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Riven ate 10 day old turkey

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Long story short, Riven got a 10 day old turkey carcass from the trash outside. She has been having issues with poultry making her gassy lately, so add to that eating a rotten turkey. I did catch her before she ate a lot (I think). But this morning she is shaking, gassy, runny poo ect ect. I called the vet and she has an appointment in an hour. They have meds to give her but she has to be seen first. Im sick of seeing the vet, but at least it isnt Rohan this time.


Anyone have any ideas what I should be feeding her tonight? I know the vet will say Science Diet. I had heard like cooked chicken breast or something is soothing, but she's got poultry issues lately so I wont give her chicken. I imagine she must feel like what its like to have food poisoning and that is no fun. Thank God she acts somewhat normal in terms of energy. She isnt lethargic or anything.


Im blabbing on...

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Poor Riven! I'd probably go with the Science Diet (if that's what they recommend) for a day or two. Or I usually give some steamed or boiled white rice white. Allie always likes to have plain yogurt when her tummy is off.



My vet told me boiled ground beef, cooked white rice, and a spoonful of pumpkin all together. I had a dog with colitis.

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Gurgling Guts...boo. Amazing how they find the nastiest things to eat! Cedar got into something decomposing that made his guts churn and spew for a day. I let him fast for one day with lots of water, a good bone to chew and lots of love then back to his regular food (raw) the next morning and it all worked itself out. Luckily it's cold enough outside now that the garbage freezes instead of becoming a buffet for the neighborhood pets.

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Well I was feeding her raw till about a week ago. She for some reason developed an issue with poultry. We can not afford to feed her a raw diet if chicken isnt part of it. So we went to Science Diet kibble. I know I know it sucks, but I live an hour from any major dog food sellers, and after my issue with Rohan and Felidae Im not so sure Science Diet is horrible. Anyway, so she is on kibble, but I dont feel it would be comforting to eat with an upset tummy. Kind of like cereal for food poisoning in humans is what I am thinking. I could be way way off though. I dont think I could get her to eat rice. If I just pass on feeding her tonight, would that harm her at all? Would all that ick still pass if she doesnt have stuff to pass it with? Would it do more bad than feeding kibble?

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What would I feed my dog in this situation?


Absolutely nothing tonight.


I'd make sure she had water, and that whatever flooring she is on is cleanable. Then tomorrow I'd start back with small meals of boiled meat and low salt broth.


Boone did this with some sort of ?? item he found in the pasture at about 6 months. He blew the remains of out of both ends, spiked a temp, and was shaking. The vet had us put him on subq fluids, and give him a homeopathic remedy for food poisening/over eating. He slept it off for about 2 days.


There has got to be a compromise between Science Diet and raw. Even Purina ONE, a grocery store food, has a better rep.

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If I just pass on feeding her tonight, would that harm her at all? Would all that ick still pass if she doesnt have stuff to pass it with? Would it do more bad than feeding kibble?


See what your vet recommends. Very often in these cases, they will recommend a fast for at least 24 hours, then followed by limited special food. What works varies from dog to dog. For instance, my Lhasa has an allergy to rice so that isn't the best choice to help his gut return to normal.

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I too had my doubts about my dogs eating rice but they love it. We give them all a bit of rice when we have it for dinner as a treat. Carlie recently had some blow out diarrhea combined with vomiting. The vet recommended that I give her rice and meat baby food, which is easier to digest, for a couple of meals and start adding her kibble back in. Since Riven has poultry issues you can get beef or pork baby food for her to mix with her rice. Just a thought.



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Poor Riven. I hope she feels better soon.

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LOL Lenajo :D Shame on you, BoPeep, eating out of the garbage :rolleyes:


Donna, hope Riven is feeling better tomorrow. I use rice very often for Ouzo - sensible stomach, alergy to poultry - and he loves it. If she doesn't eat it right away (try hand feeding it first), mix it with something for taste, cheese, soup, anything, or simply add some salt/seasoning when you're boiling the rice. That reminds me, I have to actually buy some instant rice, because I hate waiting for it to boil for 15 mins. I need to have some microwavable white rice ready for Ouzo emergencies :D

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Ugh! Poor Riven!


I need to have some microwavable white rice ready

You can freeze cooked rice. I always make extra rice and freeze the leftovers in ziplock bags. That way I have pre-cooked rice for soups and stews. No reason that wouldn't work for doggies, too.


For what it's worth, my vet always recommends a 24 hour fast for upset tummys followed by a bland diet for a few days. I've done the rice/baby food (just make sure to avoid baby food with onion....onions can be toxic to dogs).

