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Usher got an owie

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:rolleyes: Maybe I was wrong about Bliss being beaten. She is very strange about objects being thrown, and is fine at the doggy park, except with Ush. She bit him. Pretty good sized gash. I took him into the vet and 277.00 later, here is is....pitiful guy. Cone head again. He's doggy doped up. While he was under, even though he's only 2, I had them take what little tarter there was on his teeth. Now he has to go to doggy jail with a cone head, unless he stops licking before that. My BF is so sweet, he fed him by hand and ice cubes. Usher is so spoiled.


Maybe Bliss came out of a pack of dogs and they didn't put up with her B.S. and that's why she is scared. I just am trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle with her together. NO MORE DOGGIE PARK FOR HER!!!!


This comes at a bad time, as I am leaving Usher at a kennel (I already checked and they said- bring the cone, just in case) but us Mom's worry. Here are some pictures of his 8 stitches.

My "cone head" boy





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Ooofh! That looks like it hurts - and it's in a really lickable place, which makes it tough to keep his mouth away.


Sorry about Bliss. That's too bad. My guy is not good with many dogs, either, and so can't spend time at any dog parks. Too many unpredictable things. He also will assume any stick being thrown is for him, and will try to protect it from any other dog.



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Poor Usher! She's fine with all other dogs at the dog park but Usher? How is she at home with him? Sorry, I haven't been following her story....is she a foster or a keeper?


I'm afraid I'd be making some changes if she'd done that to one of my dogs...

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I had a rescue for over a year that did that to one of my pack. This was a dog that came to me from a working home. She hated sheep, due to some bad handling skills of the previous owner. looked totally beaten if she saw sheep, she'd go cower with her head in a corner. I know she wasn't. She was terrified of men and cars too. By the time she left she was fine but never got over her fear of sheepwork.

She was working the other dog while we played frisbee and had never made contact before. I don't think she meant to do it, it was her canine that I think just got stuck and ripped. She looked totally suprised when it happened. I think he got 5 stiches. Healed quickly.


Poor conehead Usher.

A note about making up what you think might have happened to a rescue. These dogs can be strange. I find it better if I never know what happens to a dog that I take in. Unless it medical. That way I don't feel "sorry" for the dog and they get over their issues quicker if you're not feeling sorry for them. A little recent history is good but trying to determine what happened to a rescue with a past that is unknown can get me in all sorts of feel sorry for the dog issues.



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I don't know Northof49, it's where all my dogs nip each other if they get to wound up about working each other if one is playing fetch or something simular. It's exactly where the rescue I refered to bit my dog. As the dog runs by they reach out and nip at the hip area.

Guess it could just be my dogs.



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Poor Usher! That's in a lousy place for healing too! Hope it heals fast.


I think if it was a "vicious" attack, Dianne would have known. I'm sure she is not going to subject Usher to a dog that would do this sort of thing on purpose. Sometimes crap happens. *shrugs* JMO

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Thanks guys. No vicious attack. Usher is quick as lightning and Bliss just doesn't like any kind of ball fetching. We had taken her to the park before and everything was fine. Usher didn't even yelp. Just dropped the ball and we didn't notice it until later when he was licking at it. At home, all is great. I don't know what happened.


Usher is such a friendly dog, I hope this doesn't make him fearful of other dogs or aggressive. He's managing well with his cone head. Bliss wouldn't eat this morning. I think she realized she did something wrong. I've given up trying to guess their pasts.


Bliss is normally a very sweet dog. Just an accident, but poor Usher- my little furry friend!

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I would be concerned about where she bit him. Most dogs go for the head or neck areas etc. Most don't go for the stomach - even a lunge on a dog running by.


Sure they do. That's exactly the spot where Tweed left two teeth marks raked down the side of a Doberman a couple of weeks ago. Had the dog been a little slower, Tweed probably would have bit him - right there.


Dogs go for the head or neck areas when they are wrestling. When they nail a dog running by, they get the ribs, abdomen or ass.



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I think I'd be washing this dog out as Service Dog material personally Dianne, at least in public since it's pretty obvious she's lacking in some bite inhibition with other dogs. SDs can't show aggression, even if they don't like a fast moving whatever near them.


Hope Usher feels better soon.

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I don't think I'd call that aggression. Yes dogs know when and how hard they are gonig to bite but....the example I gave about the rescue I had, she was moving, her target was moving and she caught him with her canine tooth. Accident is what I thought it was. Not the bite but how bad the bite ended up being.

If it were me, I'd just keep doing what I was planning on and see what or where it goes. You can always change your mind later but to now say this dog is not a candidate is a rather quick judgement.


But...I don't know anything about training SD's. Haven't trained one. I have trained quite a few stockdogs, if I stopped each time I thought things went sorta wrong, I'd never have gotten one trained. One step forward 2 back then the next day it's 5 steps forward and none back. ya never know unless you quit. Then you know it's over.


Just my 2 cents.



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I don't think I'd call that aggression. Yes dogs know when and how hard they are gonig to bite but....the example I gave about the rescue I had, she was moving, her target was moving and she caught him with her canine tooth. Accident is what I thought it was. Not the bite but how bad the bite ended up being.

If it were me, I'd just keep doing what I was planning on and see what or where it goes. You can always change your mind later but to now say this dog is not a candidate is a rather quick judgement.


But...I don't know anything about training SD's. Haven't trained one. I have trained quite a few stockdogs, if I stopped each time I thought things went sorta wrong, I'd never have gotten one trained. One step forward 2 back then the next day it's 5 steps forward and none back. ya never know unless you quit. Then you know it's over.


Just my 2 cents.



I'm not giving up on Bliss. As I see it, it was purely an accident. Most of it MY fault because I knew how she was about tennis balls. Usher appreciates your sympathy and is getting spoiled treatment. The worst part is I have to leave him Thursday night and I'll worry.

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