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Hi everyone. I just joined this site.


I used a lot of the information here when I was deciding whether or not to get a border collie puppy, and now that our puppy will be coming home next week I decided to join the forums.


We will be bringing the puppy home early next week, just shy of 9 weeks. She is black white and tan with just a little bit of tan right now. We hope that she will be a good agility prospect. The breeder thinks she will be. We are also probably going to get into or dabble in flyball and herding. There is a place nearby me that does herding.


We currently have a 3 1/2 year old presumed GSD / Lab mix named Salem, and also 3 cats. Our new addition doesn't have a name yet. We are going to spend some time with her before naming her.


I'm going to attempt to post some pictures below. :rolleyes:


BC pup at 6 weeks. Sorry the picture quality is pretty bad. It was dark when I took it. I'm sure I will get some better ones next week.












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I recognize your signature. :D How is your puppy doing after her spay?


I did read the "read me" already. :D I also did a lot of reading on this site while I was looking into breeders. I'm really greatful for it, and I really learned a lot. The "red flags" article I found was extremely helpful!


My new pup will be ABCA registered and is from working parents. The breeder I found was great, but I found LOTS of really bad ones before I found her. Someone on the dog.com forum suggested All Around Border collies. My research into that one was quite sickening at best. :rolleyes:


I hope to get to know you all better. This puppy will be the first well-bred puppy (sorry Salem) I have had, and also the first border collie. I can't wait to get her into some activities!


And yes Salem is male, and he is my pride and joy. I love him to bits!

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Hi Salem's mom!


Hope you have a great time with your puppy!


It's fine to say where you got your pup from - there's some relatives here if I remember correctly.


Have you thought of any names yet?

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Every name I like dh doesn't and vise versa, lol. I really like Willow, but dh says people will call her Will. It seems to go that way with every name we come up with. I'm sure once we spend a little more time with her something will come to us. Thats the way it worked with Salem.


If anyone has any ideas for good names, please post away. We like 2 syllable names, and they can't sound too much like Salem.


She and her siblings are fiesty little things. I'm sure we are really going to have our hands full! Salem was also a very active guy so we know the routine.


When we went to go visit the puppies the first time I went from work and was wearing a long skirt. The breeder said they haven't been around anyone wearing a long skirt yet, and they were all really interested. Then one puppy figured out how to pull down my knee high stocking, and after seeing one do it they all knew how to do it and were having a great time. I was pulling up my stockings the rest of the time we were there, lol.

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Salem's Mom,

I have a dog named Willow (she's the smooth tri in the bottom right corner of my siggy picture) and no one ever calls her "Will." Some of the accents around here change it into "Willer," and we still joke about a friend's son who thought he was cool remembering everyone's name easily (I have 9), but he had mistaken the name Willow for "Meadow" (don't ask me how), so we now joke around and call her "Willer Meadow." But no one ever shortens it to Will, FWIW.



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If anyone has any ideas for good names, please post away. We like 2 syllable names, and they can't sound too much like Salem.


Dare I suggest Winston? :rolleyes: ETA: never mind, just re-read that she's a she. Hmm. Something to do with witches, then? Maybe I'll just keep thinking.


Welcome to the boards!

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What a cute puppy! If you go to the Border Collie Museum website, there's a listing of border collie names and the meanings of some of the tradional Irish, or Old English ones. There is another listing of border collie names somewhere on the web, but darned if I can find it just now.

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Hi! What an adorable puppy!! Ok, since you have Salem, here are a few names that I had used when I had a Salem. Now, the Salem I had was a ferret, but I had the mystic theme going. We had Willow, Maleah, Mystickal (Mysti for short), Spirit, and Amity. Welcome to the boards and am looking forward to seeing this baby grow! :rolleyes:

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