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leaking urine?


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One of my girls started this a bit ago. I thought it was due to her tanking up on water before bed, but it isn't that. This happens when she is at rest, and it isn't THAT much, but enough for me to notice, and the volume varies. I suspect it is hormone related incontinence, and not a UTI, because my other girl had a UTI, and that was a whole different set of symptoms (LOTS of peeing outside etc- she was aware that she had to go). I have a vet appointment today, but I was wondering if any of you have had this with your girl dogs?




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If she's spayed that's a fairly common thing to develop. they usually stick them on a hormone-type drug and once you figure out the minimum amount you need it goes away.


Both of my mom's last 2 spayed females have done it.

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I haven't experienced it w/a younger dog, but 2 of mine have developed it after they were 12+. While it was only minor leaking during sleep, I opted to just put a puppy pad in the dog's bed. 1 eventually needed meds. Sara just went thru this for about 10 days after her surgery, then it stopped and the vet said it was probably just due to her other organs being swollen from the surgical stress thus causing pressure on her bladder when she was lying down.

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My Tyra wets the bed. Its been going on since she was 3. She was spayed at 8 weeks old at the shelter. I have her on PPA (I can't spell that out!). We tried the chewable tablets but after 10 days she WOULD NOT take them. So now I get it in capsule form. I open the capsule and sprinkle the meds on a strawberry. She loves it. I am VERY lucky. Tyra is on a super super low dose, 25mg every third or fourth day. I'm told this is rare.


We tried homeopathic stuff in the beginning. Some stuff worked for a couple months but then it was back to peeing in her sleep. Since being on the PPA she's only had one accident in 3 1/2 years. My fault because we ran out of meds.


Good luck


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Just back from the vet- they checked the urine- no uti, no glucose/ketones, so it looks like we are dealing with the hormone related incontinence. So... she now has the capsules- one in am, one at night- thanks for the heads up about opening them and putting on food- that will make things easier.


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If you have access to a holistic veterinarian, acupuncture works great. Had two spayed females that starting leaking at 8 & 15.

My veterinarian recommended acupuncture first. - I think to strengthen the sphincter muscle.

To my amazement NO drugs were needed, they went for treatment once every 3- 6 months, never leaked again.


Have to put in plug for acupuncture!

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can you tell me how this drug works?


Acupuncture is not going to work for all dogs, but it's certainly worth a try if one has access to a veterinary acupuncturist. There are always medications as a fallback position if it doesn't work.


(P.S. jvw: Phenylpropanolamine.) :rolleyes:

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Man it's nice to know I'm not the only one with a dog that wets the bed. Mine started it about 6 months to a year after being spayed. She is now 6 yrs. At first it seemed to coincide with when a dog would be coming into heat. This year hasn't been like that. Guess I will mention it to the vet next time I go in. Sure would be nice not to wake up to a wet bed. :rolleyes: And I sure am not giving up having her that near me.

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Just another suggestion...all these drugs work to some degree, for some dogs, for some time. However, my guess is that a dog with a serious problem is going to have "relapses" now and then (at least mine sure does). Before we got a modicum of control, I was having serious serious wet problems, and in an effort to keep the carpet somewhat dry, tried pretty much everything known to dog owner-dom. The "diapers" are stupid at best, and harmful at worst (think: baby in wet diaper until you happen to notice and change it; baby cries, hence mom checks diaper; dog doesn't cry....how long will it be wet? UGH!).


There are several types of "waterproof" dog beds made. But much better and cheaper solution is: crib pads. They are soft on top, don't leak, and come in pretty big sizes. I use several where my leaker usually sleeps, and just throw a towel (summer) or blanket (winter) over it. They're machine washable, and provide a nice waterproof barrier.



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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

I actually have a male dog with incontinence and he'd been on 25mg 2x a day of PPA for 2.5 yrs before I had to up his dose to 50mg 2x per day because it just seemed to lose it's effectiveness. From what I've heard/seen with other dogs on PPA, this is still a relatively low dose.


ADD (haha, what a nice acronym), is it common that PPA loses it's effectiveness and the dosage has to be increased over time?

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Okay, finally getting around to this...


The mechanism of PPA isn't fully understood, but it's thought that it causes release of norepinephrine, which acts on both an alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors, resulting in tightneing of the bladder neck. As for losing its effectiveness, yes, I have seen this myself, though not that often; there's some thought that prolonged use can cause a depletion of the noerpi stores and result in a decreased effectiveness for that reason. If you read the pharm books, they say it hasn't been ocumented in dogs; that doesn't mean it has never happend, just that it has not been proven. Bear in mind though that dose strength and dose interval may both be important in this drug so skipping doses (or even one dose) is a cause for failure as well.

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

I never miss a dose as he gets it in his meals. He had started having random accidents in the house which is how is incontinence started. I upped his dose and it stopped altogether again. I don't really mind upping his dose every 3 yrs since most people I have talked to about PPA START with higher doses than my dogs is getting after 3 yrs. The vet that prescribed the drug wanted me to start at the lowest possible level and then increase it if it didn't work or lost effectiveness so that's what I'm doing.

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