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My wife and I decided to have Baby cremated at a facility that was recommended by the clinic.

Her ashes are on the mantle in an oak box engraved with her name so she will always be with us.

We would like express out sincerest thanks and gratitude to all.


So as to feel that her loss was not in vain, please be aware and keep in mind that whatever struck her down did so quickly.

We will never know what the exact nature of her illness was but this was the progression.

Day 1 - Hindquarter weakness, able to stand but unsteady gait. Alert and attentive.

Day 2 - Increased weakness and unable to stand on hind legs. Drooling while eating and reguritation of food. X-rays at this point showed lungs clear and esophagus normal. Tensinol test for myasthenia gravis showed minimal improvement.

Day 3 to Day 5 - No significant change other than occasional "throat clearing". It was like she was trying to clear her throat, but nothing would come out. Still alert and would try to scoot herself from place to place. 2nd Tensinol test on Day 4 repeated Day 2 results.

Day 6 - Some improvement in hinquarters after 2 days of passive range of motion exercises with her legs. Able to hold a standing position but could not get to that position by herself. Late in day 6 started gurgling while breathing. Beginning stages of pneumonia.

Day 7 - X-rays confirmed pneumonia in 1 lobe of 1 lung. Increasing weakness and difficulty breathing. X-rays also showed enlarged esophagus. IV antibiotics started as well as IV fluids because of dehydration.

Day 8 - Pneumonia not responding to antibiotics, both lungs affected and filling with fluid. At one point she stopped breathing and had to be intubated. Started breathing on her own again but could not maintain sufficient blood oxygen levels. Decided not to put her on a ventilator because vet advised success rate for this rapid a progression virtually zero. We made the decision for euthanisia.


The neurologist did feel that it was a neuro-muscular problem. He also said there are about a half dozen conditions other than MG that could have caused such a sudden onset and rapid decline.

We don't know if we could have done anything differently that would have changed the outcome. We are not beating ourselves up for that.

We did want to share the clinical side with everyone so that maybe someone else dog can spared a similar fate.

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I am so sorry for your sadness. When I lost my 15-year old about 6 months ago, a friend sent me this:




Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.


When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.


You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

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I hope that the following is of some consolation to you and your family.




My precious girl passed away, no more to share my day.

I held her for the last time, then sent her on her way.

Day and night I wept so much, in tears I thought I'd drown.

I searched my soul for comfort, but no peace therein was found.


In great despair, I hit my knees and then began to pray.

"Father, will I ever see my dog again someday?"

I raised my eyes and saw an angel standing near a gate.

I sensed an inner peace I'd never felt before that day.


The angel smiled and said to me, "Oh ye of little faith!

God sees every bird that falls; He knows your puppy's fate.

I have met your little dog, I saw her pass my way.

Your precious dog is still alive; she just walked through this gate.


Paradise is lovelier than you can comprehend.

No pain or grief, no tears or fears, and life will have no end.

God gave to man His only Son, to cover all his sins.

So why would God withhold from you, your pure and loving friend?”


The angel took me by the hand and said, "Now come with me.

A glimpse of paradise I'll give, to you so you can see."

Through the gate and o'er the Rainbow Bridge we did proceed.

Through green valleys filled with flowers, rolling hills and trees.


“Wow, so this is paradise!” The place was filled with joy.

I saw my puppy playing there, with dogs and cats and toys.

She also had some doggie treats, and food that she enjoyed.

She'd made a lot of new friends there, including girls and boys.


Then I saw a child come near, and hug my little mate.

She said to her, "I love you so," and kissed her on the face.

The angel said, "The child just crossed the Rainbow Bridge today.

Now she needs a little friend, to love and help her play.


God’s love for her would be enough, in that make no mistake.

But in His love, He knew full well, the child would want a mate.

This is why God called your dog unto this splendid place.

God’s entrusted her with your baby, ‘til you pass through the gate."


I pleaded, “May I hug them both?!” The angel answered, “No!

You’d violate a sacred site, and now it’s time to go.”

He led me back across the Bridge and through the gate to home.

He left me there with new-found hope and peace within my soul.


If someone ever asks what happens to a dog that dies,

Just give a gentle smile of joy and look them in the eye.

Take their hand and comfort them and tell them not to cry.

For dogs don’t die, they simply cross a bridge to paradise.


Baby Girl will be waiting for you, but right now she has important work to do. Like you, we have had, and will have, our dogs cremated; we have left instructions that their ashes are to be buried with us when the time comes.

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There's not much I can say that others haven'tt already. Baby Girl was such a special and loved dog. You guys did more for her than most would think about. She will always be with you, watching you, walking around with you, and playing with you. You can bet she knew she was loved. I'm very sorry for your loss.

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