were checking each other out, saying "Hi" to an old friend, and playing for a couple minutes. Then I noticed her "back there, ya know" looked swollen like a bitch in heat. I said "she's is spayed right?" and to my shock Katelyn said "No. In fact you should probably grab him because she is in heat." I was like... WHOA!.. called Lance and put him in the house while she put Dopey back on her leash. I told her that wasn't smart, and could have been real bad. She said. "Yeah, they would have cure puppies though. But I dont want to breed her on her first heat." I said "Not going to happen. You really need to get her spayed you dont want puppies."


She seemed offended and said she had to go. I was left thinking what a BC/Mastiff/Pitbull would look like. It would look like a lot of mutts in animal shelters, that's what it would look like.

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She did that on purpose. If she brings it up again, tell her any "accidents" you didn't give permission for and there will be a $1000 stud fee.


YUP! Completely agree. That was super intentional. Glad you were smart and didnt let Lance become a man lol. :rolleyes::D How old is Lance anyway? I cant remember.


I was left thinking what a BC/Mastiff/Pitbull would look like. It would look like a lot of mutts in animal shelters, that's what it would look like.

Couldnt have said it better myself.

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Are you sure Dopey is the dog's name????


Yes, positive :rolleyes: The girl is pretty odd in a number of ways. I remember when I first saw the dog when it was still a really little puppy she told me her name. And added "you know, like Scooby Doo". Scooby Doo? I dont recall a dog named dopey on scooby doo. that dogs name was Scrappy. She may have been confused lol.

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She sounds like an @$$!


And I agree. Tell her you'll charge her an enormous stuff fee if anything happens, and shame on her for trying to play you like that!! I'd be going ape sh!t on her.




P.S. Like Sue said, I too would tell her that she is never allowed over again.

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That's scary. Think of what would have happenend if he got to her before you noticed her in heat. I can't believe she would do soemthing like that. I know I wouldn't let her come to my house anymore after a stunt like that!!


I'm glad nothing bad happenend.

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I know a BC "breeder" who invited a friend over to her house along with the friend's intact male. She had previously asked the friend if she could use the male on one of her females. The friend had refused for various reasons, one of which was that the bitch was barely a year old. The breeder let her females "out to play" with the friend's male. A litter of pups was the result. The breeder apologized and claimed it was an accident, that she did not realize anyone was in heat. They are not friends anymore.

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Another really irresponsible thing she did was leave the dog on a run in my front yard. She tied it between two of my trees and I dont know how long she was out there alone, but she was on it when I got home from work. I had taken a picture with my cellphone. At the time I didn't know she wasn't spayed and was in heat. My front yard has no fence and there are dogs that roam around here every now and then that could possibly be intact as well.




That black spot on the ground is where I used to have a bad of compost. She had torn it up.

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Okay folks, it has now become a huge problem. I never had a chance to talk to Katelyn or my brother about the incident with Lance and Dopey. I didn't get to tell him that I didn't want her back over here ever.

Today I took Lance fishing and was gone for a few hours. When I got back I found a note on the door saying thanks so much to my brother for watching Dopey for her. WHAT? and I look and see the dog run strung up again and the red leash hanging from it, chewed in half. No Dopey. I went inside to call my brother and noticed Dopey in my backyard. There was a message on the phone from my nextdoor neighbor saying she had seen the dog leashed up in the front and then noticed her loose so she put in in my backyard that is fenced, luckily I dont leave Lance in the yard while I'm gone.


Called my brother and he said he told her he would watch dopey for "awhile". Which means he doesn't know how long. And he told me he wouldn't have told her that except that its a really cool dog and Katelyn might be going to prison!! Which really doesn't surprise me. I suspect its for theft.


I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I should do exactly. I know one thing, she cannot stay here. Right now I have the poor girl in the largest crate I have and in one of the bathrooms where she can stay cool but I can shut the door because Lance is going crazy.

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I agree with Rosanne, sort of. If I were you I'd call Katelyn and tell her that if she doesn't come and get the dog pronto you're going to take her in and have her spayed. Then find a low-cost clinic and do it. Alternatively, you could take poor Dopey to the local humane society, tell them what's going on, and perhaps they will require a spay before her owner can reclaim her (and this may be the better option--and if you're worried about what the owner thinks, you could always have the neighbor take her in; after all, *she* did find Dopey running loose).


I hope you explained to your brother why he shouldn't agree to "watch" Dopey. That girl sounds like a real piece of work.



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Wow, what a completely irrisponsible owner! (her, not you). I'd definitely make sure that woman did NOT get her dog back (regardless of whether you take the dog to get spayed or take her to a rescue group and have her spayed before adoption there). She should NOT have an animal of any sort. :rolleyes:

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I think I will probably get her spayed and take her to the humane society. I cant get ahold of Katelyn. My brother says she doesn't have a phone, and the number written in marker on Dopey's collar is disconnected. My brother really like the dog but knows he has no time for a dog. Katelyn told him that we're the only people she could leave her with that aren't mean to her. :rolleyes: I have a feeling that by "watching Dopey" she means "taking Dopey". Im going to check with the humane society and find out if its an option to have me notified if she isn't adopted and is up to be PTS. Then I would take her back, take her to a different shelter, and try again. If I dont hear from Katelyn in 2 days thats my only option.

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