I've also done ground beef/cottage cheese. Just brown the ground beef like you would for yourself and then put it in a strainer and rinse all the grease out (pour some Dawn dish washing detergent down the drain first to prevent a grease clog....works like a charm).

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Poor Riven. I'd see what the vet says but I'd skip food today and start with bioled rice tomorrow. My vet advised the cheapest rice I could find. Apparantly its got more starch and this helps to firm them up. I'd also suggest a bit of boiled fish if poultry's out. I usually offer rice and egg or chicken.

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LOL BoPeep.. That carcuss is still in the trash if you'd like it for later :rolleyes:


Well, the vet says Rivens digestive enzymes are messed up and they gave me some funky liquid stuff to give her called Probiocine SA. Then pills to help her stomach calm down called Metronidazole. She is acting fine, just running outside to poo nothing but squats like she is trying.


There has got to be a compromise between Science Diet and raw. Even Purina ONE, a grocery store food, has a better rep

You know I was all open to new foods until Rohans Felidae issue. I havent ever had an issue with SD diet and honestly, I believe it saved Rohans life as a kitten, and again now. I guess my thoughts on it are dont fix it if it isnt broke. I know you probably disagree heavily, but as Im the one paying almost $1000 in vet bills for switching from SD to something *I* thought was better, I'll stick with what works. I dont mean that nearly as snippy as it sounded.


On a side note, when I got back there was a little black kitten down the sidewalk and I thought nothing of it. There is a lady here we refer to as the dragon lady and she has a bajillion outdoor cats, but they're all feral and not fixed... ARGH. Anywho this little kitten comes tearing across the street and right at me, blazes past Riven and is like begging me to pick her up. I mean this is a LITTLE kitten, cant be more than 3 or so months old. I know my hubby would shoot me where I stood if I got another cat right now. I picked her up and went to my friends house across the street. I was thinking holy crap what am I gonna do with this adorable little kitty. I walk in the door and I was like "Rachel, look what I found". She comes over to me, grabs the cat and says "I claim her". Well, fast forward 20 minutes later. Rachel has a litter box w/cat litter, wet and dry food, and has fallen in love with this little kitten. Her hubby said she could keep it, and she has 3 little girls who will be SO excited when they come home from school. It was awesome. She looks gangly, like she hasnt been taken care of, she ate like she hasnt eaten in months. Her tummy is a bit big, so I told her she needs to have her checked for worms.

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One of her nicknames was Hoover. It wasn't after the late former president.

I can relate to that; I have a scavenger dog. Sometimes I can stop her in time; sometimes I can get her to spit it out; sometimes she is just too fast and I just have to keep my fingers crossed. And yes, sometimes she gets the runs. That's part of the joy of having a dog. As long as she is otherwise feeling OK, I just give her light food with, for example pumpkin or rice, until it's over. She gets a daily dollop of plain yoghurt, so I have never bothered with fancy stuff like Probiocin. Rice and curds (i.e. yoghurt) is good stuff for humans with unsettled tummies, too. Only thing is that I'm not so sure about the microwave stuff -- we always have some cooked rice around.

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Yay for that kitten finding a home! People like that "cat lady".... uggghhhhh. Talk about making a bad situation worse!


Poor Riven. I too would withold food for a day, then start something bland until things settled. The joys!

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Rivendell is doing good actually. I expected to be woke up last night with her needing out ASAP, but she slept all night. Arwen kicked her off the bed as usual, but she snuck back on and I woke up half laying on her lol. She's so adorable.


Yay for that kitten finding a home! People like that "cat lady".... uggghhhhh. Talk about making a bad situation worse!


To top it off she is a horrible wretch of a woman and it is impossible to even speak to her, much less try to ask her to quit supporting animal overpopulation.


We are going to get some wormer for the kitty her daughters named "Hannah Pudders Johnson" (hannah montanta and my nickname for Rohan), and whatever else is needed. Here's some pics




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Ok this is wierd. I saw the cat outside again. I brought it to my friend, and she's like how did she get out? I was like I dunno, she's like that isnt the same cat. I said yes it is. She opened the door and goes... no, thats Hannah... Hannah was on the chair sleeping. There was another nearly identical kitten. So she took that one, but Im sure her hubby is gonna be upset about it. We may have to take it to the shelter :rolleyes: But they have a daughter who doesnt have an animal, the other 2 do, so maybe they'll keep it. Anywho... wierd. But they're both litter box trained! They have to have been someones cats and they just let them out.

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I'm so glad she's doing good. I hate upset stomachs. They're the worst.


I know all to well the outcome of having too many feral cats running around. It's sad but there's not to much to do with them if you can't even touch them. I wish people would wake up and spend a day in an animal shelter and see how bad it is.

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