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Once again. so sad....


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"Sad" is precisely my first thought at seeing this creature. It may be a dog but it really isn't a Border Collie.


I can always tell it's "Westminster season" when I see your annual post. Actually, when I heard a few days ago that Westminster was coming up, I thought of you. How's the weather down in NC? We are enjoying freezing rain on top of snow and sleet, and it's supposed to get worse.

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I am watching the show(my mom and I love to make fun of the dogs lol) when I saw that barbie on the website, my first thought was "eew" I always though that other barbie that kept winning was odd looking, but this one honestly creeps me out :D



ok for the Tollers, I was watching because Maverick won breed, from what I had seen in pics and storys I always liked him, then I watched his movement........his front legs dont bend! :rolleyes: I told my mom that her apperntly hunts, my mom looked at him and said "not for long" lol I am pretty sure that a hunting dog would require bending joints :D

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Hey Sue...


Happily just rain here in Nawth Karlina.... had a great day yesterday to work the dawgs...


In one way this BOB doesn't bother me as much as the previous winners... his back is not as severely slopped as those who came before...


but, could that dog do a 600 yard outrun???


think not...



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A pretty dog BUT not a bc I would want - it's such a shame that the exposure most people have to our wonderful breed is seeing that type of "bc". While I consider Sara (a classically marked bc) to be gorgeous, in a beauty contest, she couldn't hold a candle to a dog like this one - but even at 14, I'd still give her odds on being the better herding dog! I'm not biased or anything, am I? :rolleyes:

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Hey Sue...


Happily just rain here in Nawth Karlina.... had a great day yesterday to work the dawgs...


In one way this BOB doesn't bother me as much as the previous winners... his back is not as severely slopped as those who came before...


but, could that dog do a 600 yard outrun???


think not...




Colin - Good to hear from you! We had quite a bit of ice and pottying the dogs was interesting with the skating rink conditions. Old Mac couldn't stand and kept falling down (he has some hind end issues at almost 15) and crying piteously. I found him a spot under a bush where he could get a little traction and stand to relieve himself. Celt and Megan seem to have done okay but Bute wouldn't go on the ice and wound up being embarrassed back in the house.


The bad part is that the heifers chose yesterday to calve - one calf didn't make it but two were chilly but okay as of last night. The concept of animals picking "good weather" (at least in our view) isn't valid...


As for "that dog" and a 600 yard outrun, I'm not sure if he can make it from the couch to the kitchen (or maybe more appropriately, from the car to the groomer's). Now, was that sloping back due to the "stacking" pose or the dog's build? Either way, dreadful!

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ok, I have just watched the judging video of the BCs and also a couple of other breeds. The BC one made me cry - I am not kidding. What is wrong with those people....... I feel so sorry for dogs. I have never seen anything like this before. It is nuts. And Anda, yes. You are right. What a mismatch.

I wanted to add that I have never seen labs over here that look like the labs in the video I just saw. They all look like they are 16 and seriously short legged and overweight............ and are tails of all breeds getting shorter ??? This gets more and more shocking. How influential is Westminster in the US ?

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Yep, the border collie was bad, nothing new there for sure...but the one that made me want to upchuck was the german shepherd. The poor thing could bearly walk properly BUT hey, he finished 2nd in the group :rolleyes:

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After reading the comments here, I went to the Westminster web site and watched the judging clip for the Border Collies.

Ummmm.....what were those dogs? :rolleyes:

I have never been much of a fan/follower of dog shows, and that isn't going to change!

Such a shame - it was like watching some kind of Stepford dogs going around in circles.



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I think the Border Collies in that video look like Sheltie/Corgi crosses. They have the profuse fluffy coat of the Sheltie and the stance, but the short legs and long body of the Corgi. The German Shepherds really did look crippled to me. Why would anyone take what was once a sound working dog and put legs like that on it so it can't even walk right? Thing that gets me is they breed what they claim is "good working conformation" yet the dogs can't move!

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My first point about breeding for conformation is that you kill working ability . . . . . .


