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Hello again, lol. All these questions lately, sorry...


I am taking Willow with me on my vacation to PA next month. Willow loves to ride in the car, she get so excited but once she is in the car she doesnt seem as excited anymore. I keep the window open for her which she loves to stick her nose out but If I drive for more then 45 minutes she usually throwing up. I do not want her to be misrable driving for 6 hours and was told that I can give her Dramamine but was never told how much or how often it should be given. Do any of you know the dosage for a 35lb dog and have you ever used it?


Thanks again!!!

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I give Faye 1/2 a pill but it didn't stop her from throwing up. I don't feed her before we leave and I keep the window air on her but still like your pup if she goes for more than 45 minutes or so she's throwing up.

What i did find that worked best was to really tire her out before we leave. Then she sleeps instead of worries.

Good luck nothing fun about a car sick dog!

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My car sick dog did best with a very small amount of food on her stomach. The other thing that really worked for her was to stop for a quick walk just before she got to the vomiting point. I was eventually able to stretch the time she was comfortable in the car and somewhere along the way she outgrew it.

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I have seen quite a few people use it, but not with a lot of success. You might want to speak with your vet about Cerenia. Cerenia was originally designed as a treatment for motion sickness (although it is now used for a lot more things than that) and, if given an hour prior to departure, should prevent any vomiting for 24 hours. You can read more about Cerenia at: Motion Sickness in Dogs


Good luck!

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I do kennel work while I am in school at a local clinic. The pfizer rep came last month, and told us all about Cerenia. They have had a lot of good results using it for motion sickness without all the "dopey" effects of Dramamine. If you've got the spare cash it might be worth bugging the vet. Id be curious to hear how it worked for you.



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We have 4 or 5 clients who use Cerenia for their dogs who get car sick; they all seem very pleased with it. It sure has done a wonder on sick dogs, both the injectable and the tablets. Although it can be a little pricey, you may try the ginger first as I would think it's more friendly on the pocket book.

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I gave my very car sick dog half the adult dose of human travel sickness pills bought over the counter and they worked very well on a dog that would throw up less than a mile from home. They were OK'd by my vet.

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