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Merry Christmas to you too Esox and Alex, AND EVERYONE!

I hope you are all blessed with good health, happiness as well as family and/or friends over the holiday season and beyond.

Ailsa & Skye-dog

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Merry Christmas to all. We had a big family dinner and present opening at our house last night. 6 adults and 5 kids ages 1-12. We all had a great time. The dogs were soooo good! I kept Holly in her pen because of the two littlest ones. But she did really good! Letting the kids pet her over the gate. After everyone left around 9, the dogs just crashed! They didn't bug me the whole rest of the night to play! They didn't get much physical excercise, but when they are used to just me and maybe 1 or 2 other people, they were in mental stimulation overdrive! Of course THAT only lasted till I got up this morning! :rolleyes: Today, I feel blessed and content.

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