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I always find with Holly lots of toys is best, so it takes her a while to destroy any. lol.


I don't know of any bulk buy in toys here, i usually just keep adding to her box. With Holly she loves to go and fetch them by name and if she is over playful with one and starts tearing at it i usually ask her to fetch something else by name. This works for her and it gives the other toy a break. Mind you i often have to sew a toy up with an ear ripped or something as Holly loves the soft sqeaky ones too.


Mind you i don't think Holly goes in for the kill on her toys thankfully, she just plays rough with them.


I hope someone comes up with something more helpful for you. :rolleyes:

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One thing I've learned is that Buddy will destroy stuffed toys. So, when I see a yard sale full of kids' old stuffed animals, I stock up on a few. They're frequently a dime or less, and you can get enough during yard sale season to last all year.


Not sure how safe the stuffing is - I assume kids aren't meant to chew them up, but they must have to meet some safety standards? Buddy tends not to swallow what he chews up, so I don't worry too much.



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Be careful with stuffed toys. Our BC Zip swallowed the wing from a Zanies Duck (you can buy Zanies toys in bulk and they are often given as prizes for agility trials in our area); 3 weeks later, he had emergency surgery for an intestinal blockage. (We got the wing back!) After a scary bout with peritonitis, he had a full recovery, but he's no longer allowed to play with stuffed toys.

Barb S

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Pretty much all toys are destructible with Quinn. Kongs... those hard, hard rubber bones and balls that come with a guarantee that they'll last... a hard, hard, clear plastic ball with a tennis ball inside that was said to be "pit bull tested." When I see a toy that is advertised "Quinn Proof" I'll believe them. :rolleyes: Forget about stuffed animals and rubber toys. So the only toys he has free access to are Nylabones and those wear down eventually. Everything else is used only under supervision.

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My dogs favorite toy can be found in a farm store in the isle with milking supplies for dairy cattle. It is called a milk inflator and they come in packages of 4-5 for about $7-$9, so much cheaper than a lot of toys. They are also very durable.



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The Tuffies soft toys last fairly long. Molly chewed a hole in one end the first week, but the toy still stayed together. She loves to work that hole, and we've had it for a month and it's still in good shape. My neighbor gave her a squeaker toy from the Target dollar bin that she loves, but I took out the sqeaker first. Thick, real bones (you can get sterilized ones in the pet stores) are great for chewing and they last. I'm sure she'd love stuffed animals, too, but I'm afraid she'd start eating my daughters, too!

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How about those new "Other Cuz" toys? Like Cuz toys, without the feet or horns, I think.


Jefferspet.com has their own brand of rubber dog toys/chews that are cheap (under $3, I think) and pretty indestructible, too.

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I vote for the "cuz" toys too, we have the devil and the dinasaur and theyv'e been around for a couple years with my 5 dogs, they seem very durable, so far

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Cuz toy- Usher tested- LOL.



LOL I love it looks like my place.

I have spent more on toys for this guy then ALL OTHER DOGS IN MY LIFETIME COMBINED!!!

So good luck, nothing is indestructable to a border collie who is determined.


I have gone through so many toys I asked a girl at work about durable Horse toys, the only thing is they use buster cubes for horses with holes big enough for GRAIN, so kibble wont work :rolleyes:

I got a line of fairly durable rubber toys at a local store they are called JW dont know the web site but got them at a hardware type store that sells puppies, Service Master?


the freezing thing works but ifyou use Kong stuffin (it wont stain the carpets ) it is more expensive then PB

good luck if you find anything good let us know,,, maybe we should have a board for

BORDER COLLIE TESTED TOYS and do toy reviews


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LOL- Usher will test these toys- right now, he's working on a tire- oddly enough, he has one very soft squeaky toy that he does not chew- a xmas tree- he loves it and won't chew it up. Odd dog.

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I bought very indestructible, incredibly good smelling (but only to dogs it seems) cow milking machine rubber "gaskets" from the helpingudders.com website. They make awesome toys, pull toys, etc.


And part of the sale goes to a dog-related charity of your choice.

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LOL- Usher will test these toys- right now, he's working on a tire- oddly enough, he has one very soft squeaky toy that he does not chew- a xmas tree- he loves it and won't chew it up. Odd dog.

Ceana has a black stuff dog that she will not chew either. She carries it around and licks it's feet and ears. We call it her baby.

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My BC mix is a chewer, LOVES his squeaky toys, but kills them immediately!! Anyone have a good source, even if it's just really cheap bulk toys, for toys?

Compressed rawhide. If they chew up other stuff, dont give it to them. I would be much more worried about a dog getting an obstruction in the stomach or bowel, and possibly loosing a dog, than I would worry about him missing his little squeaky toy.

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