But my second point is you also kill all the beauty the breed once held!


What is up with those ugly ears, head and muzzle? And the eyes that human nor animal can read the expression of?


Can those "world class" conformation breeders get anything "correct?" :rolleyes:



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lol did anyone see the little intro to the herding group where they show dogs "working"? the BC they showed was a mostly white smooth coat :D and the corgie's version of "working" was lfying at the flcok of sheep and splitting then in every direction, apperntly they thought this qualified enugh as "herding" to make it a video of just how good at working these dogs are :rolleyes:

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Funny about the Corgis because they were never developed to work sheep, and they certainly were not developed to be a gathering breed. They were developed to drive dairy cattle along roads, etc, hence the shorter legs to have a dog that was shorter that the kick of a cow - (legs which were much longer 50 years ago). The legs on them now are about 1/3 the length they used to be if you look at pictures of the breed from the early 1900s.

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But my second point is you also kill all the beauty the breed once held!


What is up with those ugly ears, head and muzzle?



I don't think that they looked ugly. I thought they were actually nice looking dogs - but they in no way represented the essence of what a Border Collie is. Those Barbie dogs were bred to be ornaments, and I highly doubt they could be a useful farm dog if their life depended on it.


The GSDs were truly sad to watch. Their hind legs were rotating all over the place, and I saw a couple of them slip as they were trotting around. How can anyone breed dogs that are so obviously crippled?

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The ad runs first, THEN the group. You just have to sit through the ad is all.


Personally, I could not sit through the group. The dogs are all fat, and once you've seen one, you've seen them all. I noticed that thing about the tails too - they are 3/4's the length of my dogs' tails. RD's tail actually drags on the ground even.



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I agree with Maralynn. I don't think the dogs are ugly at all--they just don't look like most working dogs I know and certainly don't look as athletic as I think these dogs should look. Not ugly, but not my cup o' tea either. I was surprised to see that the handlers were letting them trot around the ring naturally (i.e., heads down, or at least no jacked up in the air and many on a loose lead), which I think is a good thing, but I did see a lot of tails in the air too. And I couldn't figure out the ears. They all appeared to be tipped, but kind of off to the side, but not airplane (at least not naturally that way)....


And RDM, they didn't *all* look alike. There was a dog of a different color in there! :rolleyes:



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I can't see the videos, either. I get the commercial (which makes me want to cry, BTW), then nothing.


Anyway, I was rambling on about the "black and white golden retriever" in the herding group last night. :rolleyes: My husband had to tell me to "leave it!".


They are pretty enough, but after seeing all of the working dog photos here, I just don't think "border collie" when I look at them.

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I think "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" aptly fits this one


I personally dont find barbies to be even slightly good looking lol I have to agree about the fat thing, when I watched the Tollers video it really bothered be watching the dogs trot with fat jiggling from side to side :D that must be why show people told me that Electra needs to gain weight lol darn these dogs with bending joints that dont jiggle when they walk :rolleyes:

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I was surprised to see that the handlers were letting them trot around the ring naturally (i.e., heads down, or at least no jacked up in the air and many on a loose lead), which I think is a good thing, but I did see a lot of tails in the air too. And I couldn't figure out the ears. They all appeared to be tipped, but kind of off to the side, but not airplane (at least not naturally that way)....


I looked up the breed standard (cause I was trying to figure out what was up with the ear thing too :D ), and it actually calls for the breed to be shown at a natural trot with the head at normal level. Of course it calls for some other stuff too that I didn't see represented.


Like the gaits I saw displayed. My Violet has that same sort of hitch in her get-along, which I probably wouldn't have noticed until I went to a sheep trial and saw how working BC actually move. The working BC reach under themselves with the hind feet and create a lot of impulsion but no bounce. The ACK BC seemed to me to show much shorter strides with a lot of bounce.


And wow, how'd y'all like to have to keep up with that much coat? :rolleyes:


I agree they all looked a bit overweight to me as well.


ETA: Julie - Why has Phoebe become the "rabid possum"?

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