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Pics of Asker

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I decided to take pictures of Asker when she came home from the vet's...so here's a few.


In this first pic; I didn't realize our cat; Diamond was behind her.








I'm just HAPPY she's home again....the bonding has to start all over again..since we weren't allowed to see her for 4 days. But she remembered her commands...she sits, stay, comes, and comes when called. So she didn't forget those things.


I should add which I didn't add before because I was so worried about Asker...Asker is our "working dog" a hearing dog and we depend on her a lot so we felt very lost without her in our home. It's nice to have our "right arm" back on and she's doing well so far and eating/drinking well and she went back to "work" as usual. She's curled up in her doggie bed next to me right now. All is well again in our home. Also we had a surprise today; someone dropped off about 100 dollars worth of beer/pop cans out of the blue at our home..so that will go to Asker's vet bill. It didn't cost as much we feared...it was less than 800 so we are thankful for that and more thankful she's doing well now.

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Don't worry about the training/bonding you did before being all gone. Shonie had a brother that was also in foster care with her. I saw the two of them maybe 3 or 4 times over a period of a couple weeks, then didn't see Kip again for a year. When he saw me, he acted like I was Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and a winning lottery ticket all in one package.


She remembers you, guaranteed. Give her some time to feel better and get some appetite back, poor thing. Glad she's home with you again.



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Nice to see pics of Asker, relaxing at home with her people. She looks very relieved. Take it easy with her and keep us updated on how she's doing. Like Ruth, I don't think your brief separation will have had any effect other than making her want to be with you more :rolleyes:



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Don't worry about the training/bonding you did before being all gone. Shonie had a brother that was also in foster care with her. I saw the two of them maybe 3 or 4 times over a period of a couple weeks, then didn't see Kip again for a year. When he saw me, he acted like I was Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and a winning lottery ticket all in one package.


She remembers you, guaranteed. Give her some time to feel better and get some appetite back, poor thing. Glad she's home with you again.





I wondered about that. I've yet to run into a dog that went through the rescue anywhere but, most dog are with us about 3 weeks before getting a home.


I'm so glad asker is home with you and well.

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I wondered about that. I've yet to run into a dog that went through the rescue anywhere but, most dog are with us about 3 weeks before getting a home.


I used to own a chow chow who had about a half-dozen people he'd allow to touch him without attempting to amputate one or more of their appendages. When he was about two, we ran into his breeder at a show, whom he hadn't seen since he was eight weeks old. He rushed right up to her, patting her knees with his paws and showering her with purple kisses when she bent down to pat him. She wouldn't believe that he remembered her, but I knew he did given his maniacal mistrust of the rest of the human race.

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Asker is doing VERY WELL...her diarrhea has cleared up about 2 days ago. She's very spunky and I'm just teary to see how well she's doing. She has gained back her weight...slowly. But she's getting there. She's eating gastro food right now 3 times a day and her hip bones aren't showing anymore now. She does have a long way to go to gain weight. Asker gets plenty of cuddles from us and we both are thankful she's alive and healing. She finished up the last round of her antibiotics today.


She's 5 months old. But she has taken on the job to let us know when someone's in our driveway, and even when one of the kids are up from bed in the middle of the night, and so on. She would jump on the bed and paw at me when something's up in the middle of the night. So it's nice to have our "right arm" back on again. She has not been officially trained to be our hearing dog nor we had planned to use her in that method. But she seem to have decided to take up the job so she's kind of training herself in a sense. Will post more pictures of Asker maybe tmrw when I have a chance to upload more pics of her. We have snow here up to our knees and my husband took the dogs out for a walk tonite wearing snowshoes and they all bounded in/out the snow like little bunnies.


I just love her typical border collie look; the sideways glare as she trots off with her rollover slice. Aspen used to have that look too. I think that's a border collie type of look that says "hands off".

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