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I know it's not the best time to be looking for another BC but I was on the WBCR site and saw Beau. For some reason when I saw him I just fell in love and it seemed like I had to see him. Have you ever done that before with just a picture? I'm going to call Tonya tomorrow and ask her about him. I know I probably won't be able to get him but you never know :rolleyes: Black Jack and Beau go together pretty good too.



Here's Beau






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Beau is beautiful! I've got a similar story about the Buzzmeister. Even though I'd heard about a lot of bc's needing homes through my rescue friends, DH and I both felt we had enough to keep us busy withe Sam and Shonie.


Somebody called and told me about this bc boy who was due to be put down the next day at the county shelter, he was an owner turn in. I couldn't stop thinking about this dog. I did some preliminary investigating, as I didn't feel I could take on an aggressive dog, and about 28 hours after I heard about him, he was literally delivered to my door, with 2 sacks of dog food, heart worm tested, vaccinated, bathed and nails clipped, with a loaner crate.


We failed Fostering 101 pretty badly and haven't regretted it. If he really calls to your heart, take the next step and see what happens.


Ruth n the BC3

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He is a very handsome boy and I agree with the others that you are right to take the next step to meet him. Multiple BCs is really a joy and I don't think I'd ever go to just having one.


It seems to me that dogs generally benefit from living with other dogs. Our dog Renzo changed fairly radically when we added Pippin--he became so much calmer. And there is nothing better than watching your own dogs playing together--I'd pick that over TV any day of the week.


We got our dog Tansy when my partner fell in love with her picture on a rescue site--and it wasn't even a very good picture. Not nearly as good as those of Beau....

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Getting another bc was one of the best things we ever done. As much as we were doing with JJ, the one thing we couldn't do for him was play with him like a dog would. As much as he loves us, he needed one of his kind. I also noticed when Jake arrived JJ matured alot. He takes the role of big brother seriously.

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We fell in love with Hoku from a picture on the shelter web site, went to meet him, and the rest is history! I say at least take Black Jack and go meet him (but be preparred to bring him home!) Good luck and keep us posted!

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I think he's beautiful and sometimes you just go with your heart.


Speaking with my head, though (as opposed to my heart, I mean), I do think dogs are meant to live with other dogs. I can't imagine ever going back to just one dog. I understand you live with your folks, so you have to have their OK, but I'm just throwing my vote in. :rolleyes:

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My goodness, he is handsome.


I will probably never only have one dog again. My preference would be for a male and a female rather than two males, but if they get along it doesn't matter.


Good luck!

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Thanks guys. I think I will try to meet him. I'm torn because Black Jack really likes other BC's so I figure he'll do pretty good with him. The only thing is if I have room. I'm thinking about getting my own place so if that happens I would have room for sure. I'll have to see how it goes.


They are like chips. I would take them all if I could.


Doesn't he look kind of like Black Jack? I think they would fit right together. (maybe a little bit of wishing? :rolleyes:)

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