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I'm so un-impressed

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If Shadow needs to go out at night she paws at me and whines to wake me up so I can take her out... normally. What did she do this morning? Squatted in my damn bed and peed all over my leg. Not a single whine (I was already awake, I'd really have heard the whine) just squatted and peed on me. This resulted in a swat on the toosh, and a yelling VERY angry mom. I am definitely NOT a happy person this morning :D An accident is one thing, but to deliberately squat and pee in my bed / on me is another... and she asked for a cookie afterwards? WTF?! Think she'll be spending tonight in her crate :rolleyes:

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Be careful about assigning human motives to dogs ("she deliberately peed on me"). It's possible there's something going on that caused the behavior and it might help to consider that instead of just being angry. For example, the first time I became aware that Willow was suffering incontinence was when she left a big wet spot on the bed and I rolled in it (bleh!). I could have gotten angry and punished her, but it turns out that the problem was beyond her control. I took her to the vet, got her on the appropriate meds, and no more problems, unless I'm traveling and my partner forgets to give her the meds. I realize this isn't quite the same thing as your situation, but remember that puppies are basically infants/tiny children mentality-wise and so their behavior can't really be judged from an adult human perspective.... I think crating her at night is a good idea. Even my adults go back to their crates for a couple nights as reinforcement of "you can sleep through the night" if they decide to get me up to go out multiple times in the night.



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Thats happened to me before...except Ido does not really give much of a warning when she needs to go out. Her signs are very subtle, she acts kind of restless. Well, being on my laptop, I failed to notice she kept getting up, turning around, every 5 min or so. She finally just couldn't hold it any longer and she just stood up and peed...Of course I sat right up with an "IDO!" and she took off, peeing her way to the door, LoL. We laughed over it in the end, because she REALLY had to go, there was a steady stream of urine from the bedroom to the door....and thats quite a hike!


Keep in mind puppies tend to put things off or forget until its too late. "Whassat whassat whassat--Oop gotta pee!" is more of the puppy-mindset. Its quite likely she just suddenly woke up, realized she had to go BAD, and went because she couldn't hold it to contemplate asking you to go out. Kids wet the bed, puppies will too.


One contributor, if you rule out the medical side of things, might be the amount of water she drinks before bed. I have to pull up water at 8 for my pooches.

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One thing that I learned- our pups learn to associate US with the pee/poop thing- we bring them out on a leash, and tell them they are so good when they go. Sometimes when they *really* have to go, they are late letting us know, and then when they finally do let us know, they skip the outside part. So, basically, she was telling you she really had to go- just couldn't hold it until she got there. Just be more vigilant on her routine, and ensure that she really goes before bed, and let her out early. She should be fine.

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My first thought was to make sure she doesn't have a UTI. One time Finn jumped up on my freshly-made bed (while I was folding laundry on it), looked directly into my face, and urinated right in the center of it, aaaall over my nice fluffy down comforter. :D:rolleyes: My knee-jerk reaction was "AAAAH!!! WTH are you DOING?!?!?!?" but immediately on the heels of that was "I wonder if you have a bladder infection." Which, as it turned out, he did. In retrospect, I could recall some subtle clues he might be having a problem (staring intently at me in between marking outside, low-grade anxiety), but I had not put them all together into a complete picture. It's an EXCELLENT point that you DO have to be careful not to ascribe human motivations to animals; but it still leaves the impression that it was almost as if he was trying to let me in on the fact that his bladder (and/or urination) was distressing him. He IS a BC... as brilliant as they are, it can be hard to tell, with them (since I daily thank God they don't have opposable thumbs). :D


I'd completely agree it's not vengeance or spite or trying to be a brat. It might just be a house-breaking problem.... but it might be a good idea to get a urine sample for your vet just in case.

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I'm a Bastetist, so its in my nature to know that animals, like humans, can do things out of spite (tho in my religion we learned it from them hehe). She's normally AWESOME at letting me know she needs to go, and I do know that it was an accident, my first instinct was just WTF is going on? And when I realized I was being peed on it was OMG BAD DOG! I felt bad all day tho =/ She'll end up in bed tonight LOL, she generally sleeps all night and 1/2 the next day if she can... I have a lazy BC. I think I will try to collect a urine sample monday morning tho, and take it in for testing just in case, lately shes been going out and peeing 2 or 3 times instead of once, and wanting to go out more frequently.


At least it wasn't poop... :rolleyes:

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This is honest curiosity - I tried to Google it but came up with no good results. What is "Bastetist?" Is that the wrong spelling?


I love to learn new words, and that's one I've never heard, so I'm curious about it. You don't have to explain on here... but I'd love the right spelling to Google it.





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I think I will try to collect a urine sample monday morning tho, and take it in for testing just in case, lately shes been going out and peeing 2 or 3 times instead of once, and wanting to go out more frequently.


Any chance you can get Shadow to the vet before the weekend? The bit about peeing 2 or 3 times instead of once, and wanting to go out more frequently, would have me hightailng it to the vet to check for a UTI. (But then, I am my vet's best friend :rolleyes: ).


Seriously - I would be checking on this sooner rather than later, especially if the changed urination pattern has been going on a little while - I wouldn't be waiting till after the weekend.


Oh, and I have to agree that I don't believe Shadow would be peeing inappropriately out of spite. JMHO

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This is honest curiosity - I tried to Google it but came up with no good results. What is "Bastetist?" Is that the wrong spelling?


I love to learn new words, and that's one I've never heard, so I'm curious about it. You don't have to explain on here... but I'd love the right spelling to Google it.






I admit my first thought was to wonder if it had anything to do with Bast (also known as Bastet in some quarters), the Egyptian Cat Goddess. (Okay, I admit that's a long shot! But it would be really intresting if true.) But I think I'm straying off-topic so I'll knock it off now. :rolleyes:


Back to the possible UTI.... if you've never had one you can't imagine how miserably uncomfortable they can be. I don't think I'D want to wait through the weekend on one, miserable as they are, not to mention the risk of ascending infections; if you can, maybe get a sample in tomorrow.

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Vet is actually closed until Tuesday =/ Going to call the other vets in a minute here and see if they are open, but its not likely (holiday weekend here). I know she's 31 pounds on the nose, so I'll stop by the vet college and get some antibiotics, rather start her on those without the appointment than have her wait until Tuesday.


And yes, I'm a follower of Bast, a very very old religion =) But I'm also a scientist, so I have understandings from both religion and science =) My degree is actually focusing on botany and animal behaviour ^,^ It is a primarily feline based religion, but it gives you a closeness to all of nature, very druidic in nature. Not many of us around tho =/

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