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Need a name ...

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Guest WoobiesMom

Zip, Skip, Stink, Sky, Pim, Pan

Cam - Vietnamese-orange fruit, sweet, beloved, referring to the sun,

Dae - Korean - greatness

Zoe - greek - life

Wynn - welsh - fair

Tam - vietnamese - heart

Nala - african - loved (ok 2 syllables)

Lore - basque - a flower




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Oh, I like Keen also ...


I was thinking about trying to put some meaning behind the name. I lost my mother in 2005, and while Irish herself, she was very interested in the Hopi culture. If you remember, I had a dog named Kiva. So now I was researching the different Kachina dancers and Kokopellis to see if I can find another name that I liked, but haven't found one yet.


The other name I came up with is Jill. I love that name for a dog, however, my sister (aka my best friend) is Jill. That would prove to be far too confusing, I would think, despite that we are physically 1000 miles apart. But ... she loves the casino! So ... I could come up with a name that has something to do with gambling ... playing cards ... slots ... dice ... luck ...


Hmmm ...

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Guest Freckles LaLa Mom

I like smudge or wren


EDIT: well ad on...


I thought wren when I saw her...I hadnt even read the other's suggestions yet :rolleyes:

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SHADE (i know its weird lol)

BLITZEN-- I dont know whether this is a boy or girl name>?


also QUIN. even though its kinda a boys name, it means intelligent



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I was thinking about trying to put some meaning behind the name. I lost my mother in 2005, and while Irish herself, she was very interested in the Hopi culture.


When I saw her I immediately thought Wren. My fiance is from Northern Ireland, and he always calls me "birdy", which is sort of a cuter way of saying girl. Hence, Wren is a birdy, a cute little girl, and there's a bit of meaning behind it because your mum was from Ireland. :rolleyes:

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Guest TheRuffMuttGang

Kix, Dart, Fame, Zoom, Blur, Rush, Spy, Blade, Storm, Traxx, Tag, Shrek, Vice, Vibe, Hype


All names I like but are sort of "out of bounds" for me since I know dogs with all of these names.

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Oh, I like Keen also ...


I was thinking about trying to put some meaning behind the name. I lost my mother in 2005, and while Irish herself, she was very interested in the Hopi culture. If you remember, I had a dog named Kiva. So now I was researching the different Kachina dancers and Kokopellis to see if I can find another name that I liked, but haven't found one yet.


Here are a few Roughly translated Hopi names that came to my mind.


Paho (prayer offering)

Yapa (mockingbird)

Ki-sa (Hawk)

Kuna (chipmunk)

Hona (bear)

Chiwá (goat)

Tuawta (The Hopi believe "Tuawta" is One Who Sees Magic.)

These "translations" are simplistic due to the complexity of the Hopi language.


Tell you what Jodi if your really serious about wanting to relate you new pups name to Honor your mothers respect for the Hopi culture,, as odd as this might sound.

E-mail this man

Casper Lomayesva

include a picture of your pup and an explanation why you wish her name to relate to the Hopi in some fasion.

Tell him that an "old" friend that knows him via a mutual association with Talowa of

Bullet Proof Recordings & Productions felt that if you contacted him that He would know what your pups name should be.

Casper is a fantastic human being and I believe you will recieve an answer pretty quick unless he is just totally swamped or away from his studio somewhere in the world doing what he does (I know he has a couple of concerts next week one in AZ and one in Canada).


Might sound weird but I think you understand if you know about the Hopi culture.

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In the tongue of my ancestors,

gvlieliga (your welcome)


The name that came to me when I was looking at her picture(she sure is a cutie) was

Hundjxunuga (Ojibawa, sounds kinda like Hun-jaw-naw-ga when spoken)which means "little bear" I thought Nuga or Nug for short would be cool(something about her reminded me of Bear medicine).But I understand your draw to the Hopi and their language differs.

Let me know what comes of your contacting Casper,,I think he would be honored by your request.(who knows you may find yourself and your pup invited to one of his concerts when he has a gig in your neck of the woods so he can meet her and you) :rolleyes:

I don't know if you have ever heard any of his music, it is quite unique.

He uses his music to express his very positive Spiritual view of the human condition.

Heres a clip you can D/L that will give you good taste of what he is about.worth downloading even with a slow connection like i have.

Him and I have some mutual friends up around GreenBay in the music business that are on the same "path"


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